Russian Social University (RSSU) is a modern educational institution that occupies a significant place in the education system of our country. This is a large educational organization located in Moscow and has 8 branches. Unites RSSU more than 50 thousand students. Many applicants are interested in this university, asking their friends about whether it is worth doing here. There is no need to rush into making a decision about admission. To begin with, you should analyze the features of this educational institution and reviews of the RSSU.
A bit of the history of the university
RSSU is a fairly young institution of higher education in our country. Officially, the history of the university began in 1991 with the appearance of the Russian Socio-Political Institute in the capital. However, in reality, everything started a little earlier.
Where does the RSSU originate from? The beginning of the work of the predecessor, from which the modern university has grown, dates back to 1978. At that time, a higher party school was opened in Moscow. In 1990, the educational institution was renamed. education althe organization continued its work under the name of the Institute for Social and Political Problems of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

In the distant past, the educational institution functioned in one small building. The Russian State Social University (RGSU) today is 4 academic buildings. On V. Pika Street, 4, the main building of the university is located. It has 7 faculties - humanitarian, linguistic, information technology, ecology and technosphere safety, communication management, sociology, management.
Another building is located at 18 Stromynka Street. A. Schnittke.
A special educational building is the building on 40 Losinoostrovskaya Street.
Not far from the college there is another building of the university - on Losinoostrovskaya Street, 24. The faculties of psychology, social work, and physical culture conduct educational activities in this building.

Dormitories and recreation centers of RSSU
From the reviews about RSSU it is known that it has dormitories. The university has 4 specially equipped buildings. They have created comfortable conditions for living - there is the necessary furniture, appliances.
Also, the university owns several recreation centers located in ecologicallyclean areas. One of these bases is a sanatorium for students and employees. It includes a building with residential rooms, outdoor sports grounds for basketball, volleyball, mini-football, a fitness center with a gym, a billiards room, and a sauna.
The future of the educational institution: goals and plans
RSSU is a well-known educational institution, it is considered an effective university (that is, leading high-quality educational activities). However, this is not the limit of possibilities. The university management understands this very well, so it sets new goals for itself.
In the future, it is planned to strengthen the position of the university in the field of Russian social education and science, as well as to reach a qualitatively new level of development both in the native country and abroad. The management team intends to make RSSU a full member of the global scientific and educational community, a high-tech university included in the world map of science and education.

Points of famous people
Positive feedback about RSSU is left by many well-known personalities of our country. For example, M. A. Topilin, who holds the position of Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, when expressing his opinion about RSSU, emphasized that this university has earned a positive reputation as an innovative educational research center for social education. The university trains highly qualified specialists. This is not a fabrication or a lie. Many RSSU graduates work in importantorganizations and structures of our country, demonstrate a high professional level.
Positive words about the Russian Social University were also spoken by VV Putin. The President noted that the university works in the most important area. And indeed it is. RSSU trains specialists who are useful to society and help people.

What university staff say
In the feedback, RSSU employees testify to the university's strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of the educational institution include:
- qualified faculty, bringing together people with academic degrees, titles;
- formed credibility and good reputation;
- developed area of additional professional education for social workers;
- developed material and technical base (especially worth noting is the updated research library, modern computer classes with Internet access).
Among the shortcomings include the age "disequilibrium" of personnel. A significant part of the teaching staff are people over 50 years old. There are relatively few young teachers at RSSU. Other disadvantages include:
- lack of administrative, financial opportunities to attract well-known third-party scientific and pedagogical workers;
- weak support for scientific schools;
- presence of outdated equipment and technologies in the university.
Morethe following is known from the reviews about the RSSU: the university is not included in the rankings (leading world and Russian). This is also a significant drawback of the educational institution.

Students about majors
Many students who are now studying at RSSU are proud of their university. First of all, they note the presence of unique and very important educational programs at the university. Among the wide range of areas of training and speci alties, one can single out "physical culture for people with disabilities in the state of he alth (adaptive physical culture)". Only 21 universities in our country offer such a speci alty. At the same time, personnel in the field of adaptive physical culture are in great demand, because now society pays special attention to people with disabilities, strives to create comfortable conditions for them in everything.
In the feedback about the RSSU, students pay attention to the speci alty called “document science and archiving”. It is unique in that it provides students with the opportunity to practice in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. The relevant agreement was signed by the university. Students of other educational institutions of our country do not have such an opportunity, with the exception of persons studying at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, MGIMO, Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, State University of Management, RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.

Features of distance learning
Russian Social University offers different forms of education. Among them there is also a remote one. Students studying on it study the entire curriculummaterial in the most convenient places for them - someone at home, and someone at work. In their educational process, they use a special website that hosts a distance learning system.
This site presents courses to study - disciplines. Each course has a lesson plan that includes:
- theoretical study of the material (students are provided with.pdf or.doc files, study modules);
- practical task (the student is required to complete this task and upload it to the teacher's review form);
- test (this task is aimed at testing knowledge; it is graded automatically).
In the feedback about distance learning at RSSU, students note that the completion of the course is recorded in the "learning progress" section. Points for completing all tasks are summed up. At the end of the course, the final score is determined. Only with 65-100 points the passage of the course is counted. The student is allowed to take the final test or exam.

Extracurricular life
Modern youth is interested not only in studies, but also in creativity. For such individuals, the Russian Social University has thought out extracurricular life. Students in their reviews of the RSSU of Moscow say that the university has several dozen sections, circles, clubs. There is a mass sports center, student theaters and studios.
Students have always shown particular interest in activities related to social assistance and charity. This isled to the creation of volunteer projects at the faculties (for example, “Do good with RSSU”, “Give a child a miracle”). In 2016, about 400 volunteer projects, events, actions were implemented, in which more than 3.5 thousand students took part.

After analyzing the reviews about the RSSU, we can conclude that this is a university with impressive success, ample opportunities. All achievements are the undoubted merit of teachers who are true professionals and students interested in the development of their educational institution.