The Time of Troubles can be briefly described as a decline. This era went down in history as the years of natural disasters, crisis - economic and state - the intervention of foreigners. This stagnation lasted from 1598 to 1612

Time of Troubles in Russia: briefly about the main thing
The beginning of the turmoil was marked by the suppression of the Rurik dynasty: the legitimate heirs of Ivan the Terrible died, in Russia there was no legitimate tsar. By the way, the death of the last heir to the throne was very mysterious. She is still shrouded in mystery. A struggle for power began in the country, accompanied by intrigues. Until 1605, Boris Godunov sat on the throne, on whose reign famine falls. Lack of food forces people to engage in robbery and robbery. The uprising of Khlopok ended the discontent of the masses, who lived in the hope that Tsarevich Dmitry, who was killed by Godunov, was alive and would soon restore order.
So, the reasons for the Time of Troubles are summarized. And what followed next? As expected, False Dmitry I appeared, who won support from the Poles. During the war with the impostor, Tsar Boris Godunov and his son dieFedor. However, the unworthy did not have the throne for long: the people overthrew False Dmitry I and elected Vasily Shuisky as tsar.

But the reign of the new king was also in the spirit of troubled times. Briefly, this period can be described as follows: during the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov, False Dmitry II appeared, to fight against whom the tsar concludes an agreement with Sweden. However, such an alliance did more harm than good. The king was removed from the throne, and the boyars began to rule the country. As a result of the Seven Boyars, the Poles entered the capital and began to spread the Catholic faith, while robbing everything around. Which further exacerbated the already difficult situation of ordinary people.
However, despite all the hardships and hardships of the troubled times (it is briefly characterized as the most terrible era for our country), Mother Russia found the strength to give birth to heroes. They prevented the disappearance of Russia on the world map. We are talking about Lyapunov's militia: Novgorodians Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin gathered the people and drove foreign invaders from their native land. After that, the Zemsky Sobor took place, during which Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected to the kingdom. This event ended the most difficult period in the history of Russia. The throne was occupied by a new ruling dynasty, which was overthrown by the communists only at the beginning of the twentieth century. The House of Romanov brought the country out of darkness and strengthened its position on the world stage.

Consequences of the Time of Troubles. Briefly
The results of the turmoil for Russia are very deplorable. ATAs a result of the chaos, the country lost a significant part of its territory and suffered significant losses in population. There was a terrible decline in the economy, the people were exhausted and lost hope. However, what doesn't kill makes you stronger. So the Russian people managed to find the strength in themselves to restore their rights again and declare themselves to the whole world. Having survived the most difficult times, Russia was reborn. Crafts and culture began to develop, the people returned to agriculture and cattle breeding, stopping robberies on the high road.