Many films and books, poems, novels and short stories are devoted to this topic. For many, the subject of our conversation today is the meaning of life and the secret of happiness. Everyone who has experienced this at least once will remember the feeling for a lifetime. Someone will be afraid of repetition like fire, and someone, on the contrary, will strive for it. As many have already guessed, this feeling is love between a man and a woman (we will provide the USE essay below). In the article we will offer two options for an essay on this topic, and also talk about the understanding of this feeling in the works of the classics.

What is love?
This concept today is very complex and ambiguous. The complexity of the interpretation is that everyone puts something of their own into his understanding. For some, these are gifts and kisses goodbye, but for some, this is a feeling for whichnot sorry to sacrifice your life.
Love between a man and a woman (the composition is waiting for you below) is different: mutual and unrequited, passionate, passionate and even, platonic. That is why it is difficult to describe a true miracle in a nutshell. But we will still try to do it.
We have already defined above that we are talking about feeling. But how to understand that it is about love, and not about passion, passion, friendship or habit? The ancient sages compared love, passion with a blazing flame, the power of which is powerful, but it burns out very quickly. Whereas true love they called "eternal flame", "hearth" that burns evenly and steadfastly.

A tour of literary eras and works
Love between a man and a woman (an essay in two versions will be presented in this article) has always been a win-win theme of works of art. She was dedicated to paintings and poems, novels, songs, later - movies and theatrical performances. How did writers and sages talk about it in different eras of mankind?
Amantes amentes - "Lovers are mad" - the ancient Romans wrote, and they were right in their own way. Later, in the time of Anacreon, love became fun, the poet put it on a par with wine. But the intimate poetry of Sappho, which became insanely popular, again raised this feeling to Olympus. The beloved poetess compared with God, glorifying and idolizing the love between a man and a woman. The composition of this muse “Looks like gods” was a kind of hymn to the bright and bitterfeeling at the same time.

The Renaissance, with the light hand of the great Petrarch and Dante, raised this feeling to a majestic gift, available only to the elite. They were the first to sing contemplative, pure, sublime love.
After William Shakespeare in the immortal tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" showed her so strong that only death could come between lovers.
Each century depicted love and its features in its own way. But the essence is the same - this feeling is the greatest gift that cannot be bought and won. It's not as hard to get it as it is to keep and keep it.

How to write an essay?
As you can see from the sections above, the love between a man and a woman, an essay about which to write, is not an easy topic. It should be understood that if you have a creative, lively mind, then it is better to write yourself, based on your idea. However, there are times when nothing comes to mind at all. Then, perhaps, our plan will be useful to you. First option:
- Short introduction.
- Definitions of the concept.
- What is love for?
- Conclusions.
The second option is more tied to literature.
- Intro.
- Love in the poetry of the Silver Age.
- Conclusion.
Choose one of the options - and create yourself. Or give free rein to your own creativity, because each person, like his thoughts and views, is unique and interestingin my own way.
Composition-reasoning: "Love between a man and a woman"
In our composition we will talk about love. And more precisely, what is it and does humanity need it?
Love is a very ancient word that came to us from the Proto-Slavic language. This concept was known in ancient Greece. Moreover, the wise Greeks identified four types of love:
Eros is a sensual, powerful force that takes away a person's will and mind.
Filia - love is even, more calm; feeling-friendship and choice.
Storge is a tender, warm feeling. The ideal relationship in marriage.
Agape - true love, the essence of which is self-sacrifice without conditions.
Besides the highest happiness and bliss, love can bring the most severe pain. So is it necessary if it brings such suffering?
Imagine what would happen if this feeling between a man and a woman did not exist. How many works of art would not be born? And we? How would we be born if our parents did not feel warmth for each other? Would our childhood be happy if our hands were not held by dad and mom? What is the meaning of life if not love?

The theme of love between a man and a woman. Composition
Love has always been the feeling that inspired people to real deeds. Wars began and ended in her name, paintings were painted and ingenious poems were created.
In the Russian poetry of the Silver Age, love occupies a specialplace. Each of the galaxy of poets contributed something of his own to this definition. An amazing couple - Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumilyov - described the feeling from different points of view. Anna - bright, feminine, tender and unstable, fearful, like a forest doe; Nikolai is masculine, demolishing everything in his path and not tolerating objections.
The symbolist poets Blok, Mandelstam and Balmont portrayed love in different colors. With them, she seems to be hiding in a host of dreams and fantasies, comes after a single look from a beautiful stranger and remains there forever.
The Imagists, led by Sergei Yesenin, described love as an obsession, but they hoped that it could change them forever, become salvation and shelter.
Love between a man and a woman (arguments, essay above) is a feeling that poets have described for thousands of years. They never gave it a clear definition, but due to its individuality, this is correct. Love comes to everyone exactly as he waits and sees and believes.