Many in computer games or when watching movies have come across such a term as "berserk" or "berserker". The meaning of this word is not clear to everyone. In this regard, the question arises: what is a "berserk"? Where did this word come from, its meanings and features will be discussed in this review.
Meaning in dictionaries
Considering what "berserk" is, you should refer to the dictionary. It says that these are warriors from the tribes of the Old Norse Vikings and the ancient Germanic tribes. These warriors devoted their lives and served the supreme deity - Odin.

As they say in ancient sources, before the start of the battle, the berserkers changed their consciousness and brought themselves to a state of extreme aggression and ferocity. In this they were helped by a special fly agaric tincture, prepared in a special way. In addition to making the warriors very aggressive, she reduced the sensitivity when injured. Such soldiers in battle were distinguished by great strength, fearlessness and quick reaction.
Translate the word
Continuing to consider what berserk is, you should pay attention to the origin of this word. It is derived from the Old Norse noun berserkr, which means "bear skin" or "no shirt." The root ber literally means “bear” or “naked”, and serk means “silk”, “skin”, “cloth”.

In Russian, the term "berserk" is most often used, which, as scientists suggest, originated from the English language. In English, this word means - "furious", "violent".
Berserkers in legends
Continuing to study what "berserk" is, let's turn to ancient legends. In legends and epics, berserkers are presented as fearless and ferocious warriors who fight with amazing fury and are practically invulnerable. In his work "Germany", the ancient Roman historian and scientist Tacitus writes about the tribes of the Hattians and Gharii, who, in all their characteristics, fit the description of the berserkers. It should be noted that Tacitus was never in German territory and compiled his description from the words of Roman soldiers, who, as you know, were defeated by the Germanic tribes.

For the first time, the fearless berserkers, Odin's warriors, are mentioned in a victory song about the battle of Hafsfjord, which took place around 872. It was written by skald T. Hornclovy (skald is a type of Old Norse poetry and poet).
Scandinavian Literature
In the largest literary monument of Scandinavian literature "Circle of the Earth", created by the Icelandicby the historiographer, politician, prose writer and skald Snorri Sturluson, in the 13th century magical abilities were attributed to berserkers.

This epic says that berserkers could make enemies blind or lose their hearing in battle. Or the opponents were filled with terror and their weapons did little to no harm.
Thanks to the Scandinavian sagas, one can now get an idea of the berserkers. So, for example, they include the hero of Scandinavian mythology - Starkad. According to the Danish chronicler Saxo the Grammar, Sarkad served the illustrious king of Denmark, Frodo.
Place in society
Based on information obtained from the Scandinavian sagas and other ancient literary sources, today you can find out how the berserkers lived in society, as well as what position they occupied.

During campaigns and wars, berserkers entered the service of kings (supreme ruler, king) or jarls (the highest titled representatives of the nobility in the Old Norse countries). They became combatants or guarded the commander in chief. For their service, berserkers received quite high salaries, as they were considered elite warriors. In a peaceful period, at best, they became bodyguards for the nobility, at worst, they turned into outcasts, as they could not find a use for themselves.
This conclusion can be drawn based on one of the ancient sagas, which says that the berserkers were very wayward and unsociable. Oftenonly talked to each other. They were very furious in anger, nothing could stop them. They also did not like to work, but preferred war and battles.
As mentioned earlier, the berserkers - the warriors of the Viking tribe and the ancient Germans, had extraordinary aggressiveness. According to a common version, it is explained by the fact that they used various psychotropic decoctions prepared on the basis of fly agaric and other poisonous mushrooms. Also, some researchers say that these warriors were lovers of excessive drinking, because of which they suffered from a hangover, which caused their aggression.

However, there are other points of view, for example, those scientists who are committed to conventional science suggest that illnesses served as the reason for their aggressive behavior. It is said about their probable diseases of hysteria, epilepsy, as well as poor heredity. It should be noted that these are just assumptions that do not have a serious evidence base.
An interesting theory is voiced by some researchers who compare the unusual aggressive state of berserkers with the so-called amok. Amok, translated from Malay, is a state that means "to fall into a rage and start killing." In Malay and Indonesian tradition, this condition was considered painful.
However, in fairness, it must be said that such an unusual state can be explained by a special combat trance that berserkers achieved before the battle without using anypsychotropic and narcotic substances. The modern analogue of such a combat trance is "ram muay". Before the start of the fight between Thai boxers, the athletes enter this state on their own and, as it is believed, thereby increase the chances of winning the fight.
In order to get a better idea of the berserkers, it is recommended to read the Egil Saga. This is a work of the Icelandic epic, the authorship of which is attributed to Snorri Sturluson. This saga, written around 1220-1240, tells not only about the life of Egil Skallagrimsson, who was considered a berserker, but also about the life of the peoples of Scandinavia in the period from 850 to 1000.
In addition to the handwritten text, engravings depicting people of that time, including Egil himself, have survived to this day. In fairness, it should be noted that in this epic the main character is represented by a rather ambiguous figure for the layman of the present. It's hard to say, but perhaps the behavior described in the book was quite common at the time.
No matter what heroes the berserkers are shown in the legends and sagas of Scandinavia, what cannot be taken away from them is fearlessness, strength and violent aggression, which led to confusion of their enemies. These warriors went down in history as legendary, who had no equal. Currently, films featuring Vikings and other Scandinavian warriors are quite popular, among which berserkers are mentioned as elite fighters.