Let's do an experiment. It will require several types of canvas: a railway one, from a two-handed saw, a masterpiece from an art gallery, a conveyor belt, one of the wrought iron gates of the city garden and a simple fabric.
Every experiment has a purpose. Ours sounds like this: “Find out what kind of fabric you can’t sew a shirt from.”
Well, let's take a chance? Or just check all the correct answers to the question in this list?
Dictionaries explained to me about metaphor with metanymy
As you know, there are words:
- unambiguous (for example, felt boots, towel, cake);
- multi-valued (for example, tongue, nose, horn).
A number of expressions have a single lexical meaning. They are called unambiguous.
Those that have several are polysemantic words.
All meanings of the latter are often closely related by similarity (or by adjacency). In the firstcase we are dealing with metaphor, and in the second - with metonymy. They decorate speech for greater expressiveness of the language.
When they become common, the word has a new meaning, it becomes multi-valued.
This is the basis for the riddle “what kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt?”.
Scissors and jigsaw
With the basic meaning of the word "canvas" everything is clear. That's what the cloth is called. In it, all warp threads must be intertwined with weft threads. Canvas happens:
- cotton;
- linen;
- silk;
- artificial.
But in the special meaning "canvas" is a part of the tool (or tool). It is thin and flat, like a knife, a jigsaw, a saw.
Both of these meanings are in the following riddle: “Which fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt?”.
Cutting material
Brother ordered me to sew
A new shirt.
The scissors work, Scurry back and forth.
But with your care
Busy next brother.
Saw everything with a jigsaw
From the very morning.
He's already covered in soap!
This is not a game.
Making me a present, He is tireless.
What are we working with
With the name of one?
Need them for different things, And they look different.
But connected by a common word.
What? Finish the verse!
(answer: blade - fabric and saw blade).

Hands off canvas
One of the most frequentwe hear the use of this word when describing paintings made by the artist on canvas.
In the silence of a large art gallery
I got into a fairy tale from the door.
Where to step: left or right?
Mystery, beauty and glory are everywhere!
He held out his hands in silent delight.
The caretaker here did not fail to say:
Allow me! You are not in a fabric store!
Masterpieces are not to be touched here!
They are named with a similar word, so what?
You can't make shirts out of them!"
(Answer: canvases - paintings).

This poem is also a riddle “from what kind of fabric you can’t sew a shirt”. The answer must be given to the question posed after reading the verse. It can sound like this: “What word did the curator of the gallery mean?”.
The next meaning of the word "canvas" is one of the halves of a double-leaf door, gate, gate.
An old movie is on the screen.
I see the door, but I hear: "Canvas".
Between the sashes, as if through a window, The dog looks into the apartment, where it is dark.
The door is cast, the fabric cannot be found on it.
Know, you need to get an explanatory dictionary.
I will explain to myself and to you at the same time, Why the doors were called canvas!

Factory tour
Another meaning of a word from the world of technology. This is the name of a part of a mechanism or device in the form of a tape, as well as a strip.
Our class on the tour
Arrived at the factory.
I'm interested in everything, I understand well.
How the machines are arranged, How is the process going?
Why is the oven needed here, And why is the press here?
The factory is bustling, Noisy, tight.
The detail slipped me:
"Put on the canvas!"
I don't believe, citizens, Stunned even!
Do they sew at the factory
Dresses and shirts?!
The canvas, as it turned out, The tape was just called!
But which tape?
Waiting for your answer!
(answer: conveyor belt).

Under the wheels of a car and a train
In another sense, the word "canvas" refers to a certain surface on which they walk or ride. For example, road surface, bridge, railway tracks. All of these are potential answers to the question “what kind of fabric cannot be used to make a shirt?”.
My friends told me they were expensive
They call, beckon and creep under your feet.
And I decided not to sit still.
The whole world is big time for me to see!
Did a car first, Mile rolled under the wheels cheerfully.
I took the train. Rails, sleepers, -
That's what rushed towards me now.
I compared from dawn to dark
My roads are two different canvases.
You can't roll them, buddy.
You can't make shirts out of them.
Yes, but I don’t dream about new clothes, Roads are like books I flip through!
(Answer: roadbed and railroad tracks).

So that's what fabric you can't sew a shirt from! The answer as such has already been given here. You just need to focus the attention of listeners on the new meaning of the word.
Thus, in search of an answer to the question of one riddle “from which fabric a shirt cannot be sewn”, several questions were formed. The solution to all is one word, but with different meanings.