Young, but early. That's what they say about people like Tom Felton. It's no joke, at the age of 28 you already have a filmography of three dozen films, many of which were a great box office success. However, fame did not spoil the young man who, despite being born in London, calls himself a country boy and regrets that he did not have a childhood, although he managed to earn $ 3 million before coming of age!

Early childhood
Tom was born in 1987 in an ordinary large British family of Sharon and Peter Felton and is the youngest of their four sons.
From an early age, the boy's parents revealed the boy's talent for vocals and love for dramatic art. At the age of 7, they sent their son to sing in the church choir, where he was noticed and invited to a professional children's group. At the same time, Felton Tom was not particularly zealous in his studies and cannot boast of a university diploma.
Career start
Felton Tom started his actingcareer at the age of 10, but before that he already had experience in filming commercials for television. His godmother in the cinema was one little-known English actress who was friends with the boy's mother. It was she who advised to take him to the casting for the film "Thieves". The bright guy was immediately approved for the role, and the film was nominated for the highest British Academy Award.
Followed by another interesting work in the film "Anna and the King", where he played the son of the governess of the children of the King of Siam.

By 2001, Tom Felton's filmography already included 5 pictures. However, the real fame came to him after he was invited to a film about the young wizard Harry Potter. According to Tom, he dreamed of playing the main character, but he had to work on the image of his opponent. After the release of the first picture about the students of the Hogwarts school, the boy woke up famous. But it was negative fame and many young viewers transferred their negative attitude towards Draco Malfoy to Tom Felton. Be that as it may, the young man starred in 8 films about Harry Potter and earned millions from it.
Further career
In 2006, Tom Felton finally decided to get a university degree and chose a speci alty related to commercial fishing. At the same time, he told reporters that he did not see himself in the future in the acting profession and was looking for something more reliable than the ephemeral fame and love of the audience. However, the young man soon changed his mind and again began to participate in castings.
The filmography of Tom Felton is currently quite extensive, especially considering that the young man is only 28 years old. Among the most interesting works are the films: "Escape from Vegas", where he played himself, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and the historical series "Labyrinth".
Almost every year a picture with Tom Felton in the lead or in a supporting role is released. The young man tries not to refuse the offers of directors and often makes flights from the UK to the US and back.

Felton Tom is certainly talented, and such people, as you know, strive to prove themselves in various fields. That is why no one was surprised when, in 2011, he, along with his friend and partner in the film "Harry Potter", starred in a photo shoot for the autumn-winter collection of the famous brand "Band of Outsiders".
In addition, as already mentioned, the boy was engaged in singing from a young age, and in 2008 he released his first album "Time well spent", which included 5 songs. A few months later, Tom also recorded his second disc - “All I need”, and its release was preceded by an advertising campaign, which was organized and carried out on social networks and on YouTube by the actor himself.
Music and a modeling career are only part of what Felton enjoys. Tom loves sports and can often be seen playing football, basketball, cricket and golf, or rollerblading or swimming.

Interesting facts about Tom Felton
While manyrepresentatives of the golden youth of Hollywood constantly find themselves in scandalous situations, the matured Draco Malfoy, on the contrary, demonstrates reasonableness and exemplary behavior. In support of what has been said, it is enough to cite a few facts:
- Tom Felton maintains an excellent relationship with his parents and brothers and sees them much more often than ordinary American boys of his age.
- A lot of girls went crazy for the actor. There were even rumors about the teenage romance of the Felton-Watson couple. However, the young man admitted that he treats Emma only as a sister.
- For 7 years now, the actor has been Jade Gordon's boyfriend and, despite all the efforts of the yellow press, he has not been seen with other girls during this entire period.
- At the moment, not a single photo of Tom Felton known to the public can be called contrary to morality.
- The young man did not contract the disease from the star and is rarely seen in noisy companies, and even more so in hot places.
- Already a recognized star, Tom went to the opening of a theme park in Orlando and bought the coat of arms of Slytherin for a very large sum.
- In one of his interviews, the young artist said that he did not want to be like those "celestials of Hollywood" who are polite to the producers, but rude to the staff. At the same time, he always expressed gratitude to his mother, who raised him as a gentleman.
- Despite the contemptuous grimace that did not leave Draco Malfoy's face, Felton Tom is not considered arrogant by either colleagues or journalists. On the contrary, everyone celebrates itbenevolence and the ability to make acquaintances.

Now you know who Felton Tom is, what films he starred in, why he is considered one of the few "exemplary boys" in Hollywood.