It is difficult to find a person who would not like to live in abundance. And if some have to work hard every day to earn a penny, then fate has given others huge fortunes in the form of an inheritance.
1. We alth without happiness is an empty jingle of coins
Unfortunately, most of us are not the minions of fate, and there is no end in sight to our daily chores. But many rich people created their first capital thanks to resourcefulness, the correct use of their talents, on which their entire biography was built. And the thoughts of the richest people in the world, as time shows, are united in one thing - to work as much as possible with the mind and not be lazy.
The famous French writer and philosopher Stendhal believed that a person lives on earth not to become rich, but to become happy. Achieving high prosperity does not mean finding peace and joy in life. Direct proof of this is the biographies of the richest people in the world. Many billionaires, drowning in luxury, still remained lonely and unhappy.

2. Biography and thoughts of the richest people in the world, also kind
Successful people of this world are known to everyone. Bill Gates, for example, has been one of the richest people for a number of years. What did you start with? I just loved technology, was fond of computers and created the Microsoft program. He simply took a risk, but he risked deliberately, realizing that the product is necessary for users of personal computers. His main motto is not to stop there. It was he who suggested that intellectual property has a shelf life of bananas.

Let's look at another successful lady. Oprah Winfrey, a black American, lived in a poor family, went to a simple school. Only self-improvement, curiosity and a diligent attitude to everything she does led her to the bench of the Faculty of History. Perhaps it was the biography and thoughts of the richest people in the world, which she learned about from history books, that taught her a lot. “Don't give up on your dreams. Don't be disappointed in yourself. Your perseverance will pay off anyway!” are her words. They are a direct confirmation of her determination. A sharp mind, a desire to delve deeper into the fate of people, the purity of speech made her OWN program the most popular and in demand among viewers. So not all the biographies of the richest people in the world are full of gifts of fate.
3. Acquired or appropriated?
I don’t really want to find out how the Russian magnates got rich, the thing is that here, in addition to intelligence and resourcefulness,the effect of "freebie" worked. Many Russian rich people have become owners of the property left over from the Soviet period: factories, plants, combines, etc. The biography and thoughts of the richest people in the world in relation to Russian billionaires lose their instructiveness and meaning. Everything was fraudulently earned in the dashing 90s by embezzling foreign or state capital.
Another thing is the American billionaire Donald Trump. He was brought up in an ordinary family with four children. Donald was a difficult child, and in order to curb the boy's hard temper at least a little, he was placed at the Military Academy at the age of 13. And there he learned discipline and rigidity. He perfectly described his temper with the words: “In business, it is better to be impudent, even impudent, than tough and intractable.” The study gave him a morale start and Donald decided to be more aggressive in order to get the result he wanted. The owner of numerous casinos and hotels scattered around the world, began with the fact that, with the support of the state, together with his father, he reconstructed the Commodore Hotel. The biography of the richest people in the world - Donald and Fred Trump - tells that there are no easy ways to we alth. Life rewards those who are not afraid of difficulties.
The biography of the richest people in the world often begins precisely with moral and psychological shocks. The main thing is to be able to take a hit and not deviate from the intended goal.