The closest planet to Earth. Venus and Mars are Earth's two closest "neighbors"

The closest planet to Earth. Venus and Mars are Earth's two closest "neighbors"
The closest planet to Earth. Venus and Mars are Earth's two closest "neighbors"

It's hard for us to imagine the size of the cosmos. It is unimaginably huge, and there is an assumption that it is simply endless. So far, only guessing about what is happening outside our Galaxy, humanity begins the study of outer space from those planets that are nearby. Modern advances in science and technology make it possible to comprehend planets close to Earth by one method or another.

First, the closest attention was directed to the nearest space object - the Moon. After the Earth's satellite has been sufficiently studied, it's time to expand horizons and get acquainted with the least distant planets of the solar system.

planet closest to earth
planet closest to earth

What is the closest planet to Earth?

Given that the planets are not constantly in one place, but each move in its own orbit, the distance from one planet to another is constantly changing. The closest to the Earth are considered to be those celestial bodies whose orbits are in the neighborhood.

The nearest "neighbors" of the Earthare the second planet from the Sun - Venus, and the fourth - Mars. But if we take into account the numerical indicators, then Venus is still closer. This planet can be at a distance of 38 million km to 261 million km, depending on the location in the orbit. Mars is closest to our planet at 55.8 million km, and the maximum distance is about 401 million km. This confirms that the closest planet to Earth is Venus.

Earth's closest "neighbor"

In our sky, Venus is the brightest space object after the Sun and the Moon. It is often referred to as Earth's twin sister. The reason for this is the similarity of physical and some chemical characteristics.

planets close to earth
planets close to earth

The proximity of Venus to the Sun does not make it possible for people to explore it. Sulfur clouds swirling around the planet prevent its study from orbiting satellites. But still, scientists managed to get interesting information. The surface of the planet is covered with craters and volcanoes, some of which are still active. The atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide.

Despite the fact that Venus is inhospitable and difficult to study, she is considered the patroness of all lovers and is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love.

What do we know about Mars?

Mars is not the closest planet to Earth, but it is at a relatively short distance, which becomes a good reason for his research. It is called the red planet because of the specific bright orange color of its surface. This shade is given by iron oxides, which are part of the soil.

It has already been scientifically proven that the planet has water in the form of ice under a layer of soil. Some argue that humans can adapt to life on Mars by learning to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. But the current level of development of technology and technology does not allow even trying to make it a reality.

nearest planets
nearest planets

How does a person study planets close to Earth?

Venus is shrouded in dense fog, which gives rise to conjectures about the existence of water on it. None of the vehicles that were sent to explore the nearest "neighbor" of the Earth, could not be on its surface. All of them burned up in the atmosphere of the planet. But despite the fact that the temperature of Venus exceeds 400 degrees Celsius, scientists continue to make attempts to send a space station closer to its surface, which could provide more information.

Mars is better studied than the closest planet to Earth, Venus. It was possible to successfully use four rovers to study the red planet. Two of them are still in operation today. These are automatic spacecraft that are controlled remotely. They move on the surface of Mars and transmit photo and video materials to Earth. Also, this equipment collects data on the composition of the planet's atmosphere, the structure of its soil and other information necessary for cosmologists.

By studying the nearest planets, we hope that someday a person will be able to make interplanetary expeditions and comprehend all the secrets of uncharted space.
