Class hour is an important form of educational work in the classroom. This form is notable for its flexibility. With its help, you can actively influence children, try to develop their positive qualities.
Classroom Goals
Features of the choice of the form of class hours are determined by the goals that every teacher should set for himself when communicating with children. First of all, a classroom hour is necessary for the formation of such a team in which each student will feel comfortable. It is very important to create an environment in which students will have every opportunity to express their individuality, to realize any creative abilities.

In addition, a class hour is necessary to create a system of values for a child, to form an emotionally sensitive sphere of his life. This is a great opportunity to gain applied knowledge, learn more about nature and society.
Features of class hours in elementary school
When choosing the form of class hours inelementary school needs to take into account the psychological characteristics of children, the fact that they are still poorly able to concentrate. Therefore, it is important to frequently change activities, switch their interest. Also, during educational work, it is necessary to actively use visibility, intrigue children, and introduce an element of surprise. Parents can be involved in the preparation of class events.
Basic classroom forms in elementary school
The easiest way to organize communication with the class is in the form of a quiz. This will help develop the cognitive abilities of children. During the quiz, you can use puzzles, small tasks, interesting questions, crossword puzzles, reproductions of paintings. All this will expand the horizons of children. The most active participants of the event must be awarded at least small prizes (you can make them yourself).

Also, the forms of conducting class hours at school include a conversation. It doesn't have to be communication between the teacher and the children. High school students can be involved in the communication process. Adult schoolchildren can tell kids about the correct daily routine, behavioral patterns at school. It's a good idea to invite veterans, firefighters, just worthy citizens who will be role models as guests.

In anticipation of any interesting dates, you can organize whole holidays. In this case, all students in the class should be involved in the work. Everyone can contributeany contribution to make it a good event. The teacher should not shoulder all the preparatory work. His task is to be a mentor and organizer. He needs to help children show their talents. As a result, schoolchildren will remember this holiday for a long time.
Cool clock in 5th grade
5 class is already more mature and conscious guys, while they still do not lose their curiosity. The quality of classroom hours during this period contributes to the formation of the team, helps to facilitate the adaptation of students who go out of their comfort zone and start working with different teachers.

Modern forms of class hours in the 5th grade are creative. It can be theatrical performances, festivals, holidays. In addition, game forms of work are possible. Children at this age are very receptive to play. They are ready to be enthusiastic. Schoolchildren strive to be the best in everything, and this opportunity can be realized through games. Entertainment can be of a different nature. For example, in the 5th grade, you can arrange a brain ring or a "Field of Miracles".
Classroom Discussion Forms
In high school it is possible to use any form of class hours, including discussion. For example, it could be a dispute. This form of educational activity provides for an open, vivid debate on some serious topic, which can be looked at from different angles. The use of a dispute is necessaryfor the development of dialectical thinking of children. Also in high school, you can resort to a discussion in which each of the students will defend their opinion. This can be done by making convincing arguments.

Such forms of holding class hours in high school as conferences need more serious preparation. In fact, this is a meeting for the purpose of discussing an issue. All conference participants must be prepared, so you need to distribute the task to the students in advance and monitor their implementation by class time. The same applies to the round table. It also applies to discussion forms, but participants can only speak in a certain order.
Information hour - you can organize the exchange of news. The teacher in advance gives the task to all students to prepare interesting news on a specific topic: scientific achievements, space, nature conservation, he alth, art, etc.
The living room is an opportunity to meet interesting people. Get to know the local elite or just representatives of various professions. This is important for the development of the horizons of children, high-quality career guidance.
Competitive forms of class hours
This category includes any event that involves competition. It can be contests, quizzes, reviews, presentations. Another form beloved by students is KVN! Such an event allows you to defuse the atmosphere in the classroom, give the guys an opportunity to joke, show their humoroustalents.
Creative Cool Clock
These are far from new forms of conducting a class hour, but they do not lose their relevance. Children love them because they can fully realize their talents.
The festival is a mass event where you can demonstrate your achievements in the field of amateur performances. This form of interaction will help each child to show their individuality, awaken their creative abilities, and introduce students to art. By the way, festivals can be not only musical, but also theatrical.
Exhibitions allow to demonstrate the results of activities that usually remain out of sight of educators. These can be embroidered or knitted products, various crafts, items collected as a result of tourist and local history trips.
Concerts are the performance of musical works in front of the public, the recitation of poems and much more. They can be thematic or reporting.
Variety of class hours
The article lists only the main forms of class hours. In fact, there are many more. Moreover, each teacher has the opportunity to combine elements of different forms or create new ones. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children, their creative potential, team cohesion. It is very important not to turn the class hour into a boring event, after which the children will not have any positive emotions. Students should not feel pressure from the teacher. To do this, class hours should be bright andinteresting.

Schoolchildren may forget the lessons over time, but the great time spent with the class teacher and classmates should be remembered forever. A good mentor must be able to diversify the lives of his wards with the help of unusual activities. You just need to spare no effort and have enough love for schoolchildren. A properly organized class hour will allow children to discover their talents, and the teacher will be given the opportunity to realize himself.