In world cinema, there are many stars who have achieved fame thanks to their appearance. However, real talents are able to win the hearts of the audience even with their own voice. Dmitry Matveev is one of them. He played in more than 4 dozen films, and also voiced the most famous actors on the planet.
Dmitry Nikolaevich Matveev was born in Potsdam (GDR) in 1953. His mother at that time worked in the Soviet theater as a make-up artist, and his father served as a stage engineer there. Soon the family returned to their homeland and settled in the capital.

At the age of 3, Dima Matveev starred in the episodic role of Nikolashka in a short film based on A. Gaidar's story "Let it shine!" (1960). Perhaps this predetermined his future fate.
During the years of study
In 1981 Dmitry Matveev graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. There he was lucky to learn from such masters of the Soviet screen as Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva. As a student, Matveev was invited to playcinema. His first serious work was the main role of Yura in the short film "Labyrinth", in which he starred in 1979. In the same year, Dmitry was lucky enough to pass the casting for the role of Victor, the son-in-law of the protagonist in the famous sad comedy "Autumn Marathon" by George Danelia.
Further career
After receiving a diploma, Dmitry Matveev was assigned to Mosfilm, where he worked for 10 years. In the first years of his activity at one of the leading film studios of the USSR, he starred in such films as:
- "Lantern Festival".
- Tehran-43.
- "His vacation."
- "Vasily Buslaev".
- Family Affair.
- "How I was a child prodigy."
- Garden.
- "Immortality Exam".
- "Original Russia" (episodic role).
- "Zombie Variant"
- “Moscow speaking.”
- "And trees grow on stones" (Soviet-Norwegian).
- "Jump".
- "Golden Anchor Bartender"
Film “State Border. Year 41"
In the life of every actor there is a role that is the most significant in his career. For Matveev, this was the image he created of Ilya Sushentsov - a young officer, infinitely devoted to the Motherland and ready to sacrifice his life for her.

The film "Year forty-first" is the 5th part of the famous series "State Border". It tells about the events that have been unfolding since mid-June 1941 at the outpost, not far from which is the territory of Poland, occupiedfascists. One day, Lieutenant Sushentsov responds with fire to the provocation of the Wehrmacht soldiers, violating the order not to get involved in an armed conflict. However, they do not have time to punish him, since on June 22, German units invade the territory of the USSR. Zastava Sushentsov is one of the first to be attacked. The commander, along with his soldiers, heroically resists the enemy.
After the release of the picture on the screens, Matveev gained hundreds of thousands of fans and admirers in all corners of our country and earned the title of the most courageous lieutenant of Soviet cinema in the last years of its existence.
Late 80s
Interesting roles Dmitry Matveev, whose photos in his youth were in great demand among fans, played in the years of Perestroika. Among them, one can note the work in the films “The Land of My Childhood” directed by Anatoly Nitochkin, “Summer Impressions of Planet Z” by Evgeny Markovsky, “Criminal Quartet”, etc.

In addition, in 1987, the 6th part of the series "State Border" was released, which was dedicated to Soviet border guards who are engaged in the destruction of gangs of nationalists in Western Ukraine. In the picture, the viewer again met with Ilya Sushentsov, performed by Dmitry Matveev. According to the plot, he went through the entire war, rose to the rank of major and took the post of head of the border detachment.
Coast of Salvation
This picture, in which Dmitry Matveev played the main role, was undeservedly ignored in our country. It was filmed by Russian and Koreanfilmmakers in 1990. The film tells about the events that took place during the years of the Russo-Japanese War. According to the plot of the picture, a warship commanded by the hero Dmitry Matveev crashes off the coast of Korea. The surviving members of the team decide to make their way to their homeland by land. On the way, they have to fight with the Japanese, who use their taekwondo skills.
Career in the 90s
At the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, Matveev, like other actors of the former Soviet Union, had a dark streak. Cinematography was in a deep crisis, and new films were practically not shot. However, Dmitry Nikolaevich found, as they say, his niche. At that time, the domestic audience got the opportunity to watch foreign films and TV shows, so dubbing masters always had a lot of work. One of those who "gave" their voice to the stars of Hollywood and world cinema was Dmitry Matveev. The actor took part in the dubbing of such popular films as The Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black, where he dubbed Vin Diesel, The Predator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Leon (Jean Reno and other male roles), etc.

In addition, Sylvester Stallone, Samuel L. Jackson, Mel Gibson and others speak in the voice of Matveev in most films translated into Russian.
Television work
Dmitry Matveev, whose films were watched with pleasure in all cities of the Soviet Union, also voiced advertising and Boris Yeltsin's election campaign. In 1995, he became a voice-overthe program "Road Patrol", which aired on TV-6. In addition, the following year he was invited to ORT, where he voiced the television projects "Operation" and "Rush Hour". Then Matveev moved to the "TV Center" in the program "Petrovka, 38", and was also an off-screen announcer of announcements on the same channel.
Participation in series
Like many successful actors of the Soviet period, over time, Matveev began acting in serials and, I must say, quite successfully. After the release of the first such projects with his participation on television, proposals rained down from all sides.

Among the most famous series in which Matveev played, television projects can be noted:
- "Death Number".
- "Oldest daughter".
- "Undercover".
- "I'm going out looking for you 2".
- "Embezzlers".
- Shadow Chasing.
- "Mistress of the Taiga".
- "Amusement Capture".
- "A woman without a past."
- "Destined to be a Star".
- Don't Forget.
- Carmelita, etc.
Special mention deserves the series "Silent Witness", in which Matveev got the main role of investigator Malov. Its script is based on real events, and the episodes are filmed in a reenactment style and are complete stories. The work of forensic experts and criminologists is shown in great detail, the results of which are discussed by Malov and his employees, on the basis of which conclusions are made and the most intricate crimes are revealed.
The TV series “Doomed to becomestar”, in which Dmitry Matveev played the role of producer Leonid Salin. This character has a difficult relationship with his ex-wife. Having become a star, the woman went to a younger and more promising producer. However, she soon realizes her mistake and seeks to restore relations with Salin.

Now you know what roles the actor Dmitry Matveev played. His personal life is a secret with seven seals, which he does not want to advertise. Moreover, Matveev rarely gives interviews. However, this does not prevent his loyal fans from rejoicing at every meeting with their favorite actor on the screen and waiting for all the new films with his participation.