Socio-economic changes in the GDL led to agrarian reform at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. There was a "drag reform" under the leadership of Sigismund II Augustus, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland. The number of population in cities increased every year, thereby increasing the demand for agricultural products. At the same time, the price and consumption of bread in Western Europe rose.
Feudal lords received lucrative offers for the supply of grain abroad. In order to increase production on their lands, the feudal lords gave the land to the peasants, and such a piece of land was called "farm". This was done for the convenience of the feudal lords. Everything that was grown in the farm was later sold abroad or to residents of the city.
Meaning of the word in dictionaries
Farm farms began to appear in the 15th century. The peasants had the opportunity to work out corvée on these lands and pay dues, sowing the farm. The meaning of the word can be found in historical and literary dictionaries, but the following are the brightest and most correct.
- Folvark - a landowner's farm, a small estate (in the regions of Poland, Western Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania). The definition is taken from the Dictionary of Foreign Words.
- In Ushakov's dictionary, "farm" is a small estate.

You can also find a definition on Wikipedia. Folwark (Polish folwark from the German Vorwerk dialectism) - a manor, a manor, a separate settlement led by one owner, a landowner's farm
Origin story
In 1557, a well-known document was adopted - the "Charter for portages", which is aimed at ensuring that more money comes from agriculture to the treasury. In this document, a farm is a form of farming, where the peasants worked out their duties. Queen Bona Sforza laid the foundation for changes in the agricultural business. She also began to change the conduct of business in the Pinsk and Kobrin elderships. In these areas, everything went at the highest level, and the land was divided into farms in many other places, except for the east of Belarus.

Peasants and farmsteads
As already noted, the manor is the possession of feudal lords. The peasants were not the owners of the land, they only cultivated it and harvested it. But the gentry and magnates legalized the right to use the land. The peasants, in order to get land, had to bow to the magnates, and then give them almost the entire crop. There were hard-working and besieged peasants. The taxable ones simply worked out the corvée, and the siege ones alsopaid cash tax.