Hitler's concentration camp Auschwitz-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau), located in southern Poland, decided to leave inviolable as a place of mourning for the whole world. On the territory of the infamous concentration camp, where "racially and biologically alien" elements - Jews, Gypsies, representatives of many other peoples - were subjected to merciless total destruction, there is a museum complex dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Nazi regime.
The exact number of tortured, shot, poisoned in gas chambers, died of starvation, illness, overwork, or as a result of painful medical experiments by Dr. most of the prisoners were driven west on a death march. According to most researchers, in 1941-1945, about 1.3 million people died in the largest Nazi extermination camp
The location of the concentrationcamp was chosen by the small Polish city of Oswiecim, renamed Auschwitz. The town had good rail links, allowing to send here a huge number of people from all over Europe. The road of death for hundreds of thousands of innocent people was the railway line leading to the Auschwitz concentration camp (photo below).

In April 1940, Rudolf Hess, on the orders of the Fuhrer, set about creating an extermination camp. At the same time, the Auschwitz concentration camp accepted the first prisoners - the Poles, who became forced builders. About a year later, by order of Himmler, the construction of the second section of the extermination camp (Birkenau or Auschwitz II) began. Here, through the efforts of the demons of National Socialism, the most inhuman and humiliating conditions of stay were created, there were terrible weapons of mass extermination of people - gas chambers and a crematorium.

Soon, the Auschwitz concentration camp was replenished with a third section - a complex of forced labor camps (Auschwitz III). It was in Auschwitz on the gallows that the camp commandant Hess, the leader of the daily extermination of people, was destined to say goodbye to life. But before that, he became a participant in the Nuremberg trials, where he told the world about the superior ability of human understanding, the sophisticated technique of mass murder, carried out in the largest of all known camps.
It is difficult to determine what feelings the visitors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum are evoked by such gloomy exhibits: the cast-iron inscription on Auschwitz "Arbeit macht frei" - the cynical slogan "Work makesfree"; a four-meter-high fence made of barbed wire, through which current was passed; Block No. 10 - the place where Nazi fanatic doctors conducted experiments on people; the "executive wall" at which the prisoners were shot; crematorium; barracks. After all, the Auschwitz concentration camp is not only a place where human values were violated under the influence of a crazy idea.
Prisoners of the monstrous death camp managed to resist and escape. These barracks witnessed the upsurge of the human spirit and self-sacrifice, when one prisoner gave his life for another or selflessly cared for a weakened, doomed comrade.

Auschwitz-Birkenau is not only a monument to the triumph of the victims over the executioners, but also a very serious warning to humanity.