Metropolis is a colonizing country

Metropolis is a colonizing country
Metropolis is a colonizing country

From the fifteenth century, the world colonial system began to take shape, which was caused by the emergence of technical capabilities to overcome long distances, mainly by sea. This was the reason why the remote possessions of Spain, Britain, France, Portugal and some other countries were most often called overseas (eng. "Overseas") territories. At the same time, the concept of "metropolis" arose. This is the state whose flag flies over the occupied foreign land.

metropolis is
metropolis is

Colonization technique

The main reason why the very fact of the discovery of a new island, archipelago, and sometimes the whole continent almost in itself meant the transfer to the property of some monarch, was the technical superiority of European countries over the aboriginal population. It manifested itself mainly in the presence of effective means of suppressing resistance, in other words, guns and rifles. The future metropolis used this weapon as a tool of capture.

The numerical superiority of the peoples living in the "open" territories did not matter, the colonialists acted both by force and by deceit, sometimesacquiring entire islands for a handful of glass beads and frightening the dissatisfied with volleys of guns.

metropolises and colonies
metropolises and colonies

European colonies

At the same time, the country - the future metropolis - could not always boast of civilizational or cultural superiority. This is clearly demonstrated by the numerous examples of scientific achievements and works of art looted by the invaders and exhibited in the museums of London, Paris, Madrid and other capitals of the countries that own the colonies. The metropolises and colonies of Britain, France, Belgium and other countries were correlated as an acceptor and a donor. Resources were pumped out of India or Egypt, fueling the British economy. The diamonds of the Congo flowed into the treasury of the Belgian magnates.

Colonies "on the contrary" in Russia

Initially, the ancient Greek word "colony" meant not an overseas possession, but a settlement founded by representatives of some city (polis or metropolis) away from their native places. Under Catherine the Great, Germans settled in Russia (as almost all Europeans were called), attracted by excellent opportunities and freedom of entrepreneurship. Until the end of the thirties of the twentieth century, the German colonists lived and worked in different cities of the Novorossiysk province and the Volga region. Thus, the Russian Empire owned the colonies, as it were, "in reverse", placing foreigners within itself, creating favorable conditions for them and supporting the national outskirts. European countries behaved differently, preferring to plunder the occupied lands.

metropolises and colonies
metropolises and colonies

In the middle of the twentieth world colonial systemthe end has come. Only a few states have reasons (however, very conditional) to continue to call themselves the proud word "metropolis". This is Great Britain with its Falkland Islands, Bermuda, Gibr altar and a number of small possessions, France (Clipperton, Guiana, etc.) and Denmark (Faroe Islands and Greenland).
