The way the world works is that sometimes the most bloody dictators, who flooded entire continents with blood and became the personification of misanthropy, showed amazing love for animals. Attila, who earned the nickname Scourge of God in the 5th century, as you know, adored horses, conquered half the world Genghis Khan ─ falcons, the head of the Third Reich ─ deer and dogs.

Party Boss Gift
Hitler's favorite dog was a German Shepherd named Blondie. The Fuhrer was presented with it in 1941 by the head of the NSDAP Party Chancellery, Martin Bormann. Her portrait, painted personally by Hitler, opens the article. The dog fell in love with its new owner to such an extent that it remained with him throughout the war years. At the end of 1944, following the Fuhrer into the underground bunker that became his last refuge, Blondie shared the inglorious death of her master.
Shortly before the tragic denouement, Adolf Hitler's dog gave birth to five puppies. Their father was a purebred representative of the German Shepherd breed, a male named Harass, who belonged to the widowthe famous German architect Paul Troost, who also sought salvation behind the concrete walls of the bunker.
The death of Blondie and her Wolf
One of the puppies Hitler gave the name Wolf, which means "wolf". It is believed that he did this in his honor, since his own name - Adolf - translates as "noble wolf." As it became known later, shortly before the suicide, the Fuhrer ordered his personal doctor Ludwig Stumpfegger to put Blondie to sleep by giving her a cyanide pill.

In May 1945, when the half-burnt bodies of the Fuhrer and his wife Eva Braun were found in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, the corpse of Hitler's dog (a photo of the animal is given in the article) and her puppy Wolf were found next to them. The fate of the rest of the offspring remained unknown. An interesting detail: at the same time, an autopsy was performed not only on the remains of the head of the Third Reich and his wife, but also on both dogs.
As can be seen from the surviving documents, Blondie was not killed by the action of the poison, as desired by her master, but by a shot in the head. This is evidenced by a bullet hole in the skull. It must be assumed that the dog spat out the cyanide tablet put into her mouth, and then someone from Hitler's entourage had to resort to weapons. A similar fate befell the little Wolf. So they replenished the number of innocent victims of the war unleashed by their possessed master.
Birth of a legend
In the post-war years, the image of Blondie was repeatedly used in cinema and literature, as a result of which the dog's name became known to the general publicHitler. In particular, we can mention the film “The Fall of Berlin” directed by Mikhail Chiaureli, which was released in 1949 on the screens of the country.

It would seem that the story of Hitler's dog is over, and we can only talk about it as an insignificant episode in the life of a bloody dictator. However, fate decreed otherwise: the physical death of the animal became the beginning of an amazing legend in which outright mysticism and near-science fiction were intertwined.
Newspaper scoop
Shortly after the end of World War II, the Western yellow press reported that in the 40s, German scientists conducted highly classified experiments to create some kind of artificially bred creature, which was based on a German shepherd.
The result of these genetic experiments was supposed to have, in addition to the qualities inherent in every true Aryan, such as: excellent muscles, ruthlessness to enemies and Nordic temperament, also completely unique properties ─ the highest mind and physiological immortality. But that's not all. It was assumed that the monster, bred in the laboratory, would be able to contain the soul, and with it the intellect of a particular person, thus providing him with eternal life.

The legend that stirred the minds
It should be noted that the idea of reincarnation (relocation of souls) was close to Hitler, who had a fair amount of mysticism. Suffice it to recall the Nazis' attempts to find the Holy Grail. Sothe legend of Hitler's immortal dog, into which the dictator was going to reincarnate if his military adventure failed, fell into fertile ground.
Immediately there were messages that indicated not only the name of the scientific center in which the research was carried out, but also the name of the head of the work. This role was given to Wolfram Sievers, a prominent German scientist who specialized in applied bacteriology.
Escape from Berlin
Due to the fact that the inevitability of the collapse of the Third Reich became more and more obvious every day, and they had to work in a hurry, scientists managed to artificially create only one individual, supposedly possessing the desired qualities and then received the nickname, or rather, the symbol MUHA. It was she who allegedly was the famous dog of Hitler.

Further, the newspapers suggested that, perhaps, the inner essence, or, more simply, the soul of Hitler, moved into the dog, then taken out of Berlin, and would live with it indefinitely due to the unlimited life cycle. Regarding the corpse of Blondie, found in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, it was said that, apparently, these remains belonged to a completely different dog, and were planted for disinformation.
A new round of insanity
After making a lot of noise in its time, this story gradually died out and gave way to other sensations in the press. However, in 2007 it received its new development. This time, the media surprised the world with a message that allegedly in the Central ArchiveThe Russian Defense Ministry discovered secret documents related to the creation of Hitler's dog and taken out in 1945 from Germany. Moreover, among the materials was a photograph of the only individual that the German scientists managed to get.
The real sensation was the report that at the time when agents of the Soviet special services were extracting documents related to the creation of an immortal monster from secret vaults, Hitler's supporters managed to secretly take the dog to Moscow, since it was quite reasonable to believe that it was the last place in the world to be looked for. Considering the ability inherent in it to endlessly reproduce its life cycle, such information suggested that Hitler's dog, or rather, its possessed owner himself, is today somewhere in the very center of Russia.

Legend Hunters
Is it any wonder that after that a lot of initiative groups appeared, who set off to search in the capital, and not only in it, for the ill-fated dog with a Nazi past. According to the surviving photographs of the real Blondie, a digital reconstruction was created by computer, capable, according to its creators, of a million simple dogs to identify the only one that so excited their imagination.
They say that in recent years she was seen three times in different districts of the capital, but each time the insidious animal, growling angrily, hid from its pursuers. This is not surprising, because once a powerful intellect and fearlessness of a true Aryan were invested in it. What was the nameHitler's dog in the past is known, but no one knows under what nickname she is hiding today. She probably has several, like any self-respecting secret agent.