Momentum in physics: value, momentum of force, calculation formula

Momentum in physics: value, momentum of force, calculation formula
Momentum in physics: value, momentum of force, calculation formula

In Latin, the word "impulse" means a blow, a push. Man has always been surprised by the effect produced by a blow. Let's try to analyze from the standpoint of physics such concepts as impact force, momentum of force and the formula for its calculation.

Momentum and its strength

In physics, concepts such as momentum and momentum strength are clearly separated. It should be understood that momentum is the amount of movement. It is defined as the product of the body's velocity and its mass:

p=m × v.

To calculate the momentum of a force, the formula must be supplemented with the concepts of force F and time t. Here the most important law of physics is involved about the conservation of momentum - momentum.

The formula for momentum through force can be represented as follows:

F=(m v1-m v0) / t, or m v1 - m v0=F t, where F is the applied force, t – unit of time, m – body weight, v0 – initial speed, v1 – final speed after impact.

Thus, if the initial speed of a body with a certain mass increases over time under the influence ofany force, then such a change in the amount of movement per unit time will be proportional to the acting force. The momentum of force, the formula of which is shown, demonstrates Newton's second law. It follows from this that with a short exposure to a large force, the same change in momentum can occur as with a prolonged exposure to a small force.

giving impetus
giving impetus

The laws of physics on the example of impact

The action in practice of the invariability of energy and momentum can be clearly demonstrated by the example of impact, since the phenomenon of impact is widely used in science and technology.

Materials are divided into elastic and inelastic. Elastic after the termination of the deforming force returns to its original shape. When an elastic object falls on an elastic support, that is, an impact, an elastic force arises that acts from the side of the support and slows down the speed of the object. This is what the force impulse formula demonstrates. Impact physics is widely used in industry.

momentum transfer
momentum transfer

The strength of the impact depends on its duration and the elasticity of the support. On a rigid support, the impact duration will be shorter, and the average force will be greater. With soft support, the opposite is true. So, a soft net stretched in a circus protects the gymnast from a strong blow.

Unconditional immutability of momentum

The rule of conservation of momentum is observed when the system of bodies interacts. If such a system is not affected by external bodies, the interaction of bodies within such a separate system will not change its overall momentum.

Laws onconservation of momentum and energy are the basic laws of nature. However, the conservation of momentum in mechanical processes is always fair and unconditional. The impulse of force and the formula for its calculation prove this in practice. But the observance of the law of conservation of energy in mechanics requires the fulfillment of certain conditions.

pile driving
pile driving

If it were possible to take into account all types of energy before and after the impact, it would be possible to make sure that even in the case of an inelastic impact, the law of conservation of energy is observed. It is always valid, but there is a possibility of transformation of the type of energy from one to another. In practical application, this is especially important.

Momentum is a vector quantity that depends on the mass of the body and its speed. The impulse of force characterizes the change in the movement of the body under the influence of a certain force on it over a specific time.