The industrial society at the beginning of the 20th century was finally formed. What are the characteristics and characteristics of it? We will try to answer this question.
When did the concept appear?
The term dates back to the 19th century.

It emerged as the opposite meaning of the "backward" economy, the "old regime", the traditional (agrarian) development model.
Signs of an industrial society in the early 20th century
Historical and economic sciences distinguish the following features:
- urbanization;
- class division of society;
- industrialization;
- representative democracy;
- change of political elites;
- low social mobility compared to modern society;
- development of exact sciences, technologies;
- demographic decline;
- shaping consumer mindset;
- folding nation-states;
- finalization of private property;
- arms race, struggle for resources.
Industrial society at the beginning of the 20th century is characterized by the development of urbanization, that is, the growth of cities.

People in search of work are beginning to move from traditional rural areas to large industrial centers. Cities of a new type are not medieval fortresses. These are powerful giants absorbing human and material resources.
Class division of society
The formation of an industrial society at the beginning of the 20th century is associated with the class division of society.

The agrarian development model also did not know equality between people. But there were estates in it, that is, a position in society depending on birth. It was impossible to move between them. For example, a peasant could never become a nobleman. Rare cases, of course, were, but they are exceptions to the rule.
With class division, although antagonism is observed, that is, intolerance, conflict, infringement of rights, however, the transition from one class to another is possible. Birth no longer played any role. Even the most impoverished proletarian could become an industrial magnate, gain political influence and a privileged position.
Change of elites
Also industrial society at the beginning of the 20th centurycharacterized by a change of elites.

Both political and economic. This is due to the fact that the nature of the war has changed. Previously, the outcome of battles depended on professional warriors who knew how to skillfully use weapons. With the advent of gunpowder, heavy guns, ships, money was needed for development. Now any novice with a gun could easily shoot even a Japanese samurai virtuoso in martial art. The history of Japan is a prime example. New, hastily assembled regiments with muskets defeated in the civil war professionals with edged weapons, all their lives engaged in self-training.
The same example can be given in Russian history. At the beginning of the 20th century, all countries of the world were armed with recruiting numerous armies with firearms.
Features of the industrial society at the beginning of the 20th century: demographic decline
The development of science and technology has led to a significant decline in the birth rate. This is due to three reasons:
The market needs professional people
It is no longer enough to have arms and legs, education is needed.

Technicians and engineers are in demand. Education takes a lot of time. Women no longer have time to give birth to 5-6 children, as it was before, since they take a lot of time, which will not allow them to develop professionally.
No need for land incentives
In many societies for the number of children, especiallymale, various incentives were provided in the form of land plots. With each generation, their total area was redistributed depending on the needs. Some people died due to diseases, epidemics, wars. Therefore, there was no long-term private ownership of land. She has always redistributed. The amount of allotment the family received depended on the number of children. Therefore, on a subconscious level, people rejoiced at new family members not at all because of love for children, but because of the opportunity to increase allotments.
Children do not turn into helpers, but into "freeloaders"
Industrial society at the beginning of the 20th century (Great Britain, France) shows that new family members turn into a "burden", dependents.

Previously, child labor on earth was the norm, which means that children not only fed themselves, but also the elderly family members. On earth, anyone can find a job according to their strength. Those who live in rural areas know that children and teenagers help with the housework: weed the beds, water the garden, look after the animals. In cities, their help is not required. Maximum cleaning of the apartment, which does not generate income.
Shaping consumer mindset
Industrial society at the beginning of the 20th century began to be distinguished by a new way of thinking - consumerism.

What does this mean? People are beginning to produce not a means of subsistence on earth, but the money with which all this is bought. Extra on earthproducts are not needed. Why produce two tons of potatoes if only one is spent on food per year. Selling is also useless, since everyone works on the land, so no one needs agricultural products. With the development of technology and the transition to market relations, everything is changing. People are getting paid for their work. The more money, the better life. In an agrarian society, it makes no sense to work more than necessary. In the industrial world, everything changes. The more successful a person is, the more he can afford: his own castle, car, better living conditions. The rest also begin to strive for we alth. Everyone wants to live better than now. This is called consumer thinking.