Bastard is it? Origin and use of the word

Bastard is it? Origin and use of the word
Bastard is it? Origin and use of the word

Many people use profanity in their daily communication. They don't even think about what those words mean. Many profanity words come from various diseases. For example, expressions such as "cretin" and "idiot" are derivatives of mental illness: cretinism and idiocy. Also, people replenish the vocabulary of profanity using the names of various animals or their subspecies. Often, the names of inanimate objects, representatives of the plant world and even body parts become curse words.


"Bastard" is an expression very different from the rest of the profanity word. Its true meaning is obsolete. Previously, this word was used in biology and it was called the offspring that appeared from representatives of various species or breeds of the animal world. Now, this word has been replaced by such expressions as hybrids or mestizos. But the word "bastard" did not sink into the abyss of oblivion and replenished the stock of profanity. Now it is used in relation to rude people with low morals, animal instincts. There is no exact meaning of this word, but it is generally believed that it is formed from the word "fornicate", so it is often used in relation to children,born out of wedlock or children born to minor parents.

motherfucker it
motherfucker it

Origin of the word "bastard"

Many profanity expressions have a long history. When was the word "bastard" first used? This is completely unknown. But as mentioned earlier, for the first time it was used as a term denoting offspring obtained from representatives of various species or breeds of representatives of the animal world. A little later, this word began to be used in relation to people.

origin of the word bastard
origin of the word bastard

It became widespread in the Middle Ages. During this difficult time, almost every famous person had an illegitimate child. Some parents accepted their offspring and they got rid of this stigma, but there were people who had to live with this all their lives.

A lot of things for "bastards" depended on their parents. If they were noble persons, then it is very likely that such a child will be able to receive a decent upbringing, education and will not be attacked by others. If not, then the society did not accept them. Worst of all was the illegitimate children of people of low social status. Often parents could not provide for the child and handed over or even sold such children. Often they were simply abandoned at birth. Due to the influence of the church, the attitude towards such children was terrible, they were considered the fruit of sin. As a result, they grew up as aloof, uneducated and rude people.

Middle Ages

Different translations of this wordused in almost all parts of the world. So, for example, in European countries the word "bastard" was used, which means "bastard" in translation. This word also meant the crossing of representatives of two different races or people of different social status. Such marriages were forbidden, especially if there was a big gap in social status between a man and a woman. Quite often, the consent to marriage was not given by the parents of young people.

what does the word bastard mean
what does the word bastard mean


The word "bastard" is a common expression these days. And it applies to illegitimate children, but in our society they are no longer subjected to various attacks. The use of this in relation to rude people has become more widespread. Sometimes the word "bastard" means that a person has some degree of disgust. Interestingly, this expression is mainly used in relation to males. Synonyms can be such words as: "scum", "bastard", "half-breed". But it is better to refrain from using them and speak in a clear and literary language.
