A admirer is Interpretation of the word

A admirer is Interpretation of the word
A admirer is Interpretation of the word

Who can be called an admirer? This noun is sometimes found in colloquial speech, flashes in works of art. But what is the lexical meaning of this word? The answer can be found in the explanatory dictionary.

Lexical meaning

Let's start defining the lexical meaning of the noun "admirer". Any explanatory dictionary will come to the rescue. It indicates what this or that language unit means.

Let's turn to Efremova's dictionary. The interpretation of the word "admirer" is fixed there. So they call a man in love, a fan. That is, the admirer is an animated noun. It refers to a person.

admirer says
admirer says

Some words in Russian have lost their relevance. You are unlikely to use the adjective "cursed" or the verb "to cringe" in everyday conversation.

The same applies to the noun admirer. Yes, it is used in speech. But not as often as before, that is, it belongs to the category of archaisms.

Sample sentences

To consolidate the interpretation of the word"admirer", you can make several sentences with him. They will demonstrate the interpretation of this language unit.

  • Under the window stood a secret admirer and dreamed of seeing his beloved at least for a second.
  • You, girl, should not think about admirers, but gain your mind, read smart books and learn to live right.
  • Katerina got an admirer, he gives her flowers and gifts.
The admirer hugs the girl
The admirer hugs the girl
  • I'll never have an admirer, I don't need him for nothing.
  • The admirer looked at Ira with loving eyes, and she shyly looked away and blushed.
  • No one knew that Kirill was Mashin's admirer, he had been in love with her for a long time.
  • What do I care about admirers if they are afraid to even talk to me?
  • The admirer never confessed his bright feelings.

Synonyms for the word

As mentioned above, admirer is an obsolete noun. It can be replaced with more modern words. Here are some examples:

  • Fan. The girl has many fans, but she does not pay attention to anyone.
  • Chanter. Where did the chanter go who showered you with compliments?
  • Cavalier. Nastya has a new boyfriend, a handsome and fit guy.
  • Adorer. One stubborn admirer followed me all the way home.
  • Boyfriend. No matter what they say, but your boyfriend, Karina, is incredible, he is generous and not stupid.

These synonyms can be replacednoun "admirer". It is important to analyze the context in order to choose the best option for a particular situation.
