Physiognomy of lips: definition of a person's character, features, photo with description

Physiognomy of lips: definition of a person's character, features, photo with description
Physiognomy of lips: definition of a person's character, features, photo with description

The science of physiognomy originated in ancient times and was especially revered in the East. There it was a branch of medicine, where it is still believed that a person's face is a complete reflection of his life path and his inner world.

In the Western world, physiognomy was studied by Theophrastus, Hippocrates and Aristotle, who wrote the systematic work Physiognomica.

Aristotle in the ancient world
Aristotle in the ancient world

The famous figure Leonardo da Vinci and the philosopher John Scott in the Middle Ages supplemented research on the dependence of the appearance and inner world of a person with their observations.

General provisions

Physiognomy is a system of knowledge that determines internal personal qualities, both innate and acquired, as well as analyzes facial features and facial expressions.

Modern psychology does not recognize physiognomy as something serious, considering it a pseudoscience. This is substantiated by many experiments that refute the connection betweenperson's face and character. In ancient Greece, it was considered "the art of Chimeras."

However, in everyday life, the knowledge of this branch of science is used in many segments of our life, it is especially popular in the field of recruitment in large corporations.

Read my lips

The famous phrase that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and almost everything can be read from them is known to everyone. However, physiognomy claims that it is the mouth and lips of a person that provide the most information. It is from them that you can read about the moral qualities, successes in life, and the goals of their owner. Studying various lips, physiognomy identified groups of people according to the shape of the mouth and lips.

Corners up

The owner of this form of lips with raised corners in life, everything is in harmony, both with the world and with himself. Such a person is always in a good mood, knows how to share joy with others, charges with positive, gives vital energy. If he still has dimples on his cheeks, then, without a doubt, this person is optimistic, friendly and sociable.


Corners down

People with this curved mouth line are mostly reserved, not eager to communicate. In most cases, they have psychological problems associated with their own discontent. Since negative experience in life cannot be avoided, it leaves an imprint on such people in the form of lowered corners of the mouth. Also, such individuals are characterized by high self-esteem and egocentrism. At the sight of a man of this type, one gets the impression of his poor he alth. Woman withwith such corners of the lips it turns out to be stubborn, hardworking and diligent in work.

corners down
corners down

Protruding lips

As physiognomy explains, lips protruding beyond the chin indicate that their owner is not in the habit of considering the opinions of others. With his love of communication, such a person is too self-confident and stubborn.

Thin lips in physiognomy

The owners of thin lips are creative individuals, they perform well in the literary genre. In work, such people are always stubborn and go to the intended goal. They do not hide what they think about, and they can always give a verbal rebuff. You should be careful with people who have too thin lips, as they are capable of meanness and betrayal.

Thin lips
Thin lips

Thin upper lip

According to physiognomy, the upper lip is smaller than the lower one, which means that this person is balanced, not subject to emotional outbursts. His mental abilities are directed in an analytical direction. Men of this type are happy in marriage, and women - on the contrary.

Puffy upper lip

People whose upper lip is plump, have a passionate temperament, are carried away by the opposite sex to extremes. They need to control their emotions, otherwise problems may arise in their personal lives. Also, the owners of such lips are very kind and have good manners.

Protruding large lower lip

In most cases, a person's lower lip is larger than the upper lip, so it is a very large convex lower lip that is considered. Such people attach great importance to relationships in their personal lives, are touchy, capricious and overly proud. However, they have excellent leadership and intellectual abilities.

Big lips

When the lower and upper lips are plump and virtually the same size, then this person has a straightforward character. According to physiognomy, large lips indicate friendliness and practicality. You can always rely on such people, both in family life and in business.

Big lips
Big lips

Raised upper lip

The owner of such a lip, when the front teeth are visible, has excellent artistic abilities. And also there is a penchant for political activity. Regardless of gender, such individuals are characterized by a sense of superiority: in appearance, in physical strength, in their achievements, in work and more.

Wrinkled lower lip

According to physiognomy, the lower lip with numerous wrinkles indicates a pleasant person who knows how to win attention in a company. He also attracts the opposite sex with his good nature and cheerful disposition. Disadvantages include addiction to alcohol and food.


The so-called hollow between the upper lip and nose indicates the presence of many positive qualities. The longer the groove, according to the physiognomy of the lips, the better. Such people are aimed at success, which they achieve in any business. They have a lot of vitality and strength. If you look at the faces of prominent actors, businessmen and other personalities, then most of them cannotice the elongated groove.

male lips
male lips

People with a short cleavage often have a low level of intelligence and lack elementary norms of education.

Lip outlines

If you believe physiognomy, the lips of men and women with good and clear outlines speak of a sharp mind, the ability to make the right decisions. However, the owners of such lines of Cupid may have harsh judgments, sarcasm and causticity. The smoothness and calmness of the lines indicates an ingenuous person who can be trusted.

Focus on communication

When communicating, you need to pay attention to the facial expressions of a person. Based on the statements of physiognomy, the lips of an unemotional person move slightly. If during communication there is a feeling that the person’s face seems to be completely moving, then this indicates a quick-tempered emotional person.

Calculating an individual with a sense of superiority and self-confidence is quite simple. When talking with such a person, you can notice how he twists his lips. Such people have a bad temper.

One can judge the emotionality of a person by the line of lips closing. A straight line indicates calmness, and a wavy line with a developed nasolabial fold indicates excessive temper.

Mouth size

A big mouth is an indicator of success and intelligence. Such people are endowed with high intelligence, quickly converge with people, are quite proud. If the lips are thin, then their owners have incommensurable desires with sufficient prudence. They have good control over their actions. In women withwith a harmoniously defined large mouth, there are usually many friends, a career goes up easily due to sociability and openness.

Small mouth
Small mouth

The owners of small mouths were often spoiled by their parents in childhood, so for the most part they are selfish people. Men are often timid, shy, unable to achieve their goals. But women are popular with the opposite sex, although they are cold in nature. The strong sex next to such a lady feels strong and needed.

Based on the statements of physiognomy, thin and compressed lips speak of fear and deep conflict within a person. And a slightly open mouth with relaxed lips, as it were, says that this person can be easily trusted.

Beautiful lips
Beautiful lips

The surface of the lips is different for everyone. There is not a single repeating pattern. This is what prompted the French doctor Michel Renault to think that the impression of the lips could be informative for forensics. The exception is twins.

Physiognomy of the face and lips is a very interesting science that has come to us since ancient times. It is being studied to this day, revealing more and more secrets of the human appearance.
