In the XIV century, the Russian principalities continued to live under the yoke of the Golden Horde. There was no single political center in the country that could lead the fight against the Mongols. This role fell to the Moscow principality. Its rulers managed to defeat Tver in the rivalry.
Consolidation around Moscow
It was Moscow that led the collection of tribute for the Golden Horde. In 1374, after Mamai supported the prince of Tver in the struggle for the throne of Vladimir, Dmitry Donskoy refused to pay him the gold collected from the population. Subsequently, the conflict turned into an open war.

Russian armies plundered the Tatars on the Middle Volga. In 1377 they were defeated on the Pyana River. Moscow troops responded within a few months. On the Vozha River they managed to defeat Murza Begich. However, these battles were only rehearsals for the upcoming battle.
Gathering troops and building them
In August 1380, on September 8, Dmitry Donskoy organized the gathering of all Russian troops. Under his leadership came the army and other principalities. They were mostly Suzdal and Smolensk people. Also came a small regiment from Tver, led by a nephewthe local prince. There are still disputes whether the Novgorodians managed to join.
One way or another, but Donskoy managed to gather up to 70 thousand warriors under his banners. The army was divided into three parts. Dmitry himself led the largest regiment in the center. On the right stood Yaroslavl, headed by Vladimir Andreevich, the Serpukhov prince and cousin of Donskoy. On the left, the Bryansk ruler Gleb was in charge. A powerful blow came here when the Battle of Kulikovo began in 1380.
On the way to the lands of the Mongols, the Moscow army visited Sergius of Radonezh. The founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was known throughout the country. He blessed the army and gave Dmitry two heroes who had previously been monks - Oslyablya and Peresvet.
Mamai believed that the Russian army would not dare to cross the Oka, but would take a defensive position, as it had already done in previous battles. However, Dmitry wanted to strike first in order to prevent the Tatars from linking up with the allies. This step was extremely risky - all reserves and resources were left behind. In the event of a defeat, the army could completely die, never reaching home.
While the Russian regiments were moving towards the Don, Lithuanian detachments joined them. They were led by the sons of Olgerd - Dmitry and Andrey. Under their banners were residents of Pskov, Polotsk, etc. After the arrival of reinforcements, it was decided that Vladimir Andreyevich would lead the regiment in ambush, Andrei Olgerdovich would lead the soldiers to the right of Donskoy.

Mamai was preparing to fight in difficult conditions. ATThe internecine war continued for the Golden Horde. Mamai was threatened by Tokhtamysh, who could attack the enemy right from behind the Volga.
The course of the battle
When the Russian troops crossed the Don, they deliberately burned all the bridges. This was done so that his allies from among other Lithuanian princes, as well as Ryazanians, could not get to Mamai. On September 7, the army finally took up its position, waiting for the enemy. Vladimir Andreevich, together with Dmitry Bobrok-Volynsky, was sent to the oak forest, from where he was supposed to strike with fresh forces at the most decisive moment. All evening and night, Donskoy traveled around the troops and checked their condition. Then the Tatars stumbled upon the first Russian scouts.
Dmitry wanted to directly participate in the battle among ordinary soldiers. So he exchanged armor with one of his associates. The Tatars, unaware of this trick, killed a man whom they mistook for a prince.
The Battle of the Kulikovo Field, a brief story about which is present in many literary sources, began on September 8th. The troops were assembled before noon, waiting for the prince's order.
It is known that the battle on the Kulikovo field began with the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey. A short story, or rather, a retelling of this episode - and he gives the impression, what can we say about the full text in the annals! It was an ancient custom when the two most powerful warriors - one from each of the opposing sides - fought face-to-face. Both riders died from spear strikes.

Then both troops rushed towards each otherfriend. The main blow fell on the center and left flank of the Russian squad. Part of the troops here was cut off from the main mass. The combatants began to retreat to Nepryadva, because of which there was a danger of a breakthrough in the rear. It was a hot battle on the Kulikovo field. The Russian army suffered serious losses, it seemed that the enemy was about to overcome …
Ambush Regiment Attack
At that time, in an oak forest nearby, there was a dispute between Vladimir Serpukhovsky and the voivode Bobrok. The prince wanted to strike at the Tatars almost immediately after the start of the battle. However, the governor dissuaded, and the squad was waiting for the right moment, while the battle on the Kulikovo field continued. A brief story about her, by the way, contains the literary work "Zadonshchina", written at the end of the 15th century.
Finally, the Tatar cavalry approached Nepryadva, catching up with the fleeing left regiment. It was at this moment that the soldiers who were in ambush hit the enemy. The cavalry did not have time to retreat in time and was literally swept into the river. At the same time, units under the leadership of Donskoy began an offensive.

All this time, Mamai followed the course of the battle from afar, surrounded by his retinue. After the ambush detachment left, he realized that they had lost the battle on the Kulikovo field. A short story of this episode cannot convey the situation that prevailed at the battle site. Screams, screams, a disorderly retreat of the panicked Tatars…
End of battle
The fugitives were overtaken by about 50 miles. Saved only a tenth of the enemy troops. The persecution was led by VladimirSerpukhov. Dmitry Donskoy was shell-shocked, and his comrades-in-arms could not find him among the many corpses. Finally, he was found under a felled birch. He was knocked out of the saddle, and the prince managed to crawl away to the forest. When he came to, the winners began to congratulate him with tears in their eyes.

The battle on the Kulikovo field began in 1380, and ended in the same year. The survivors began to collect the wounded. The convoys stretched for several kilometers. The Lithuanian prince Jagiello, who did not have time to come to the rescue of Mamai, having learned about the victory of the Russians, retreated back home. However, some of its units went to rob and kill the stragglers. The Ryazan prince also refused an alliance with Mamai and pleaded "junior" in relation to the ruler of Moscow.
The battle on the Kulikovo field, the year of which became a festive year for Russia, led to the fact that Moscow finally established itself as a political leader. The Golden Horde entered a series of crises and internecine wars. Nevertheless, for exactly a hundred years, her khans claimed to demand tribute from Russia. The yoke was finally thrown off under Ivan III, in 1480, after standing on the Ugra.
This status was confirmed by further historical events. The people composed songs and legends about the battle on the Kulikovo field. She became a symbol of the greatness of the country. In modern Russia, September 21 (September 8, old style) was recognized as the Day of Military Glory.