In Russian, there are several types of subordination between words. One of them is management. Often in writing and in speech one can find violations of control. To avoid this, you should become more familiar with this type of syntactic connection.
What is management
Control is a kind of connection between two words, where the main word determines the setting of the dependent word: in what case it should be, with or without a preposition. This relationship can be either rigid and not subject to change, or more flexible, allowing for various variations.

How to distinguish control from agreement
It is important to be able to distinguish management from coordination. When agreed, the main word dictates the gender, number, and case to the subordinate. They seem to act as a single whole, and the subordinate word always changes after the main one. For example: handsome man - handsome men - handsome man (nouns agree in gender, and the number with the case of the subordinate word changes along with the main one). Or: beautiful thing - beautiful things - beautiful things.
When drivingthe main word dictates to the subordinate only the case (and the presence / absence of a preposition). The dependent word has a frozen form in a specific case and does not necessarily change after the main one. For example: he asked her for a favor - she will ask her for a favor - they ask her for a favor. We see that the main word "ask" changes, but the subordinate "her" always remains fixed in the accusative case without a preposition.
Management is divided into types according to various criteria.
Prepositional and non-prepositional control
One of the possible classifications is prepositional and non-prepositional control. As it is easy to conclude from the name, prepositional control requires a preposition, but non-prepositional control does not. For example: confess something (prepositional), confirm something (non-prepositional).
Often a violation of management consists in replacing one of these types with another: operate with data (wrong) - operate with data (correct), inherent in men (incorrect) - inherent in men (correct), pay the bills (incorrect) - pay bills (correct), interested in his affairs (incorrect) - interested in his affairs (correct).
Often between the same words there can be both prepositional and non-prepositional control. They may have slight differences in meaning or style, but none of them should be considered a violation of control. Examples: walk across the field - walk in the field, ride the train - ride the train, work in the evenings - work in the evenings, letter to father - letter to father, understandable to everyone - understandable to everyone, be known as an eccentric -be known as an eccentric, look for the first time - look for the first time, five meters wide - five meters wide, at a speed of seventy kilometers per hour - at a speed of seventy kilometers per hour.

Strong and weak governance
Management is also divided into strong and weak. Strong management is characterized by the fact that the main word unambiguously determines the case of the dependent: write a book (the accusative case is required). Weak control suggests variations in the forms of the dependent word: write about nature (prepositional case), write with a pencil (active case).
Types of control by the morphology of the main word
), pronominal (she is with friends).

Typical examples of mismanagement in Russian
You should be careful when composing sentences in which the subordinate word can be attributed immediately to different main words. This would not be considered a direct violation of the control of the sentence, but could create ambiguity. For example: All the leaders of our company came to meet the guests from London. With this wording, it remains unclear: guests from London or leaders came from London?
It is also a mistake to line up a largethe number of words dependent on each other in the same case form, even if the norms of management are observed. Example: category B driver training students - syntax error.
A big problem is violation of the control of words that are close in meaning, since very often the control norms of one of a pair of such words are automatically transferred to the second one. It is necessary to distinguish between management in phrases similar to the following: reproach for what - reproach someone, be offended by someone / what - offended by someone / what, warn against what - warn about what, rejoice at what / to whom - happy with what / by whom, full of what - full of what, to condemn to what - to sentence to something, pleased with what / with whom - happy with what / to whom, to be a participant in what - to participate in what, to worry about what / who - to worry about what / whom, identical to what - similar to what / who.
One of the possible mistakes is a violation of the verb control: to doubt something, to tell for something, to admire something, to understand about something. Such usages can often be found in colloquial speech, but they are a gross violation.

Sometimes there can be confusion when there are multiple add-ons at once, leading to a loss of control. Example: organization and participation in the game is an erroneous version of the construction of the phrase. The words "organization" and "participation" require different management, so they cannot be homogeneous members in this case. It will be right: the organization of the game and participation in it. To love and admire the sea -not right. That's right: love the sea and admire it. Studying and getting involved in mathematics is wrong. That's right: learn and enjoy math.

Some features of governance norms
It is worth mentioning separately the "legalized" mistakes in management, which are inherent in professional jargon, mainly legal. For example, such a well-known phrase as "put on the wanted list" from the point of view of the literary norm is incorrect. There is no such form of government in Russian. You can "declare what" and "declare what". Also used in jurisprudence, but formally incorrect are such phrases as: condemn to imprisonment, in the absence of corpus delicti, proceedings, according to an order, and others. However, they are widely used and can be found in official documents.