Where can I go after grade 9: features, professions and recommendations

Where can I go after grade 9: features, professions and recommendations
Where can I go after grade 9: features, professions and recommendations

Choosing a profession is one of the most important issues that a person has to decide in life. It becomes especially difficult for young people who leave school after the 9th grade. What profession to choose? Which educational institution should I apply to? How to continue education and get a higher education? All these questions attack the future student at once. Therefore, it is especially important to understand all the intricacies of this difficult matter.

Differences between technical school and college

At the moment, after finishing the 9th grade, a boy or girl can enter only two educational institutions - a college or a technical school. There are no longer such concepts as vocational schools or colleges. Where can I go after grade 9: college or technical school? To make a decision, you need to know the differences between them.

Both institutions provide general knowledge in one direction or another. However, the fundamental difference is the emphasis on practical knowledge. A college student gets a lot more.

Different andtraining period. Since the college provides more in-depth knowledge, it takes more time to train a specialist. A college education will take four years, while a technical school will take three.

Today, many colleges are created on the basis of higher education institutions. Here, more emphasis is placed on continuing the education of students at the institute. Also, colleges tend to offer more career choices.

However, do not underestimate technical schools. For professions that do not require deep practical experience, they provide an equally high-quality education, but faster. The student will receive all the necessary basic knowledge, which will be enough for employment. College will prepare you for working life by giving you more practice.

How to choose a profession?

Students in class
Students in class

The choice of speci alty must be approached with all responsibility and not to apply to the first institution that comes across. After all, it will depend on this with what mood the student will attend classes and how his student life will go. In the future, job search and many other factors will depend on the choice of profession. We can say that the whole life will depend on it.

The first point worth paying attention to is the remoteness of the educational institution from home. Not every parent will let their child aged 15-16 go to another city and, moreover, a region.

Next, it is necessary to analyze the abilities and predispositions of the applicant. It is important to understand that if in a family from generation togeneration all become engineers, and the child is drawn to music, that is, it makes sense to break the tradition. It's better to make a great guitarist instead of a bad engineer.

On the Internet you can find a lot of tests that will determine the predisposition of a teenager to different professions. For example, if a high degree of communication skills, the ability to convey information, goodwill and stress resistance are determined as a result, the program will display a list of professions related to communication and people. For example, a journalist, teacher, manager, educator, and so on.

It is also worth carefully studying all the subtleties of the future profession. You need to understand what a person will do at work, what responsibility he will incur and what are his prospects.

Demanded professions

The current economic situation in Russia determines the demand for certain speci alties. When choosing your life path, this is also worth paying attention to.

After the wave of lawyers, economists and managers, the workforce in these areas is quite enough. But technical specialists are sorely lacking. If an applicant has a predisposition to design, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, design, etc., then you should definitely pay attention to technical professions.

Teachers are also lacking. On the basis of colleges, you can get the appropriate primary education. IT specialists are also required. Universal computerization leads to the demand for those who are on "you" with computers. Moreover, both with the software part and with the technical part. Byin this direction, you can get a secondary special education. In the future, there is the prospect of getting a higher education.

Technical speci alties
Technical speci alties

Agricultural workers are also in high demand. Production technologists will not be left without work either.

Despite the prospects of the profession in general in Russia, you must not forget to look at the situation in your region. The situation may differ from that throughout the country.

If none of these destinations are attractive, don't be discouraged. Indeed, there are not enough really good, competent and interested specialists in all areas.

Creative Directions

In colleges, especially in colleges, there are many professions for creative people. Consider where you can go to study after 9 years of school education in this case:

  • artistic director;
  • conductor;
  • designer;
  • choreographer;
  • decorator;
  • hairdresser;
  • florist;
  • web designer;
  • illustrator;
  • artist in different directions (for costumes, animator, etc.)
profession designer
profession designer

The list of these professions can grow indefinitely. This is a list of areas where a girl or a creative young man can enter after grade 9. Such professions should not be considered unclaimed, because the activities of theaters, the film and animation industry, as well as advertising, entertainment, etc. in any city are keptespecially for creative people. Therefore, any person who is predisposed to dancing, singing, fine arts and applied arts will be able to fulfill themselves.

Technical professions

Another group of speci alties that can be mastered in a college or technical school. Consider where you can go after grade 9 to people with a technical and mathematical mindset. There are not so many such speci alties, so there is plenty to choose from. So, where can you go after 9th grade? Professions:

  • electrician;
  • car mechanic;
  • radio apparatus engineering;
  • railroad speci alties;
  • operator;
  • construction directions, etc.
Occupation auto mechanic
Occupation auto mechanic

The list of areas where you can go to study after grade 9 is very large. The most important thing for people of these speci alties is diligence and a mathematical mindset. If from childhood a child loved to make, build, repair or draw something, then these professions are quite suitable for him.

Destinations for the humanities

If a future student has a predisposition to such sciences, the list of speci alties where you can enter after grade 9 is also rather big:

  • pedagogical directions;
  • jurisprudence;
  • insurance agent and legal professions;
  • hotel service and tourism;
  • secretary;
  • customs;
  • document specialist, etc.

The bulk of these speci alties are presented on the basis of technical schools, where you can enter after grade 9,having passed the final exams at school.

profession cartoonist
profession cartoonist

Specific destinations

In addition to the above professions, the list of institutions and directions where you can enroll after grade 9 can be replenished with the following speci alties:

  • fireman;
  • forester;
  • police or security officer.

Such areas require special knowledge and physical fitness. Therefore, this list, where you can enter after the 9th grade, is more suitable for the boy.

support in choosing a profession
support in choosing a profession

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the future student should make the final decision about where to go after the 9th grade. In this matter, parents can only support and help, but it is not worth putting pressure on the child.

Don't forget that final exams and deciding on admission is an unprecedented burden and responsibility that can become a serious problem for a teenager. Talk more with him, help him understand the intricacies of professions, analyze his abilities. Remember what he was interested in and fond of in early childhood. Determine what he does best. All this will help you make the right choice.