The medical professions are the most necessary and humane on earth. Some of them can be obtained not only at the university, but also at the college after completing 9 years of study at a comprehensive school. How to become a student of a secondary special educational organization, what speci alties you can choose from - questions that arise for many applicants who want to enter medical school. college after 9th grade. They are to be sorted out.
Honey. college after grade 9: speci alties, choice of future profession
If you have already decided to go to college, then first of all you should decide on a speci alty. For applicants who have completed 9 classes in a secondary school, secondary specialized educational organizations offer the following main areas of training:
- "Nursing".
- "Obstetrics".

Many applicants for admission to medical. college after the 9th grade choose the direction of training "Nursing". During their studies in the first and second semesters, students study general education subjects that they would have to study in grades 10 and 11. In the second year, professional disciplines begin to be taught (anatomy, physiology, the basics of nursing). In the last courses, nursing is studied in specific areas of medicine (pediatrics, surgery).
Nursing graduates are qualified as nurses or nurses. After receiving a diploma, young specialists get jobs in polyclinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, private medical centers.

A very noble, important and most beautiful medical profession is a midwife. Thanks to her, new lives are born. Speaking figuratively, we can say that the midwife has all of humanity in her hands. This profession can be obtained by choosing any honey. college after 9th grade. All secondary specialized educational institutions have the direction of training "Obstetrics".
In this speci alty, in all universities, the educational process is built according to the lecture-seminar type. Several times during the period of study, students undergo practical training. It is carried out in antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals. Also, students visit ordinary hospitals, oncology dispensaries.
Otherareas of study
Speci alties related to nursing and midwifery are available in every medical secondary special educational institution. Some applicants are offered other areas of training, but this already depends on the university. Some educational organizations do not have a wide list of speci alties, so this should be taken into account. What additional speci alties can be offered? Here is the answer to this question:
- "Medical and preventive business". Sanitary paramedics are trained in this direction. These specialists work in the sanitary and epidemiological service, hold the position of parasitologist assistant, epidemiologist and sanitary doctor.
- "Pharmacy". In this area of training, you can get a specialized secondary education for the pharmaceutical industry. Applicants who decide to enter the honey. college after 9th grade, in the future we will be engaged in obtaining, researching, storing and dispensing medicines.
- "Laboratory diagnostics". Laboratory technicians are being trained in this direction. They conduct research on the biomaterial of the human body, use immunological, biochemical, bacteriological, cytological, general clinical and other methods in their work.

Entrance tests and passing scores
A few years ago, getting into any medical college was quite difficult. I had to take biology, Russian. Now the conditions for admission toschools have changed. Entrance tests in general education subjects are not conducted (since there are no exams, the question of passing scores becomes irrelevant). The only condition that must be met before entering a medical college after the 9th grade is to pass a written psychological test. It allows you to find out whether applicants have the physical and psychological qualities that are simply necessary in medicine.
What features should be inherent in a person who wants to devote his life to medicine? Here are the main qualities:
- affectionateness;
- tenderness;
- mercy;
- compassion;
- politeness;
- responsibility;
- limitless patience.

Collecting the necessary documents
When the speci alty is chosen and all questions regarding admission are clarified, you should start collecting documents. For admission to medical college after grade 9 required:
- 3 by 4cm photo cards;
- application addressed to the director indicating a specific speci alty;
- original or copy of passport;
- original or copy of the certificate;
- certificate of mandatory medical examination.

Reviews about admission and study at medical colleges
First of all, applicants speak positively about the simplification of admission to medical. St. Petersburg colleges after grade 9 and universities,located in other Russian cities. Now you don't have to study for exams. Modern applicants are spared from sleepless nights, stress when passing entrance tests. It is also worth noting that in the past, quite often there were cases when applicants approached the preparation very responsibly, but because of fear they forgot all the information and could not pass the exams. Now you can not be afraid of this.
Many testimonials can be found about studying at medical colleges. Students note that learning is not so easy. You have to study anatomy and physiology very carefully, because the human body is very complex, and it is impossible to remember information after reading it only once. Despite all the difficulties, studying at medical colleges is interesting. Educational organizations have anatomical preparations, skeletons, which can be used to study the human structure.

In the reviews, many students say that you should not go to medical school. college after 9th grade, if there are no necessary personal qualities. Medical workers are responsible for the lives of those people who turn to them for help. You need to have a desire to help others, to strive to do good on earth. If medicine is of interest, and sick people are compassion, then you should definitely enter a medical college. Different speci alties offered at universities will help you make the right choice.