It is known for certain that in the days of Ancient Greece, everyone who wanted to study at the school of Pythagoras was asked to spend the first two years in silence. "For what?" - you ask. Silence is golden. Silence is silence not only around you, but also within you. When the "ego" rests, the voice of the soul is heard - our divine beginning.

Folk wisdom "silence is golden"
Among the thousands of proverbs and sayings from different peoples of the world, there is sure to be wisdom that calls for more silence and be careful with words. One of them is “Speech is silver, silence is gold”: Speech is silvern, silence is golden (English); Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold (German); La parole est d'argent et le silence est d'or (French); La parola è d'argento, il silenzio è d'oro (Italian). Now it is difficult to say why this expression sounds identical in different languages. We can only speculate and guess. This is undoubtedly a consequence of the mutual influence of European cultures, and the fact that human nature remains unchanged at all times. People at allcontinents think and feel, ultimately, in the same way, because, despite different living conditions, dissimilar circumstances and experiences, we all come to the same truth. And finally, most of the figurative expressions in European languages are full copy of the Latin version. So, “silence is golden” in Latin sounds like “Silentium aurum est”. That's where the expression got its roots from.

Is silence gold or emptiness?
There is so much bustle and noise around that the words "peace" and "silence" are gradually forgotten. We listen and talk, communicate, discuss someone, argue. About whom, about what or why - we immediately forget. Thousands of thoughts, millions of gigabytes of information… This flow is endless, and it seems impossible to stop it. It quickly rushes past us, leaving no trace. And if you still shut up for a minute and listen to the silence? Peace, silence and serenity. Everything falls into place. The colors don't rage. The sounds of silence are slow and eloquent. They harmoniously flow into each other and turn into words, but completely different. These words are light, airy and at the same time freeze inside, turn into lumps and remain forever. They tell us about ourselves, about love, about the world, about eternity… They are the truth. They are creative energy, and energy, as you know, spreads silently and passes through all obstacles. So be silent, be silent, do not speak. Seek silence and depth. There is much hidden and everything becomes possible…

"How is itpossibly?" - you ask. Everyone has a family, work colleagues, acquaintances, friends whom, perhaps, many have not seen for a long time, but regularly communicate on social networks or by phone. And even if a miracle happens, the phone and computer are turned off, the family is in the country, and the long-awaited silence comes, this does not mean that peace will come inside. On the contrary, a huge stream of thoughts and feelings will appear on the horizon, and he is not ready to leave you alone with yourself. He's the hardest one to deal with. But difficult does not mean impossible. Silence as a spiritual practice has been known since ancient times. These are vows of silence, and hermitage in the forests and mountains, in order to fast and pray in complete alienation from the outside world. But these are extreme forms. Orthodox prayers, oriental meditations, yoga classes, various spiritual development seminars, and so on can help a modern person to comprehend the wisdom “silence is gold”. As they say, what is closer to the heart helps to open up…