In the Egyptian part of the Libyan desert, on the rocky plateau of Giza, a whole complex of high pyramids-tombs has been preserved, among which the pyramid of Cheops stands out the most monumentally. The erected tomb of immense dimensions is shrouded in a veil of some mystery, which attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world to get in touch with mysterious antiquity. For many millennia, it has kept the secrets of its origin and construction technology. Consider the coordinates of the pyramid of Cheops.
Ancient Giant
Southwest of modern Cairo, 13 km away. from Opera Square, there is one of the most unique monuments on Earth - the pyramid of Cheops. Being built in the III millennium BC. BC, presumably the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu of the IV dynasty (2589 - 2566 BC), it is part of the huge Giza necropolis.
The funerary structures of that time were erected in a pyramidal form, since the ancient Egyptians believed that a person after his death ascends to heaven by stairs. The pyramid-tomb of Khufu (the Greek version of Cheops) was apparently also intended to symbolize such an ascent. The dates of its construction, established by astronomical methods, give the dates from 2720 to 2577 BC. e.
However, based on radiocarbon analysis, scientists were able to more reliably determine how old the pyramid of Cheops is. The results provoked confusion in the scientific community: the tomb was erected around 2985 BC. e., which is 500 years earlier than previously thought. Thus, recent research has cast doubt on the fact that the pyramids on the plateau were actually built by the pharaohs. But it is they who are credited with this construction.

Pyramid characteristics
The foot of the famous tomb occupies an area comparable to ten football fields - 53 thousand square meters. meters. No less impressive are the parameters of the length of the base and the side face, which are 230 m each, and the area of the side surface is 85.5 thousand square meters. meters. The dimensions of the Cheops pyramid in Giza are truly large and allow you to freely fit the entire St. Isaac's Cathedral.
The height of the ancient tomb currently reaches 137 m, however, initially it reached almost 147, which was equal to a 50-story skyscraper. Undoubtedly, time affected the safety of the pyramid, leaving its mark: an uncountable number of earthquakes contributed to the collapse of the stone top of the building, and the facing stone of the outer walls was also showered. At the same time, an architectural landmark, evendespite many vandalism, remained virtually unchanged.
The coordinates of the pyramid of Cheops are: 29°58'45″ - north latitude and 31°08'03″ - east longitude. From a geographical point of view, it is precisely oriented to the cardinal points.

From ancient sources
The only early source of Egyptian pyramids are the chronicles of Herodotus dated to around 450 BC. e. It should be noted that the records of this ancient Greek historian contain both facts and folklore stories, which is why some of the information is very contradictory. According to his notes, the construction of the Cheops pyramid took 20 years, and 100 thousand people were involved in its construction.
Ancient manuscripts also convey that the architect of the grandiose tomb was the nephew of Pharaoh Khufu - Hemion. For its construction, limestone blocks were used, which were mined in a quarry near the construction site, and granite slabs from the south of Aswan. In total, more than 2 million stones were used. Until now, scientists have not been able to determine how, with the technologies of that time, it was possible to raise a structure weighing 6.4 million tons.
Later sources say that the pyramid of Cheops was surrounded by a stone fence 10 meters high, and two more sanctuaries were placed nearby - upper and lower.

Building secrets
In recent years, the scientific world has been teeming withpossible versions of the construction of giant pyramids. According to one assumption, the workers lifted blocks of stone up the long embankments. The option of using a spiral stone route laid out on the walls of the pyramid itself is also being considered. Undoubtedly, such schemes involve a huge amount of earthwork.
A group of scientists from Cairo and England managed to discover a structure that may have been used to build the pyramid of Cheops. Not far from the city of Luxor, in the Khatnub quarry, where alabaster was mined in ancient times, fragments of a ramp were found that were used to lift large loads. According to the signs and inscriptions preserved on the instruments, scientists came to the conclusion that the discovered ramp belongs to the reign of Pharaoh Khufu.
By conducting an experiment, scientists were also able to find out that during the construction of the pyramid of Cheops, the coordinates of the Earth's magnetic poles were strictly taken into account. A small error was found only in the length of its ribs. It is assumed that the ancient builders used the clues of nature, or rather, the moment of the autumn equinox. It is this period of time that allows you to make the most correct calculations.
Other theories

In addition to the official theory of the appearance of the pyramid of Cheops, there are many alternative versions and assumptions. According to the theory of alien origin, aliens from other planets took part in the construction of a huge tomb, whose capabilities completely allowed the movement and installation of heavy blocks.
In favor of suchviews are evidenced by the applied technologies (smoothness of the sides, milling), which were completely unusual for that time. This also may well explain the depicted appearance of the Egyptian gods, with human and animal features. Another number of researchers, based on surveys of blocks, the technique of their laying and processing of material, puts forward a hypothesis about the existence of an earlier civilization that preceded Ancient Egypt.
It is also interesting to note that the position of the pyramids of Cheops, Menkaure and Khafre corresponds to the position of the planets Venus, Earth and Mars, which was noted in 10532 BC. Taking into account the age of the Cheops pyramid, the coordinates of the stars in the sky could hardly have been preserved for more than 5 thousand years, which suggests that the pyramids of Giza may have been re-erected. Theories of this kind do not have completely reliable and indisputable information.

Interesting facts about the pyramid of Cheops
Here's what makes the building so special:
- There is no mention of the pyramid of Cheops in Egyptian papyri, only 2 thousand years after the alleged construction, Herodotus “spoke” about it for the first time.
- A joint collaboration between Russian and German physicists has established that the structure collects and stores electromagnetic energy.
- Some researchers believe that the pyramid of Cheops was built as an astronomical observatory.
- The interior of the pyramid of Cheops does not have any historical inscriptions, except for the portrait on the way to the Queen's Chamber. For nowAt the moment, there is also no evidence that the pyramid was involved in the reign of Pharaoh Khufu.
- In 1798 Napoleon visited the famous building. According to the surviving written testimonies, after visiting the tomb, where the emperor was left alone for several minutes, he came out with a gray face and a dull look. Napoleon chose not to answer all subsequent questions.
- The Cheops Pyramid coordinates (29.9792458°N) correspond to the speed of light.
We hope you now understand the history of the amazing structure.