Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich, whose biography and work are the subject of this review, was one of the prominent and major Russian historians of the 19th century. In addition, he is known as a public figure, publicist, publisher, collector of antiquities and writer. His source studies contributed to the development of Russian historical science, and his research methodology was really a new word in the science of that time.
Some facts of life
Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich, whose brief biography is the subject of this article, lived a long and fruitful life (1800-1875). He was the son of a serf Count S altykov, but he received a free education and entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University. Here he defended his master's thesis and became a professor.
He taught national and world history, and soon Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich became the head of the department of Russian history, which was founded at the universitycharter in 1835. However, after some time he was forced to leave this post. This happened in 1844 due to a conflict with the trustee of this educational institution. Since then, Pogodin has devoted himself exclusively to research, journalistic and social activities. From 1820 to 1850 he published conservative magazines.

Working with sources
Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich is known as a collector of Russian antiquities. He collected old manuscripts and various rarities. He carefully described and published them. In this respect, his works were fruitful for historical science. After all, just at that time she experienced her heyday. Therefore, the introduction of sources into scientific circulation was extremely important. Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin began collecting his collection back in the 1830s. He found a significant amount of ancient things: icons, images, seals, autographs of famous people, old manuscripts, including act material. All this was called the "Drevleshranie".

The historian paid special attention to ancient and medieval Russian history. In the center of his attention was the problem of the emergence of the state. In 1825 he wrote his master's thesis "On the Origin of Russia". This question interested him because it was in it that he saw the difference between the ways of development of our country and the Western European states. So, he contrasted the conquest that took place in these lands with a peaceful vocationVarangians in Russia. In 1834 Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich defended his second dissertation "On the Chronicle of Nestor", in which he outlined the problem of sources. In addition, he was interested in the question of the reasons for the rise of Moscow. And the first of the historians created the theory of "gathering power" by its rulers.

Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich created his own chronological grid of the history of Russia. The starting point for him was the aforementioned calling of the Varangians. However, at the same time, he stipulated that the Slavic factor was of great importance in the creation of the state. He completed this first period with the reign of Yaroslav, to the time of which he attributed the final formation of Russian statehood. He determined the border of the second stage by the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars and the establishment of the Horde yoke. The next period, Moscow, he attributed to the time until the beginning of the reign of Peter I. And finally, Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin called the contemporary era the time of national originality, while speaking especially positively about the abolition of serfdom.

Comparison of domestic and world history
The scientist expressed a number of interesting thoughts about common and distinctive features about the development of Europe and Russia. In his opinion, their past has many parallels: feudalism and the appanage system, its subsequent weakening and strengthening of monarchical power. However, the researcher argued that despite the similarities, these stories will never intersect. He eventuallycame to the conclusion that our country is developing in a special way. This is possible due to the fact that the state was founded by a peaceful vocation, and not by conquest. And therefore, the empire is insured against the revolutions that were taking place on the continent at that time.

On the meaning of history
The author, in principle, was close to the Slavophiles, since the latter also spoke about the original path of Russia's development. Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin developed approximately the same ideas in his writings. The main historical work of the researcher is, perhaps, "Research, remarks and lectures on Russian history." He attached great importance to this discipline in moral and patriotic education, since he saw in it a guardian and guardian of public order. He believed that there were no reasons for revolutionary upheavals in our country, since the people were sincerely devoted to autocracy, the Orthodox faith and their native language. Thus, the scientist approached the theory of official nationality, which was created at that time.
About rulers
Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich, whose photo is presented in the article, in addition to medieval and ancient history, was also involved in later times. Of particular interest are his assessments of various rulers. So, he considered the reign of Ivan the Terrible a natural stage on the way to the formation of Russian statehood. The historian highly appreciated Peter's transformations, believing that their prerequisites arose even before the beginning of his reign. So, the work and activities of Pogodin are prominentplace in the development of national historiography.