The whole world consists of the movement of any bodies, including people. It obeys various laws of physics that study its regularities. The science that studies the movement of a body is called mechanics. In turn, it is divided into sections, one of which is statics. For the most part, it is aimed at revealing the patterns of the equilibrium state of bodies.
What is static
It is worth considering this concept in more detail. Statics is a branch of mechanics where the equilibrium state of bodies is studied, that is, such a frame of reference is chosen, relative to which the object under study does not move, regardless of the state of aggregation: solid, liquid, gaseous.
One of its main tasks is the ability to replace discarded bonds with reaction forces, which in modulus and direction depend on:
- applied active forces;
- type of connection;
- motion characteristics.

Types of equilibrium
There are the following types of states in which the body does not commitmovement:
- Stable: if the body deviates from the equilibrium position, then a force arises that returns it to its original state of rest.
- Irrelevant: the body is in equilibrium with a slight deviation.
- Unstable: when the body leaves the equilibrium state, forces arise that try to increase this deviation.
If an object is not at rest, then its potential energy increases. There is a small theory of statics. It says that all bodies tend to the minimum value of potential energy, forming a potential well.

Axioms and theories
To understand what static is, you need to at least understand its theoretical part.
- The axiom about the equilibrium state of a system of two forces: to maintain the equilibrium state of the system, a pair of forces acting on a point, it is necessary and sufficient that they be the same in magnitude and act along a similar straight line that must pass through their points of application in different directions. The axiom is also applicable for forces imposed on one point of the body.
- Axiom about rejection or addition of a system of forces approximately equal to zero: if a system of forces acts on a body, then it can be added (or discarded from it) the same system equivalent to zero; the new force system is similar to the original one.
- Axiom of the parallelogram of forces: forces applied to one point of a rigid body (or material point) can be replaced by one resultant, the same length asthe magnitude and direction of the diagonal of the parallelogram built on the initially given forces.
- Axiom about the equality of action and reaction forces: the forces of interaction of two material points are identical in modulus, different in direction and act along one straight line passing through the interacting points. Such forces can be applied to different contact points of the same or different bodies.
- Axiom of connections: any connection can be omitted and replaced by a system of forces, one force or a reaction of a connection.
- The axiom of solidification: if the body, over which the deformation is performed, is in equilibrium, then this state is not disturbed by the imposition of additional bonds on the points, including the transformation of the original body into an absolutely rigid one.

Examples of statics
What is she studying? This branch of mechanics studies rigid bodies and material points that are in equilibrium. Also - the laws that allow them to maintain a state of rest. That is, absolutely rigid bodies and points on which certain actions are performed and certain forces are applied can serve as examples of statics.

Pair of powers
What is static? It does not exist without the interaction of forces with the body. A pair of forces is a system of two forces that are identical in modulus and directed in different directions.
Shoulder (denoted as d) - the minimum distance between the lines of action of the initial forces.
Rule of signs: when a couple of forces strive to move the body counterclockwise,moment sign is positive. A pair of forces applied to a rigid body can be characterized as follows:
- action plane;
- moment;
- direction of rotation.
Their vector moment is a vector numerically equal to the product of the force of the couples and their arm and directed perpendicular to the action of the forces so that one can see the tendency of the couple to move the body in the opposite direction relative to the clockwise direction.
Physics is a very interesting and useful science, knowledge of the basics of which will definitely come in handy in life. This article discusses what statics is, as well as the main theorems and axioms associated with this concept.