Agrarian University of Stavropol: faculties, speci alties, admission committee

Agrarian University of Stavropol: faculties, speci alties, admission committee
Agrarian University of Stavropol: faculties, speci alties, admission committee

In the Stavropol Territory, one of the important sectors of the economy is agriculture. Sunflower and grain are grown in this corner of Russia, they are engaged in cattle breeding, fine-wool sheep breeding, and viticulture. In this regard, the training of personnel for agriculture is very relevant. The Agrarian University of Stavropol is doing this in the region.

A little about the university

In 1930 the history of the Stavropol Agrarian University began. The educational institution was created on the basis of the faculty of the reorganized Moscow university and was called the Institute of Sheep Breeding. 2 years after its foundation, the educational organization was transferred to the North Caucasus. The purpose of such an action was to bring the university closer to fine-wool sheep breeding.

After the date of its inception, the names and statuses of the educational institution have changed several times. In 1994, the university became an academy. The last name change dates back to 2001. Since then, the university has becomebe called Stavropol State University. The change of status is associated with making a huge contribution to education and Russian science. The university creates innovative educational programs, new projects and technologies for agriculture.

agricultural university of stavropol
agricultural university of stavropol

University recognition

Agrarian University of Stavropol is the only university in Russia that is a two-time winner of the quality award of the government of our country. Over the past 15 years, the educational organization has consistently been included in the list of the best educational institutions in Russia that train personnel for agriculture.

Agricultural University, located in Stavropol, was able to win recognition at the international level. Several times the educational institution reached the final of the competition of the European Foundation for Quality Management. In 2010, the university received the status of a prize-winner, and in 2013 and 2016 it won the winner's place in the European competition EFQM "Award for Excellence". The experts were delighted with the high professionalism of the university staff, the desire to achieve high results in their work, openness in communication and business spirit.

Faculties in an educational institution

Applicants who choose their future place of study are interested in what structural units the Agricultural University (Stavropol) has. The faculties included in its composition are as follows:

  • veterinarians;
  • land resources and agrobiology;
  • financial accounting;
  • tourism and service;
  • economy;
  • mechanization in agriculture;
  • technology management;
  • power industry;
  • landscape architecture and ecology.

Each of the faculties provides training in several different areas. The educational process provides students with excellent knowledge, skills and competencies. That is why graduates are in demand not only in the Stavropol Territory, but also in other regions of the country and even abroad.

agrarian university stavropol faculties
agrarian university stavropol faculties

Review of some speci alties at the university

Agricultural University (Stavropol) trains various specialists for agriculture. Faculties organize the educational process in a huge list of areas. "Agronomy" is a speci alty offered by the Faculty of Land Resources and Agrobiology. At the initial stage, students receive general knowledge related to the direction of "Agronomy". In the last year, students are determined with a profile (“Horticulture”, “Plant Protection”, “Agronomy”) and receive more highly specialized knowledge. Based on the results of training, students are issued bachelor's degrees.

Applicants who want to receive a specialist diploma upon graduation can pay attention to the direction of Veterinary Medicine (specialization - Diseases of Small and Exotic Animals). It is implemented by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. During the training, students study animal anatomy, diseases of various etiologies, treatment and prevention regimens.

agricultural universityStavropol Admissions Committee
agricultural universityStavropol Admissions Committee

Agrarian University, Stavropol. Correspondence and full-time education

Applicants for admission to the Stavropol Agricultural University are offered 2 forms of education - full-time and part-time. On the first of them, students visit the university every day, listen to lectures. The correspondence department allows you to work and combine studies. There are fewer classes at the university, because this form of education involves independent study of the material.

When applying for a full-time or part-time department, you should check the availability. For example, in the direction of "Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise" in 2017, 20 free full-time places were allocated. There is no opportunity to receive free education in this speci alty at the correspondence department. Paid education in this direction is not planned for either full-time or part-time.

agrarian university stavropol correspondence department
agrarian university stavropol correspondence department

University Admissions Office

Annually, in June, the selection committee begins its work at the Stavropol Agrarian University. Employees prepare:

  • license, certificate of state accreditation, charter for familiarization of the applicant and his parents;
  • informational materials that allow applicants to learn the directions that the Agricultural University (Stavropol) has, speci alties;
  • forms of required documentation.

When the admission campaign begins, applicants bring the necessary documents to the university: passport, certificate or diploma, 6 photos (they are provided only by those peoplewho need to pass entrance examinations conducted by SSAU independently). Also, upon admission to the Agricultural University (Stavropol), the selection committee issues application forms. It indicates:

  • first name, middle name and last name;
  • date of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • passport data;
  • current education;
  • USE results (if available);
  • information about the intention to pass entrance examinations;
  • information about the presence or absence of individual achievements.
agrarian university of stavropol
agrarian university of stavropol

Entrance tests

To enter the Stavropol Agrarian University, you must successfully pass the entrance examinations in 3 specific subjects. The list of exams can be clarified by contacting the Agricultural University (Stavropol). The admission committee informs applicants about admission. Another way to find out about entrance examinations is to read the table below.

Entrance tests at SSAU

Disciplines Training areas


Rus. language


"Technology of processing and production of agricultural products", "Agronomy", "Zootechny", "Veterinary", "Veterinary and sanitary expertise"



Rus. language

"Landscape architecture"



Rus. language

"Power industry andelectrical engineering", "Food products from raw materials of plant origin", "Land management and cadastres", "Operation of transport and technological complexes and machines", "Organization of public catering and product technology", "Agroengineering", "Information technologies and systems"



Rus. language

"Nature management and ecology"


Rus. language

Social Studies

"Service", "Management", "Economic Security", "Economics", "Business Informatics", "Municipal and State Administration", "Trade"


Rus. language

Social Studies

agricultural university stavropol speci alty
agricultural university stavropol speci alty

Minimum points

Admission to the Agricultural University of Stavropol is possible only if the applicant scored the minimum number of points according to the results of the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations conducted by the university. For example, the following figures are set for 2017:

  • according to Russian language - from 36 points;
  • mathematics - from 28;
  • social studies - from 42;
  • physics - from 37;
  • geography - from 37;
  • stories – from 34;
  • biology – from 37.

Agrarian University (Stavropol) is a modern institution of higher education, which currently transfers to young people the knowledge and experience accumulated over the years and proven by practice. The educational institution opens to applicantsstudents the way to a new life, gives a chance to get the right and interesting profession, find their place and vocation in the world, reach career heights.
