In modern Russian, "bastard" has a sharply negative connotation. If you decide to use it while typing in the Microsoft Word editor, the program will highlight it in green. In the commentary, it will be proposed to replace the swear word with a literary one. But initially, the meaning of the word "bastard" was not such a dirty word. So, in order.
What does the word "bastard" mean?
There is a version that this word came to us from the landowners' kennels. Previously, the main entertainment of the landowners was hunting. Well-trained dogs were the main attribute of successful catching of animals and birds. There was even a special position - a kennel. The person who occupied it had to take care of the dogs, and also make sure that puppies were born only from purebred parents. And if it happened that mating occurred spontaneously and between different breeds, then the person who was watching the kennel was punished for this. Puppies from such a mating were called "non-bastards", that is, the kennel did not notice, did not "oblut" the dogs. But this version did not find its ownreflections in dictionaries. Combining all the definitions of this swear word in different explanatory dictionaries, 4 main meanings can be distinguished:
- Bastards are illegitimate children.
- Bastards are not purebred animals.
- Bastards are plants.
- Bastards are low and mean people.
Let's take a closer look at each definition.
Illegitimate child
The word "bastard" has common roots with the verb "fornicate". That is, "to have vicious connections." And, since the middle of the 19th century, it has been used mainly as a word for a child born out of wedlock. Often this term was used in situations where, as a result of a frivolous relationship between a noble person and a commoner, a baby was born. His mother was called a harlot who walked up a child, and her child was called a bastard. This concept has persisted to this day. In prison slang, the meaning of "bastard" is a child born from a prostitute.

Purebred animal
It's hard to believe, but the term "bastard" used to be scientific and was used to determine the offspring from crossing different genetic forms. In modern biology, it has been supplanted by the definition of "hybrid". Interspecific and intergeneric crossing among plants is a fairly frequent phenomenon. Among animals, this is possible with the active intervention of man. The most prominent representatives of genetic experiments among animals were: a hinny (a mixture of a stallion and a donkey), a donkey (a mixture of a horse anddonkey). However, the man did not stop there. Let's list a few unusual descendants from animals of different types:
- A liger is a hybrid between a lion and a tigress.
- Tigrolev - an animal resulting from crossing a tiger and a lioness.
- Orca dolphin is a rare hybrid of a dolphin and a killer whale.
- Levopard is a hybrid of a male leopard and a lioness.
- Zebroids are individuals resulting from crossing a zebra with a horse, pony or donkey.
All hybrid animals are produced only in captivity. And mostly barren.

In the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dahl there is a rare definition of the word "bastard". In the old days, this was the name of the plant Maryin root. For the first time this flower began to be used as a cultivated plant in the second half of the 18th century. To date, this plant species is classified as endangered, and in some regions it is listed in the Red Book. In addition to its decorative qualities, it has healing properties. An infusion of the leaves of this plant is taken for neurosis, as a sedative for insomnia. An ointment from the roots of this flower will relieve pain in the joints, sciatica, and muscle ailments. If the tincture or decoction is abused, the body may be poisoned.

A low and mean person
In modern speech, the word "bastard" has a brightly negative connotation. Saying it to a person, you can greatly offend the opponent, inflict a spiritual wound. After all, its meaning is"a person with low animal instincts, possessing a narrow-minded mind."

Despite the fact that the word "bastard" is abusive, it is often found on the pages of modern books and sounds from TV screens. Eminent directors, inventing names for their film masterpieces, are not embarrassed and use it. "Bastard" does not apply to obscene expressions, but this does not reduce its negative meaning. In a word, be careful in choosing words and phrases. Don't forget their meaning.