One of the works included in the cycle "Dark Alleys" by I. Bunin is "The Caucasus". This story is a vivid example of the extraordinary artistic gift of the writer. It is amazing how in such a small work the author was able to convey the inner world and state of mind of completely different people. You can learn the true mastery of the Russian artistic word by analyzing Bunin's story "The Caucasus" or any other creation from this collection.

Hero skin
The story is told in the first person, but the reader does not know the name of the protagonist. Generally speaking, almost nothing is known about him. Who is Bunin's hero? There is no name or other information. It is only clear that he is coming to Moscow, where he meets a woman with whom he is going to go to the Caucasus.
Requiredat a literature lesson, analysis of Bunin's story "The Caucasus". Grade 8 is a stage in the school curriculum, when the student must already have certain skills and master basic concepts, such as composition, plot, plot. However, the style of this writer and his manner of presentation are difficult for the student to perceive. An analysis of Bunin's story "The Caucasus" in the 8th grade includes a characterization of the characters, the definition of composition and artistic means. But if in the works of other representatives of Russian realism it is relatively easy to do this, then the prose of this writer creates certain difficulties in this sense.
In the foreground in Bunin's stories are the feelings, emotions of the characters, the passions that drive their actions. This theme was once borrowed by the Russian writer in the work of the German author Thomas Mann, but later, worked out in an unusual artistic style, it acquired unique forms. Bunin's character is a man seized with passion. In fear of being discovered, he stays in the rooms of inconspicuous hotels. His actions are guided by feelings, but he is not able to take responsibility for his actions.

Analysis of Bunin's story "The Caucasus" is, first of all, a characteristic of all his characters. The heroine is known to be pale and agitated. This is what her lover sees. She visits him secretly, and the fear of her deceived husband poisons her happiness. But, mentioning her husband in a conversation, she worries about only one thing - about the possible revenge of a man who “will stop at nothing to protect hishonour". Only in the last paragraph of the work does the meaning of these words become clear, as well as the main characteristic feature of the heroine, namely egoism. A woman does not care about her husband's emotional experiences, for her he is only an obstacle to her love and happiness.
When analyzing Bunin's story "The Caucasus", one should pay attention to the landscape. The first is Moscow. Cold rains are pouring on the streets of the capital; dirty, gloomy and dark from black open umbrellas. The weather in Moscow is consonant with the inner state of the hero. He is in anticipation of the happiness that they will experience together far from the gloomy cityscape, on the sunny seashore. But the lover fears that at the last minute all plans will be upset, the deceived husband will find out about everything and will not let her go. Paradise on the coast is too far away.

The seascape is described by the author in a richer language in the artistic sense. This should be taken into account when analyzing Bunin's story "The Caucasus". Here are plane trees, flowering shrubs, and fan palms. The writer in bright juicy colors conveys the animal and plant world of Sochi. The characters seem to be in paradise. They spend time together enjoying the view of the southern landscape. They are happy that they are finally together. The only thing that can upset them is the thought of returning to Moscow soon.
These two landscapes create a clear contrast. In Moscow - cold and slush, in Sochi - sun and warmth. An analysis of Bunin's story "The Caucasus" should be done according to the plan:
- characteristics of the hero;
- imageheroines;
- Moscow and Sochi;
- death of the third character.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the artistic language. The author portrays Moscow dryly, without resorting to excessive descriptions. On the Sochi picture, he does not spare colors. And a particularly vivid antithesis is present between the story of the protagonist and the last paragraph, in which the narration is already in the third person.

The deceived husband is depicted dryly, in short: a tall figure, an officer's cap, a narrow overcoat. This is how the main character sees it. Then only the pronoun "he". Not a word about his mental anguish and the pangs of jealousy. Only a few lines about how he was looking for his wife and, not finding him, swam in the sea, had breakfast, drank champagne, and then … shot himself in the temple with two revolvers. The restrained style in which Bunin depicted the last moments of this man's life helps in creating a portrait. The deceived husband is an officer. Everything in life he does carefully and clearly. And even after learning about the betrayal, he does not indulge in madness, does not attempt to find it and deal with it. He committed suicide, but first he shaved, put on clean linen and a snow-white tunic. All this gives an idea of a person who is determined and courageous, who is the opposite of the main character.