The meaning of the words "sea bar": about tsunamis and killer waves

The meaning of the words "sea bar": about tsunamis and killer waves
The meaning of the words "sea bar": about tsunamis and killer waves

What is the meaning of the words "sea shaft"? With the adjective "marine" everything is more or less clear. It means "connected to the sea". Whereas with the noun "shaft" there are nuances. This is due to the fact that it has a large number of values. Which one is suitable for our case? You can find out about this by understanding the meaning of the words "sea wall".

Open dictionary

As in any such situation, in order to figure out the meaning of "sea wall", you should turn to the help of a dictionary. As noted above, the noun present in this expression has many interpretations. Of these, you need to choose the one that makes sense. He is the only one from the entire long list. It means a high sea wave.

Consequently, further to understand the meaning of the words "sea wall" it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the noun "wave". As in the case of "shaft", several meanings can be found. But regarding the phenomenon associated with the sea, the dictionary says that this is a water shaft, the formation of whichoccurs due to fluctuations in the surface of the reservoir.

Now let's take a closer look at what a wave is.

Structure of sea waves

high wave
high wave

This is a phenomenon that occurs due to the adhesion of particles present in the liquid and in the air. First, air sliding over a smooth water surface creates ripples. After that, he, acting on inclined surfaces, gradually develops the excitement of the masses of water. Practice shows that water particles do not move forward, they move only in the vertical direction. When they mean sea waves, they talk about the movement of water on the surface of the sea, which occurs at regular intervals.

The highest point of the wave is called the crest or top of the wave, and the lowest point is called the bottom. Its height is the distance between the indicated points, and its length is the distance measured between the two soles. The time between them is the period of the wave. Its average height during a storm observing in the ocean is about seven to eight meters. In normal times, the wave stretches up to 150 m, and in a storm - up to 250 m.

Causes of occurrence

Sea wave
Sea wave

Most of the waves are formed by the wind. Their size and strength depend on the strength of the latter, its duration, as well as acceleration. This is the length of the path it takes to hit the surface of the water. Sometimes a squall that hits the coast can originate thousands of kilometers from the coast.

There are many other factors that form sea waves. It is:

  • otidal forces of the Moon, the Sun;
  • fluctuations in atmospheric pressure;
  • submarine volcanic eruptions;
  • underwater earthquakes;
  • ship traffic.

We have considered what a wave is, but if we talk about the fact that it is a sea bar, then we should understand one of its types, like a tsunami.

The huge destructive power of the tsunami

Devastating tsunami
Devastating tsunami

Here we are talking about waves of great destructive power. They are caused by "underwater earthquakes" or "volcanic eruptions". Tsunamis can cross the ocean faster than a jet plane. Their speed reaches 1 thousand km per hour. In deep water, they are lower than 1 m, but when approaching the shore, these waves slow down, growing up to thirty to fifty meters. Then they fall on the shore, flooding it, and sweep away everything in their path. Up to 90 percent of all recorded tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean.

The most common cause of tsunamis (about 80 percent of situations) are underwater earthquakes. In 7 percent of cases, this type of sea wall is due to landslides that cause an earthquake. As for volcanic earthquakes, they generate tsunamis in 5 percent of cases. A classic example of this type of wave is the tsunami, which was formed after the eruption in 1883 of the volcano Krakatoa. Then huge waves were observed in harbors around the world, they destroyed more than 5 thousand ships in total, about 36 thousand people died.

Considering the meaning of "sea shaft", it should be said about monster waves.

Rogue killer waves

Storm in the ocean
Storm in the ocean

These are giant waves that originate in the ocean and are more than 30 meters high. At the same time, their behavior is unusual for sea waves. About 20 years ago, it was believed that the stories of sailors, telling about gigantic killer waves that appear from nowhere and sink ships, are nothing more than maritime folklore. This was due to the fact that they did not fit into the mathematical models of calculations regarding their occurrence and behavior that existed at that time.

One of the first evidence of killer waves dates back to 1826. The wave height reached more than 25 m, it was seen near the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic Ocean. But no one believed this message. However, more and more such stories appeared, but eyewitnesses, as a rule, were ridiculed.

However, on January 1, 1995, in the North Sea, on an oil platform called "Dropner", located off the coast of Norway, a wave was first recorded by instruments, the height of which was 25.6 meters. They called it the Dropner wave. Subsequent measurements made it possible to record more than 10 individual giant waves around the globe in three weeks. Their height exceeded 20 meters. The project "Atlas of Waves" was organized, the purpose of which is to compile a world map of killer waves, its processing and addition.

In conclusion of the study of the meaning of the words "sea shaft" it is worth noting that today there are several versions regardingcauses of extreme monster waves. However, so far it has not been possible to fully elucidate the nature of this anomaly.
