To find out how to spell anything, you should refer to the rules of the Russian language. You also need to find out why people have problems with the spelling of this word. So, how do you spell "nothing": together or separately? We know for sure that this is a negative pronoun with a preposition or prefix "neither", which was formed using the pronoun "what".
Basic rule
In order to know how to spell "nothing": together or separately, you should remember that this pronoun is used in cases where it refers to the absence of something. This is the same word for "nothing" that is used in the accusative singular. The meaning is the same.
How do you spell the word nothing? In Russian, there is a rule that says that all negative pronouns with the particle "ni" are written only together, in such cases the particle "ni" is a prefix.
But there is also an exception, due to which the question "how to write nothing" can be answered: separately. This mayoccur in such cases, if it is possible to put some preposition between the particle "neither" and the pronoun "what". For example: You don't need this.
Or to those cases when the repeated conjunction "neither, nor" is used. For example: I don't know what they want from us or who they're after.

Must remember
So, how do you spell the word "nothing"? Almost always it is written together, since it is formed from a combination of the prefix "ni" and the pronoun "what", if you follow the rule of the Russian language, which states that all negative pronouns that are used with the particle "ni" are written only together.

Examples of continuous and separate spelling of pronouns
We figured out how to spell "nothing". Here are specific examples of the use of this pronoun:
- I didn't have to buy anything from this store.
- He said absolutely nothing, just turned around and left.
- I don't want to hear anything, your excuses won't help you.
- There was nothing left in the fridge, so I had to go to the store and buy groceries.
- After the janitor swept the area, there was nothing left but clean asph alt.
- Because I was so upset, I had no choice but to go home.
- I didn't eat anything because I really wanted to lose weight and did my best to do so.
- The girl was soinsensitive that she just didn't feel anything.
- I didn't want to do anything, I just slept all day.
- On that day, nothing foreshadowed such great joy, because everyone was surprised by what happened.
- It's okay if you don't do your homework today.
- Mom didn't say anything to him, didn't scold him, just put her head down and cried.
- Who knew that nothing good would come of it.
- Is it okay if I leave these books here instead of putting them on the shelf?
- Why didn't you eat anything?
- Sometimes you want to do nothing, just relax and enjoy life.
- This man will not save you from anything, because he is not your bodyguard.
- None of this has any useful ingredients.
- Your stupid advice doesn't help.

How to spell the word: nothing or nothing
One of the frequently asked questions is how to write this pronoun without making a mistake. If we use the word "nothing", or vice versa, "nothing", we will not be mistaken. In fact, both options are correct, but they carry completely different meanings.
Pronoun nothing - negative pronoun "nothing" in the accusative case. The stress in this word falls on the last syllable. Such a pronoun would be appropriate to use in cases where you need to indicate the absence of something. The word "nothing" at times strengthens the denial, it is written with an unstressed prefix "neither".
"Nothing" is also one ofnegative pronouns, which is often found in set expressions. It should be noted that the stress in this word falls on the first syllable, which is a prefix. In most cases, this part of speech is written together, but there are cases when "not" with the pronoun "what" should be written separately. If any preposition can be put between these two parts, then the spelling will be separate. For example:
- I have nothing to wear in this rainy weather.
- Katya had nothing to say to her, as she knew she was wrong.
- There was nothing to even see, I didn't like anything new.
- There is nothing to look for in this city, there are no prospects here.
- Due to the fact that Sveta dropped out of school, she had nothing to do, and there was nothing left but to just sit at home.
- I have nothing to add to your story.
- There was nothing to eat for dinner, I had to go to the store.
- There is nothing for me to hide and hide from!
- There is no reason for me to clean the room, the servants do this work.

Pronoun or adverb?
Both "nothing" and "nothing" can act as adverbs. Both words are independent parts of speech that have both grammatical and lexical meaning. Very often there are difficulties with determining whether "nothing" (or "nothing") is a pronoun or an adverb. In order not to confuse, you should know that the adverb denotes the quality and characteristics of an object, and the pronounpoints to the item itself.