The difficulty of today's topic is that the word we are going to look at has a bad reputation. A sign is almost always bad. Moreover, high style fills us with fear and awe. And it’s not worth talking about all the terrible stories that are associated with a noun. But our task is modest - to understand the meaning, to establish whether a noun always means trouble, and to find synonyms that would help the reader in difficult times.

Have you ever thought about how a sign works, if by it we mean a bad sign? Let's imagine that we are going to work, and a black cat runs out to meet us, and that's it - our day is ruined. And if we think that maybe the little animal needs a new home, that maybe it was kicked out by evil people? And then the sign will immediately change the sign from "minus" to "plus", because it's nice to find a friend, right?
Consciousness is capable, if not of programming reality, then completelyaccurately determine the mood of a person. If he believes that something marks a bad turn, then the last one will definitely happen. If there is nothing frankly bad, then the person will invent it.
And now, to break this black witchcraft of consciousness, let's rehabilitate the meaning of the word "sign":
- Sign, symbol.
- Same as omen.
The whole word, as we said a little earlier, belongs to the high style. Let's also explain the second meaning and the noun "omen": "A phenomenon that portends something." And here is the most important thing: the dictionary gives both happy omens and unfortunate ones. A sign is something you don't have to fear.

We are sure that we will enjoy writing examples for the reader, because the topic is fascinating, so let's not hesitate:
- You know, my boyfriend gave me a black kitten, do you think this can be a sign of trouble?
- Signs are not simple superstitions, there are some that really work. For example, if you left the house annoyed, then work that day will not work, and you will definitely break loose. Irritation and internal discord are a sign of a bad day.
- Listen, all signs are bullshit. Only one thing matters: whether you believe in them or not.
It's hard to agree with the last statement. If you correctly interpret reality and its clues, you can achieve a lot in life, because in this way a person joins the secret knowledge behindreality.
There is only one detail in the previous reasoning: no one has yet reliably proven the existence of secret knowledge. Well, we will move from the secret to the obvious - to the synonyms of the sign, and this will not be superfluous:
- sign;
- symbol;
- omen;
- harbinger.
One could also add the noun “sign” to the list, but there is no complete certainty that this is justified. All the nouns on the list stand for something subtly intuitive. A sign is something more tangible and definite. Let the material be a good omen and a great start to the day.