The period of the highest cultural and ideological development of European countries is called the Renaissance (14-16 centuries, Renaissance), and the term was coined by Giorgio Vasari. A new trend has replaced the Middle Ages. It was a time of development of art, trade, modern science was already emerging, many discoveries and inventions were made. Italy became the center of culture. Printing appeared, which accelerated the process of obtaining knowledge. The main features of the Renaissance are the secular nature of culture and the focus on the activities of man and himself. Interest in the history of antiquity is growing, a kind of revival of it is taking place (hence the name of the new era). At this time, Western Europe took the lead in science, technology, and culture. Let's take a closer look at this period of change and creative takeoff.
Characteristics of the Renaissance
- Ex alted human, predominantly humanistic outlook.
- Denial of the privileges of the upper class, anti-feudalism.
- New vision of Antiquity, orientation to this direction.
- Imitation of nature, preference for naturalness in everything.
- The people of the Renaissance neglected scholasticism and law (as itvariety).
- The intelligentsia begins to form as a social stratum.
- Moral nihilism, religious anarchism (the fact is that Renaissance people preached immoral behavior).
Change in society

Trade developed, cities grew, new classes began to form in society. The knights were replaced by a mercenary army. Due to geographical discoveries, slavery began to spread widely. About 12 million blacks from Africa were taken to America and Europe. Societal ideals and worldview have changed. The image of man during the Renaissance changed, now he has turned from a submissive servant of God into a center of worship. Belief in the limitless possibilities of the human mind, in the beauty and strength of the spirit dominated. Satisfaction of all natural (natural or natural) needs is the ideal of a person in the Renaissance.
At this time art was separated from craft. Architecture, painting, sculpture - everything has changed.
What are the characteristic features of the Renaissance in this art form, what has changed compared to the Middle Ages? Now they began to actively build and decorate not only church buildings. The "order system" of Antiquity spread widely, bearing and carried structures, whether beams or racks, were made in the form of sculptures or decorated with ornaments. Gothic prevailed in architecture. A striking example is the Cathedral in Siena by Giovanni Pisano.

Painting and sculpture
Renaissance people brought to the art of painting a spatial and linear perspective, knowledge of the proportions and anatomy of the body. There were paintings depicting scenes from ancient mythology, everyday and everyday illustrations, as well as themes of national history. Oil paints helped artists realize their ideas.
Art forms intertwined. Many geniuses have devoted themselves to several species rather than stop at just one.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is the most famous poet of this era. He was born into a family of feudal lords in Florence. He is considered the founder of the modern literary Italian language. Dante's sonnets, which sang love not for God, but for the simple girl Beatrice, were bold, daring and unearthly beautiful.
He wrote his passionate sonnets in the dialect of the common people, making this language a word of high poetry. The best work in creativity is the "Divine Comedy", which is called the encyclopedia of the human soul. The poet was a rebel, because he was twice sentenced to death, but he escaped such a death, and died as a result of illness and poverty.

Knowledge has become paramount. A kind of cult of science. During the Renaissance, excavations were actively carried out, the search for ancient books, museums, excursions, and libraries were created. Ancient Greek and Hebrew begin to be taught in schools. Scientists have discovered the heliocentric system, the firstsubstantiation of the infinity of the Universe, knowledge of geometry and algebra was replenished, there were a lot of transformations and discoveries in the field of medicine.
Famous people of the Renaissance
This time has given a lot of famous geniuses. In the article I would like to mention those without whom there simply would not have been the Renaissance.

The great man (real name Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi) created a new type of round statue and sculptural group, which later became a classic of the look and form of Renaissance architecture. Donatello has a lot of merit. This man came up with a sculptural portrait, solved the problem of the stability of the figures, invented a new type of gravestones, and cast a bronze monument. Donatello was the first to show a man naked in stone, he did it beautifully and tastefully. Best works: David the Conqueror, statue of George, beautiful Judith, equestrian monument to Gattamelata, Mary Magdalene.
Real name Tommaso di Giovanni di Simone Cassai (1401-1428). Obsessed with painting, the artist was distracted, careless and indifferent to everything except art. In his works, one can trace the main features of the Renaissance.
In the frescoes painted in Florence for the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, the system of linear perspectives was used for the first time. New for that time were: the expressiveness of faces, conciseness and almost three-dimensional reality of forms. Depicting a miracle, the artist deprived him of mysticism. The most famous works: "Expulsion from Paradise", "Fall".

Johannes Gutenberg
One of the greatest achievements of this man was the invention of printing. Thanks to this discovery, the bold ideas of the humanists spread, and the literacy of the population increased.
Leonardo da Vinci
This genius has been admired at all times. The Italian was so versatile that it is surprising how many talents were combined in one person. Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, near Florence (the town of Vinci), he was the son of a notary Pier da Vinci and a simple peasant woman. At the age of 14, the boy went to study with the sculptor and painter Verrocchio, studied for about 6 years. The most popular works: "Madonna with a Flower", "Last Supper", "Madonna Litta", "Mona Lisa". He considered mathematics to be his favorite science, he said that there is no certainty where it cannot be accurately calculated. Sometimes the perfection of Leonardo in everything frightens, he possessed unusual abilities, made thousands of discoveries, which are still difficult to understand. This was a great man. Leonardo studied the flight of birds, which inspired him to new discoveries. He invented a steam engine, a jack, an alarm clock, a pyramidal parachute, designed the first aircraft, an airplane (it was made only in the 20th century) and much more. Leonardo said that even the most daring ideas of man will someday be translated into reality, and he was right. The contribution of a genius to the development of society is great. The young man was handsome, strong, witty. It is said that he was a fashionista. Thus, Leonardo is simply unique, brilliant and perfect in everything.

The teaching of the Renaissance was that human existence can be explained not only by religious dogmas.
Leonardo Bruni defended the republican form of government. It was no longer believed that politics was connected with the church, a lot of time began to be devoted to issues of human freedom.
Niccolò Machiavelli was the first to abandon the idea of giving power by God to his viceroy on earth. This idea is revealed in his famous work "The Sovereign". Students of law universities and now without fail get acquainted with this work.
Jean Bodin also rejected the idea of giving power by God, but he saw the power of the state in the monarchy. The ruler must take care of the people, and if the people are against the rule of the tyrant, then he can overthrow him or kill him.
The Renaissance gave humanity a lot of talented people, useful discoveries, cultural development, because this topic is always interesting and in demand.