What are stamps? The variety of meanings of a common word

What are stamps? The variety of meanings of a common word
What are stamps? The variety of meanings of a common word

Almost every word used in everyday vocabulary has several meanings, depending on the context. Some of them are commonplace, while others are strictly encyclopedic or outdated and forgotten by most people.

Basic meanings of the word

When figuring out what brands are, you must always consider the situation in which they are mentioned. Currently, this word is associated with the meaning of things. In particular, Ushakov's dictionary defines it as follows:

  1. Postal sign confirming the payment of the fee for the transmission of a letter or parcel over a certain distance.
  2. Trade symbol or brand on the product, designed for quick recognition by buyers and individualization of the manufacturer.
  3. The name of the currency that circulated at different times in Germany, Estonia and Finland. In the Middle Ages in Europe, this was the name given to heavy gold coins weighing up to 8 ounces.

In any language, you can find a different meaning of the word "brands", which in the XXI century. forgotten. For example, surveyors of the XVIII-XIX centuries. so called another milestoneor I will accept to calculate the area.

what are brands
what are brands

Origin and characteristics of postage stamps

Most often, when defining what stamps are, they mean a sign designed to pay fees for sending correspondence. It appeared in Great Britain in the 19th century, when in this country they decided once and for all to eradicate the confusion with the postal service. The idea belongs to Mr. Rowland Hill, who in 1847 turned to the government with a proposal to carry out a postal reform and introduce a single tariff for shipments throughout the country. 3 years later, namely on January 10, 1840, Parliament passed the relevant law and a few months later the world's first stamp began to circulate in Great Britain - a piece of dark paper with a portrait of Queen Victoria, popularly called the "black penny".

what does brand mean
what does brand mean

After just 10 years, almost every country had its own postal signs, and in 1878 the Universal Postal Union was formed. The countries that joined it agreed on uniform tariffs and the delivery of correspondence. So, because of a small piece of paper, the distances between people were greatly reduced.

Stamps are part of every country's culture. They are issued for memorable dates or significant events, with their help they "advertise" places and sights, talk about traditional culture, pay tribute to outstanding people - scientists, military heroes, actors. At the end of the XIX century. even a special "language of love" was created, when the location of the stamp on the envelope could become a recognitionor good wishes.

In the XXI century. people are more likely to communicate by phone or on the Internet. However, government agencies are still sending out letters, and the number of philatelists (collectors of unusual stamps) is only increasing.

Features of trademarks and brands

In everyday use, the word "trademark" is often found. Its definition in this sense sounds like an individual visual expression of a manufacturing company of any product. The concept is very broad and can include corporate colors, logos, organizational style, trademarks, and so on. It is often considered synonymous with the brand. However, the latter does not denote any brand, but only the one that is in demand and popular with the consumer. For example, Gucci shoes are a brand, while little-known Krapivinskaya Kalinka shoes are a trademark.

In addition, the word itself can be used to characterize a particular product - wine, cheese, chocolate, and so on. As a rule, it is used to emphasize special qualities and exclusivity.

brand definition
brand definition

Determining what a brand of goods means, you need to remember that only a registered designation can be considered as such. That is, a special permit - a patent - must be issued for a set of designations for any product. This requirement is the same for all countries.


For a long time, when talking about stamps, people meant the monetary units of some countries. In particular, in Germany, in the Middle Ageswhich was part of the Holy Roman Empire, for a long time there was a large gold coin - the mark. In 1870, during the financial reform, it was introduced as a single national currency. In the XX century. The stamp was issued in the form of banknotes and coins. After the Second World War, the country was divided into 2 parts (Germany and East Germany), but the name has not changed. German marks left the financial market in 2002, giving way to the euro.

brand word meaning
brand word meaning

Finland (until 2002), Estonia (from 1918 to 1928) and Bosnia and Herzegovina were called similarly.

Obsolete or little used values

The language of mankind is very plastic, and the meaning of some words changes over time. Saying what stamps are, we can mention that in the Middle Ages in European countries this word meant a small noble estate (for the possession of younger sons), an administrative point on the border, a rural community with common pastures and forests.

In Russia, the signs of land surveyors and surveyors, guiding poles when laying roads and stalls at sellers of small goods traveling through the countryside were so called - ofen.
