How much did an apartment cost in the USSR: analysis

How much did an apartment cost in the USSR: analysis
How much did an apartment cost in the USSR: analysis

How much did an apartment cost in Soviet times? A certain period and the effect of a particular policy matter here. So, in 1958, the next meeting of the country's ministers ended with a resolution on the creation of housing cooperatives (housing and construction cooperatives). In them, for a certain amount, it was possible to purchase an apartment, the price of which was determined by the total cost of a residential building according to the project estimate.

Family Position

The family gets an apartment in the USSR
The family gets an apartment in the USSR

Since the cost of an apartment in the USSR was formed on the basis of the total price of a residential building, a special principle functioned. It concerned an individual family, the cost of housing for which should not be inferior to a similar indicator according to the estimate.

There were also standards that formed the relationship between the area of housing and the number of rooms in it with the size of the family. Even if people were able to fully buy out an apartment with a larger area, theycould not do. The reason for this was the rules of the day. After all, the price of the apartment did not fit into them.

This parameter was determined based on the state cost:

  • building erection;
  • mounting activity;
  • materials;
  • working capacity (number of construction workers).


How much did an apartment cost in the USSR? The values varied, although not significantly. For example, according to data for 1971, in the central regions of the country, 1 square. m cost about 165 rubles. And in areas with a more severe climate, the figure reached 200 rubles.

Slight price difference was due to the use of template designs. They implied the presence in the apartment of premises, modest in size. Although there were options with a larger footage. Accordingly, their price tag was more solid.

For example, when asked how much a one-room apartment in the USSR cost, having a parameter of 36 sq. m, the answer was 5800 rubles. Double room 60 sq. m cost 7300 rubles. Treshka cost about 10,000 rubles. Moreover, the average salary was approximately 150 rubles.

Opportunities for purchasing an apartment

Not every Soviet citizen was able to purchase such real estate.

Only a few had the necessary financial potential. As a rule, these were citizens who received a lot of money at one moment. For example, winners of any state status awards.

Other people, even with decent incomes, were only able to pay in installments with a loan or loan,taken from the plant.

A simple engineer, teacher or doctor knew perfectly well how much an apartment cost in the USSR, so they could only dream of it. Only the elite of the country or those who profited by fraudulent means could immediately pay the full fee.

Elite of the USSR
Elite of the USSR

For young people, there were no options at all for purchasing an apartment. And the cooperative included mature citizens who had achieved certain material successes.

Opportunities to get an apartment

There were four of them in the USSR:

  1. Obtaining housing from the state.
  2. Build your own house.
  3. Purchasing the cooperative option.
  4. Received from parents or other relatives at the place of registration.

As for the cooperatives, here everything happened according to a simple scheme. A housing cooperative was formed at a factory, in some other organization, or in a locality or district. The state gave him a loan to build a house. Everyone who wanted to buy a house became a member of this cooperative, paying an entrance fee (share) and contributions every month.

Housing cooperatives in the USSR
Housing cooperatives in the USSR

A queue was formed from these citizens to receive housing. When the construction of the house was completed, the apartments were distributed to those on the waiting list. They also made contributions until the full repayment of the costs of this construction.

But even after that, they did not become owners of housing, which was listed in the possession of housing cooperatives. And real estate transactions were possible only between the participants of this cooperative. And for this, specialmeetings that should have delivered a positive verdict.

The state program in the early 80s

The erection of houses within the framework of the cooperative policy took only 7-10% of the total construction required in the country. And all those who wanted to buy housing within this system could not do it. The reason is that there were huge queues to join such associations.

And in the early 80s, a state program was developed, which implies the provision of an apartment for each family. For this, about 100 thousand cooperatives were created. But these plans were violated by the policy of perestroika. And many houses were completed only in the late 90s, already in Russia. And people have been waiting for more than 15 years to get their apartment. And at the same time, significant additional payments often had to be made.

And how much did an apartment in the USSR cost at the beginning of the activity of the designated state program? This meant the creation of the most favorable financial conditions for each family. So, for example, odnushka could cost 2000-3000 rubles. Although the success of this program was seen in the provision of free housing.

Rent from the state

One of the most popular and affordable ways to get housing was self-construction. However, in the 1960s, new policies severely limited the opportunities for citizens in this area. Land plots were issued only to deserving persons, families with 3 or more children, and by pull.

And by the end of the 80s, the main method of obtaining an apartment was state rent on a first-come, first-served basis. Apartments in this system had two statuses: departmental and executive.

The first involved obtaining real estate from the company's housing stock. The second one is from the reserve of the district executive committee on a first-come, first-served basis.

Departmental apartments were awarded to employees of large factories and companies. Executive Committee housing received:

  • workers of minor municipal organizations that do not have their own residential area;
  • those categories of citizens who were en titled to receive real estate by law, for example, heroes of the country, honored artists, etc.

Citizens could get registered by submitting the following documents to a special commission:

  • certificate of family size;
  • characteristics from work;
  • certificate of available living space;
  • statement.

The commission analyzed the provided documentation and the application. Most often they refused those persons in whose family there were more than the prescribed meters per person. Regulations in the 70s dictated a limit of 7 square meters. m, in the 80s - already 9 sq. m.

Free apartments in the USSR
Free apartments in the USSR

They were based on the parameters of living quarters only. Utility room, kitchen, bathroom and hallway were not taken into account.

When a person was approved for registration, he received information about his number in this queue. While in the municipal system, the documentation followed in the executive committee.

Inherited housing

real estate legacy
real estate legacy

It could only get to the one who is registered in it. The recipient was least concerned about the question of how much an apartment cost in the USSR,since real estate in these conditions became a free object.

On this basis, some citizens went to special tricks. For example, they got married and quickly divorced or were specially registered with elderly relatives, after whose death they acquired housing.

Soviet elite question

In those days, a young family could receive various gifts, the best of which was considered a contribution to the housing cooperative. The presence of their own property in it testified to the belonging of citizens to a high social class.

After all, only this category could overpower the cost of a cooperative apartment in the USSR quickly and without unnecessary trouble. And the price tags here reached serious values, depending on the parameters of housing. For example, a four-room joy of 75 sq. m cost about 12,000 rubles.

It also mattered its location (district, floor) and comfort level. And the rooms could have a large area, which favorably distinguished this housing from the rest of the array.

How much a cooperative apartment in the USSR cost on average in the 80s is shown in the table below.



Average price tag (RUB) Contribution (rub.)
1 3000 - 5000 500-2000
2 5000 - 8000 2000- 4000
3 8000 - 10000 4000 - 5000
4 10000 - 13000 5000 - 6500

Other details

Housing policy in the USSR
Housing policy in the USSR

In the Soviet years, situations where citizens were not able to fully pay for the purchase of an apartment were rare.

People paid off the remaining share for years, but not like with a modern mortgage. Then the nightmarish interest did not work. The ruble was stable, the state protected the interests of citizens and tried to prevent their impoverishment. In the extreme case, a person who had corporate real estate with debts could exchange it for a state equivalent. Because it was valued more. And its owner received good benefits.
