Genealogy is the science that studies family ties. Sources of the science of genealogy

Genealogy is the science that studies family ties. Sources of the science of genealogy
Genealogy is the science that studies family ties. Sources of the science of genealogy

Genealogy has always been something of a detective story. You study information about your ancestors, do some research and find answers to your questions. Like any good detective, you take notes on what you find as you go along. And what you get is valuable not only for you, but also for future researchers. Genealogy is the science that studies family ties.

what is genealogy definition
what is genealogy definition

Interesting and useful research

For many people, this seems unnecessary, but there are those who, with special interest and awe, relate to the history of their own family and not only. Genealogy sources are what ultimately bind the entire genealogy community - we all rely on each other's work to some degree, whether it's a family tree posted by your cousin or a family history written two centuries ago. Your research ensures that anyone whowill continue your case, will not repeat your steps and can be sure that your facts come from reliable sources.

Good documentation can save time for more productive research. Keeping track of where you find ancestor information can help you quickly find it again in the future. Think about the fact that your children or some other relative will want to continue what you started. If you plan to publish or share information outside of your family, documentation becomes even more important. As the world's databases continue to expand, more people are searching for information about their ancestors.

genealogy is the science that studies
genealogy is the science that studies

What does genealogy study: sources and documentation

Sources and documentation, although they sometimes seem like extra work, are really the backbone of genealogy. Taking the time to verify your information will strengthen your research, add more value to the entire genealogy community, and leave a lasting legacy for those who follow you. The principle of evidence is valid for genealogical sources. Recordings created during the event by eyewitnesses tend to be much more reliable.

Documents created in places associated with your relatives, people who knew them, are more likely to refer to them (and not to other people with the same name). The same is true for objects passed through a family. Before relying on any genealogicalsources for family history research, you should know their origins.

what does genealogy study
what does genealogy study

What is heritage?

What is genealogy? The definition can be given as follows: this is a study of the origin and history of the family. The first known use can be seen in the 14th century, in which it was customary to show the lineage of royal, aristocratic bloodlines as a means of conquest and control. Some family trees, such as those of Confucius, have been found to span 80 generations dating back as far as 2,500 years ago. Originally passed down by word of mouth, the family genealogy was later depicted in intricate paintings and records.

As in the days of the genealogy of ancient kings, which showed their connection with the gods, today's family stories are still a form of storytelling to preserve the past for future generations. Modern human genealogy can take the form of a simple collection and preservation of family information, up to adding information to the "world tree".

human genealogy
human genealogy

Studying origins and family history

The scientific term itself comes from two Greek words, one meaning "race" or "family" and the other meaning "theory" or "science." What does genealogy study? Lists of ancestors are collected and organized into genealogies or other written forms. Thus it turns out "to trace the pedigree." Genealogy is the science that studies family history. It is a universal phenomenon and in forms,ranging from rudimentary to relatively complex, found in all countries and periods.

genealogy sources
genealogy sources

Oral tradition and early written records

At the dawn of civilization, before written records were made, oral traditions played an important role. Oral transmission of genealogical information is almost always a list of names, such as the lines of ancient Irish kings. Such lists sometimes include important events. Influenced by Europe, some Asian countries have adopted the practice of maintaining systematic records for all citizens.

With the invention of writing, oral transmission became a written tradition. This happened in Greece and Rome, where information about childbirth was recorded in verse and in history. Genealogy is a science that studies the history of previous generations, but at this stage it was not a science, because when writers did it, they did it most likely by accident in their story. In China, with its ancient system of ancestor worship, long, drawn-out lineages, including claims of descent from Confucius, are nothing new.

genealogy is a science
genealogy is a science

Bible Sources

The systematic preservation of genealogical records, as in Europe since 1500, did not occur until recently in Asia and Africa. There are many genealogies in the Bible that aim to show descent from Adam, Noah, and Abraham. By the time these genealogies became part of Jewish writings, the concept of racial purity enhanced the preservation of family records. GenealogyJesus Christ in the New Testament seeks to show his descent from David, what in the Gospel of Luke takes place in Adam, “who was the son of God.”

Genealogy is the science that studies family ties. The idea of a divine origin was echoed everywhere in a wildly polytheistic form among pagans. Almost without exception, the heroes had paternity attributed to the gods. Greek fables abound with stories of great men, begotten by gods and mortals. In Roman genealogies, heroes are always descended from the gods. For example, Julius Caesar must have arisen from the line of Aeneas, hence from Venus. Among the northern peoples who overwhelmed the Western Roman Empire, belief in divine sonship was common.

what is genealogy
what is genealogy

Modern genealogy

Lovers in this thread are almost always aroused by the desire to trace their family history. In the process, they discover and work with general principles that apply to pedigrees other than their own, although records other than those that apply to their own case do not interest them. The professional analyst is interested not in one family but in many, and in the principles of genealogical research that emerge from broad analysis.

Because there are several university courses in the subject and therefore several degrees or other certificates of professional excellence, the professional must be largely self-taught. The disciplines required for professional genealogy include a deep knowledge of the history of the country and its neighbors. A national history determines the form of a national genealogy, and a genealogy can illuminate many aspects of a national history that would otherwise be obscure.

Geneologists use oral interviews, historical records, genetic analysis and other data mining techniques to obtain family information and demonstrate the kinship and bloodlines of their clients. The results are often displayed in charts or written as narratives. The desire to document family history tends to be driven by several motives, including a desire to leave a place for one's family in the larger historical picture, as well as a sense of responsibility to preserve the past for future generations.