Today, it is quite obvious that only with the development of innovative technologies will Russia be able to take its rightful place in the global economic market. This will also allow our state to restore and maintain the status of a great power.
Yes, Russia is rich in exported natural resources (including gas and oil). However, the products of their primary processing are not the foundation of economic power, sometimes making the country dependent on more developed countries. That is why a speedy transition from an economy focused on fuel and energy resources to the innovative development of all spheres of the national economy is required. And this is possible only with the stimulation of intellectual and research activities in the field of energy and transport, machine and instrument making, aviation and space industry.
An innovative breakthrough is also needed in medicine and education, bio- and information technologies. How to achieve this? Activation and stimulation of powerful intellectual and scientifictechnical potential through the development of science cities in Russia.
History of Appearance
Such a concept as "science city" appeared in Russia only in the early 90s of the last century. And at its initial stage, it had a collective character. The list, which included science cities in Russia, included cities and towns that had similar development problems. This included a special type of settlements. In them, the city-forming organizations were scientific and production and other organizations directly related to the development of the scientific and technical sphere of the national economy of the country. What were the prerequisites for the creation of such settlements?

Russian science cities are the product of a global trend. Their emergence became possible at a time when innovative developments began to have a significant impact on the level of development of the state.
The science cities of Russia were distinguished by such a powerful concentration of intelligence that they made it possible to create and then maintain much-needed strategic parity in the most important military areas. In addition, with the help of the creation of such settlements, the state managed to achieve the highest level of research in a number of areas.
Geography of science cities
Currently, there are seventy settlements on the territory of our country, the main purpose of which is the development of innovative areas. Science cities of Russia are located in the settlement zone.
Almost half of this list can be found on the map of the Moscow region. Among themincludes Zelenograd, which is administratively part of the capital.

Beyond the Moscow region, on the territory of Central Russia, there are eight more scientific formations. They are located in the Kaluga, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Tver and Nizhny Novgorod regions.
Ural is the second region where science cities of Russia are located with a fairly large concentration. The Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions have the largest list of them. In third place in terms of the concentration of such formations is Western Siberia. There are six science cities on its territory. You can find them on the map of the Altai Territory, as well as the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions.
Composition of science cities
Most of the settlements that concentrate intellectual potential are cities. Relatively recently, two settlements received the status of "city-science cities of Russia." The list of such formations has been expanded:
- pos. Chernogolovka, located in the Moscow region;
- pos. A new building that changed its name to Peresvet.
The list of science cities includes seven urban-type settlements. There are four rural settlements among such formations. But this is not all science cities in Russia. Their list has been supplemented by academic campuses of large scientific centers of the Far East and Siberia. According to their administrative affiliation, they are districts of cities.
The number of people living in science cities is also diverse. The largest of them contain more than two hundredthousand inhabitants. This list includes such a Russian science city as Biysk. Dzerzhinsk and Zelenograd are major scientific formations with the same population.
How many science cities in Russia are in second place in terms of the number of people living in them? There are eight such formations. Moreover, most of this list is located in the Moscow region.
Most often, the science city of Russia is a settlement in which from 20 to 100 thousand inhabitants. This population is found in almost half of all scientific entities.
The smallest science city in Russia is Primorsk, located in the Leningrad region. Its population is just over six thousand people.
The number of people living in science cities with the status of urban-type settlements varies. So, the population of Orevo - 1.5 thousand people, and the village. Krasnoobsk - 17.5 thousand

As for academic campuses, the exact number of their inhabitants is not known. This is due to the inclusion of such formations in large cities. There is only specific information about the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, because this scientific education is located in the Soviet district of the administrative center. At the beginning of 2001, 130.9 thousand people were registered here.
Expansion of the list of science cities
Currently, it is difficult to calculate the total number of scientific centers that are engaged in activities to introduce modern technologies into the national economy of the country. The point is that there areZATO - closed administrative-territorial formations, called "mailboxes". Their active declassification began in the first half of the nineties of the last century, but even today not all of these centers are known to the general public.
Expand the list, which includes the city-science cities of Russia, and some settlements with a strong scientific and technical potential. For example, relatively recently, this happened with Gatchina, located in the Leningrad region. This settlement, with a population of 82.3 thousand people, began to be considered a science city because of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics located on its territory.
The list of such entities may include:
- Angarsk, located in the Irkutsk region (population - 264 thousand people);
- Glazov (106.8 thousand inhabitants), located on the territory of Udmurtia.
A uranium enrichment electrolysis plant operates in Angarsk. Glazov, on the other hand, can rightly be considered the founder of the Ural nuclear industry. This status was assigned to the city because of the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant, which produces uranium metal.

Potential science city of Russia - the city of Sosensky with a population of 14.6 thousand people. This settlement is home to the Research Institute of Instrumentation and Automation, which designs systems for the aviation industry.
But this is not a complete list of cities and towns that are contenders forinclusion in the list of science cities. So, today the issue of including the city of Petrodvorets in the list of such formations is being considered, because this settlement is the most famous and largest museum city in the world.
Assignment of status
In November 1997, the President of the Russian Federation laid the foundation for a state policy for the development of scientific centers. It was during this period that the Decree “On measures for the development of science cities as cities of high technologies and science” was signed. It was then that the very concept of such an entity was defined, carrying out innovative and scientific and technical activities and conducting various kinds of experimental developments in priority areas for the country.
The first science city in Russia, which officially received such a status, is the city of Obninsk, located in the Kaluga region. It happened in May 2000. A year later, the city of Korolev (Moscow region) was officially called the science city. In December 2001, this status was assigned to the city of Dubna.
Specialization of science cities
Cities engaged in innovation and scientific and technological developments operate in various directions. So, in the same row are the classic scientific settlements (Borok, Dubna, Troitsk) and academic campuses. Cities with an impressive research and production base (Reutov, Khimki, Zhukovsky) stand out separately. They also include science cities of the atomic complex (Sarov, Ozersk, etc.). In a separate group of such formations are cities in which tests of manufactured equipment are being conducted (Plesetsk, Mirny, Dmitrov-7, etc.).
However, in general, science cities in Russia and their specialization are complex. In such centers of intellectual thought, various kinds of scientific research are carried out, covering a wide range of areas. However, they all share one specific feature. Among the huge number of activities, two or three main ones can always be distinguished. Such science cities are called multi-oriented.

There are also monospecialized cities. They are oriented towards only one line of research.
When classifying science cities according to their specialization, an intermediate group is also distinguished. It includes such formations in which scientific developments are carried out in a number of areas, however, only one of them is the main one, and the rest are only additional or accompanying the main type of activity.
Space research and aircraft rocket science
The most widespread research organizations involved in the development of space and aviation needs. How many science cities in Russia carry out activities in this direction? There are 25 such centers in the country, and most of them are located in the Moscow region. Among them are cities that have played a special role in the scientific and technological development of the country.
Thus, the leader of the domestic aircraft industry is the city of Zhukovsky. Its population is 95.1 thousand people. This science city serves as our country's leading center for design and testing.aircraft. Here are the world-famous Gromov Flight Research Institute, as well as the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. Zhukovsky.
The city of Korolev is also a science city with a specialization in space, with a population of 132.9 thousand people. The main enterprise of this formation is the Energia corporation. This is the leading aerospace company in the country, the developer of many space programs, including Energia-Buran. But this is not the only thing Mr. Korolyov is famous for. On its territory there is a cosmonaut training center.
One more science city adjoins Korolyov. This is Yubileiny with a population of 27.7 thousand people. On the territory of this formation there are research institutes involved in the development of systems for the rocket and space complex.
Star City is also a science city with a similar specialization. Its population is 5.5 thousand inhabitants. This formation is a village where cosmonauts are trained for manned flights.
In the western direction from Moscow there is a science city of the closed type. This is the city of Krasnoznamensk, where 29.4 thousand people live. Back in the late 40s of the last century, the Central Communications Center was opened on the territory of this formation, which today is the Main Center for Testing and Control of Space Flights.
One of the most famous science cities specializing in space research are such cities as Mirny and Znamensk. They are located near the Plesetsk and Kapustin cosmodromes. Yar.
Radio Engineering and Electronics Centers
Science cities that specialize in their activities in these areas are singled out in a separate group, since the research conducted in them is unique. There are three such formations in Russia. Two such cities - Fryazino and Zelenograd - are located on the territory of the Moscow region. The third - Pravdinsk - in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Recognized capital of electronics in Russia is Zelenograd. The history of this city, which is currently home to 207.8 thousand people, began in 1958. It was then that the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the start of construction of a satellite city of the capital. The territory located near the Kryukovo station was chosen as the place for this administrative formation. Already in the first ten years of its existence, eight large institutes were built in the city, at which pilot plants were built, engaged in various developments, including in the field of microelectronics.
Development of the nuclear complex
Among the science cities of Russia there are those that specialize in scientific research, as well as apply the technologies they have developed in the fields of nuclear chemistry and physics. Ten nuclear cities occupy a special place in this list. At one time, such cities were created thanks to the introduction of the atomic project in the USSR. The foundation for the creation of such science cities was laid back in 1943. It was then that Laboratory No. 2 appeared in Moscow, dealing with the tasks of creating nuclear weapons. Todaythis is a large highly developed scientific center called the Kurchatov Institute.
In the future, the development of the Laboratory required the creation of a number of organizations located in large areas where it was possible to locate research and production and testing complexes. Ten enterprises were built to solve this problem. All of them were located far from settlements, as well as highways and railways (away from “extra eyes”).
The most famous science city of nuclear physics in Russia is Sarov. It is located in the European part of the country, on the area occupied by the Mordovian Reserve. The number of residents living in it is 84.9 thousand people. In different years, this science city bore such names as Yasnogorsk and Kremlev, Arzamas-75 and Arzamas-16. And only in 1994, after a referendum, the city began to be called like this: Sarov.
What science city in Russia specializes in nuclear physics? In addition to the above, it is worth pointing out the city of Zarechny. It is also located in the European part of the country, on the territory of the Penza region.
There are five more atomic cities in the Urals. These are Snezhinsk, Ozersk and Trekhgorny, located in the Chelyabinsk region, as well as Novouralsk and Lesnoy, in the Sverdlovsk region. Three cities specializing in nuclear research are located in Siberia. These are Seversk in the Tomsk Region, Zelenogorsk and Zheleznogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Another specialization of which science city in Russia is nuclear physics? In addition to the ten atomic cities listed above, the list of such formations includes eight cities,the territory of which there are large research institutes in this area. Among them are Dimitrovgrad and Gatchina, Obninsk and Dubna, Protvino, Troitsk and others.

One of the cities on this list I would like to highlight in particular. This is Obninsk, the first science city in Russia to receive such a high status. It is located southwest of Moscow, one hundred and twenty kilometers from the capital, and today its population is 107.8 thousand people.
The construction of Obninsk began in 1946, when it was decided to build a secret object "B" on the basis of a boarding school and an orphanage. Research in the field of nuclear physics was carried out not only by Soviet, but also by German specialists invited to the Laboratory under a contract. Later, the Institute of Physics and Energy was established in Obninsk, and in 1954 the first nuclear power plant in the world began its work here.
Solving agricultural problems
The science city of agricultural specialization in Russia is the city of Michurinsk. This status was assigned to this settlement, located in the Tambov region, relatively recently - on November 4, 2003, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The same document also approved the main directions in which the only agrarian science city in Russia should carry out its activities. Among them are the following:
- research in the field of breeding and genetics, biochemistry and biotechnology, ecology of vegetable, berry and fruit crops, as well as identifying mechanisms of productivity, sustainability and stabilizationagroecosystems;
- development of environmentally friendly experimental technologies not only for production, but also for transportation, processing and long-term storage of various fruits and vegetables;
- scientific and technical innovation work, testing and experimental development in the field of creating technical means, as well as obtaining new, environmentally friendly food products;
- training personnel for work in all areas of the agro-industrial complex.