A man came to the bank, and there was a notice all over the door: "Closed for technical reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience." Where is the mistake here? It seems that there is no mistake, everything is written correctly, isn't it?
Inconvenience cannot be delivered. They can be caused. The correct spelling is "for the inconvenience". Let's talk about them in this article.
What is this?
The inconvenience that we cause others for one reason or another. They can be both intentional and unconscious.
For example, a passenger's foot was stepped on in the bus. Either the person did not see your leg, or the bus shook violently. How will the "guilty" act? If this is a well-mannered person, he will apologize for the inconvenience caused.

How inconvenient?
According to the scenario described in the previous subsection: either by accident or on purpose.
Who is most likely to be inconvenienced by us? Oddly enough, these are close people. Our friends and acquaintances.
It would seem, what kind of nonsense? On the contrary, we protect dear people from something bad.
Consider the situation: Mom calls and asks to pay her bills for an apartment by a certain date, because then a pen alty will be charged. We promise, but because of our many worries, we safely forget about the request of the mother. Isn't this an inconvenience? Some more.
Inconvenience can be caused by refusing to help a person when he hopes for us and waits for it. Imagine: a friend asked to sit with her child, because the eldest son has a graduation in kindergarten. Promised, and suddenly fell ill. And all - caused inconvenience. Unintentionally, of course. Who could have known that the temperature would jump that day? But still.
Unintentional inconvenience, understandable. And especially when they cause it? What is this?
Again, the situation with a friend and her child. Like, they promised to sit with the youngest. But suddenly it became lazy, the desire to go somewhere disappeared. And so, we call a friend and say that the temperature has jumped. Although, there is no temperature at all. Cause inconvenience? Another one, and moreover - deliberately, because of his own laziness.

What else can be said about this phenomenon? We encounter them with enviable constancy. A bank closed for technical reasons, the only one near our house, or a non-working store in which we are used to buying groceries after work - these are all the inconveniences caused to us. Now you have to make a circle to drop into the store. And dedicate part of the day off toto go to a bank branch located on the other side of the city.
Problems with the Russian language?
As mentioned above, we often come across an announcement: "We apologize for the inconvenience." It would seem that there are no errors here. But they don't cause inconvenience, they cause it. Therefore, this proposal is incorrect. The correct option is: "We apologize for the inconvenience."

The article talks about what can be called an inconvenience caused without any intention. And also, it was considered that there is a conscious inconvenience.
It's easy to apologize for the inconvenience. And it's even easier to simply not create it, if we promise, then we need to fulfill the promise, without trying to avoid responsibility.