The Republic of Togo is a country in West Africa that shares borders with countries such as Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso. The southern coast is washed by the Gulf of Guinea. The capital of the state is the city of Lome.
Historical information
About the antiquity of Togo, only minor facts based on archaeological finds are known to this day. Artifacts testify to the sufficient development of the local ancient tribes, who knew how to process iron and sculpt pottery. In the 15th century, Portuguese colonialists arrived on the territory of the Ewe people for a new batch of slaves. Three centuries later, on the site of the main settlement, the small city of Lome was founded by Europeans. It is worth noting that Togo is a country whose capital has not changed either its name or geographical location for a long time. This is a rarity on the African continent.

In the mid-1880s, by agreement of France, Britain and local leaders, the state of Togo became part of the German Empire as a colony. Over the next 60 years, the African country was torn apart by wars and robberies by European invaders. Almost every year the statepassed into the hands of Britain, then France, then back to Germany. And only at the end of 1945, the UN took over the guardianship of the state.
In April 1960, Togo received the long-awaited status of an independent republic. At that time, the country was led by Silvanus Olympio, who won 99% of the vote in the elections. The new president raised the economy and the authority of the state to unprecedented heights. However, he was not destined to stay in power for a long time. In 1963, he was killed by the opposition, who forcibly seized power. For several years, the republic was torn apart by internecine wars. The situation changed with the coming to power of the famous dictator Eyadem Gnassingbe. Togo today is a country with its own culture, traditions, economy and political system. Since 1993, he has been actively cooperating with the European Union and the UN.
First of all, it is worth noting the religious system of the republic. Togo is a country where any religion is allowed. Most of the inhabitants are adherents of the worship of ancient deities. There are also many Catholics, Muslims, Pentecostals, Methodists, Adventists and Presbyterians in the country.

The population varies between 6.2 million people, although every year this figure is inexorably decreasing. It's all about average life expectancy. Its figure, even for African countries, is considered quite low. Men live on average up to 58 years, women - 62 years. Another reason for the decline in the population is a large percentage of HIV-infected people - more than 3.5%. In the republicstill there are about fifty tribes with ancient traditions.
State system
The African country of Togo is a presidential republic. The head of state is Gnassingbe Essozimna. ISO-index of the republic - TG. Togo's country code is +228.
The constitution was signed by referendum in 1992. The head of state is elected for 5 years. The President has the power to assemble and dissolve the National Assembly (Parliament), which is the main legislative body of Togo. The National Assembly consists of 81 deputies. Each of them is also elected for 5 years. Special attention is paid to the army forces in Togo. Despite the small number of military ranks (about 9 thousand soldiers), the country's Armed Forces are well equipped and organized. No wonder the Togolese army is considered one of the best in all of Africa. France is actively helping the country in the military field.

The State of Togo is divided into 5 administrative regions: Kara, Lome, Atakpame, Dapaon and Sokode.
Economic situation
Togo today is a country based on re-export and agriculture. The business here is top notch. The main export commodities are cocoa, coffee, cotton and phosphates. Of the domestic branches of agriculture, it is worth noting the cultivation of corn, rice, beans, tapioca. In the villages, local residents raise cattle and fish.
The annual GDP per person is about $900. This indicator is achieved due to the developed industrial production of phosphates and textiles. In recentOver the years, the unemployment rate has risen, so many Togolese have to travel abroad. The state annually replenishes the treasury with an average of 750 million dollars from exports. Most products are sold in Asia and Europe.
Geographic features
Most of Togo is occupied by plains. In the central region there are plateaus of impressive size, the average height of which ranges from 200 to 400 meters. The south of the country is represented by coastal plains and lagoons. The highest point of the republic is the peak of Mount Agu - 987 m.

Only a few large rivers flow through Togo. The longest of them is Mono - 467 km. At its mouth passes the border with the state of Benin. It is noteworthy that the largest lake in the country is also called Togo. Its area is 50 sq. km. The climate here is hot, equatorial, semi-dry. The average temperature varies within +25 degrees. Flora is represented by endless savannas. Many minerals are mined on the territory of the country: bauxite, gold, aluminum, graphite, iron, marble, uranium, kaolin, chromium, etc.