Physicist Ioffe Abram Fedorovich: biography

Physicist Ioffe Abram Fedorovich: biography
Physicist Ioffe Abram Fedorovich: biography

Russian physicist Abram Ioffe left an unforgettable mark. During his life he wrote several books and a large encyclopedia published in 30 volumes. In addition, he opened a school from which great scientists graduated. Abram Fedorovich at one time became the “father of Soviet physics.”

Short biography of Abram Fedorovich Iofe

The famous scientist was born in 1880 on October 29 in the city of Romny, which was at that time in the Poltava province. His family was friendly and cheerful. When the boy was 9 years old, he entered a real school, which was located in Germany, where a significant role was assigned to mathematical subjects. It was here that the physicist received his secondary education and a certificate in 1897. Here he met his best friend Stepan Timoshenko.

After graduating from college in the same year, he entered the Technological St. Petersburg University.

Abram Fedorovich in his youth
Abram Fedorovich in his youth

Graduated from it in 1902 and immediately applied to a higher educational institution, which was located in Germany, in Munich. Here he began to work, his leaderwas a German physicist W. K. Roentgen. He taught his ward a lot, and thanks to him, the young scientist Abram Ioffe received the first degree of Doctor of Science.

In 1906, the guy got a job at the Polytechnic Institute, where 12 years later, that is, in 1918, he organized the first physical and mechanical faculty to produce professional physicists.

Abram Ioffe identified the elementary electric charge back in 1911, but he did not use his own idea, but the American physicist Millikan. However, he published his work only in 1913, as he wanted to check some of the nuances. And so it happened that the American physicist was able to publish the result earlier, and that is why the name of Millikan is mentioned in the experiment, and not Ioffe.

Ioffe's first serious work was his master's thesis, which he defended in 1913. Two years later, in 1915, he wrote and defended his doctoral thesis.

In 1918, he worked as president at the Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies, and also headed the Physics and Technology Department at this university. Three years later (in 1921) he became the head of the Institute of Physics and Technology, which today is called A. F. Ioffe.

Physicist spent 6 years as chairman of the All-Russian Association of Physicists, starting in 1924. After that, he was the head of the Agrophysical University.

In 1934, Abram and other initiators created a creative club of scientific intelligentsia, and at the beginning of World War II he was appointed head of a meeting of a commission related to military equipment.

In 1942 washead of the military engineering commission under the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU.

At the end of 1950, Abram Fedorovich was removed from the post of head, but at the beginning of 1952 he created a semiconductor laboratory on the basis of the Physics Department of Novosibirsk State University, and two years later (1954) he organized a semiconductor institute, which turned out to be a profitable business.

Abram Iofe devoted almost 60 years to physics. During this time, a lot of literature has been written, an incredible amount of research has been carried out, and several departments and schools have been opened that are dedicated to the famous great scientist. A. F. Ioffe died at his workplace in his office on October 14, 1960. He did not quite live up to the round date - 80 years. He was buried in St. Petersburg at the site of the Volkovsky cemetery "Literary Bridges".

Physicist Ioffe Abram Fedorovich
Physicist Ioffe Abram Fedorovich

You see in the photo of Abram Ioffe, who earned the respect of the people thanks to his mind. After all, so many years have passed since his death, and today you can hear about him in many universities of the country.

Private life

Abram Fedeorovich was married twice. For the first time he had a beloved woman in 1910 - this is Kravtsova Vera Andreevna. She was the first wife of a physicist. They almost immediately had a daughter, Valentina, who eventually followed in her father's footsteps and became a famous doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, headed a laboratory at a university of silicate chemistry. She married the People's Artist, Opera Singer S. I. Migai.

Unfortunately, Abram was not married to Vera for a long time, and in 1928 he married a second time to Anna Vasilievna Echeistova. She was alsoa physicist and perfectly understood her husband, his work, attitude towards family and friends. That is why the couple lived a long, happy life.

Creative activity

Even at a young age, Ioffe identified for himself the main areas in science. This is the physics of the nucleus, polymers and semiconductors. His work became famous in a short time. Ioffe dedicated them to the direction of semiconductors.

Photo of semiconductor structure
Photo of semiconductor structure

This area was developed not only by the physicist himself, but also by his students. Much later, Ioffe created a school of physics that became famous throughout the country.

Organizational activity

The name of the scientist is often found in foreign literature, which describes his achievements and the history of promotion. The books also talk about the organizational activities of the physicist, which was quite diverse and multifaceted. Therefore, it is difficult to fully characterize it from all sides.

Iofe participated in the collegium of the NTO VSNKh, was a member of the council of scientists, created the Agrophysical University, the Institute of Semiconductors, the University of Macromolecular Compounds. In addition, the organizational activity of the scientist was visible at the Academy of Sciences, preparing congresses and various conferences.

Awards, titles and awards

Physicist Ioffe Abram Fedorovich in 1933 received the honorary title - Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, and in 1955 on his birthday he was awarded the title - Hero of Socialist Labor. Received 3 orders of Lenin (in 1940, 1945, 1955).

Order of Lenin issued to Ioffe
Order of Lenin issued to Ioffe

Physicswas honored posthumously with the Lenin Prize in 1961. For outstanding achievements in the field of science, A. Ioffe received the Stalin Prize of the first degree in 1942.

Interesting facts

In memory of A. F. Ioffe, a large impact crater in the southern hemisphere was given the name of a scientist. Also, one large research university in Russia was named after him back in 1960, a monument to the scientist was erected in the courtyard of the institute opposite the building, and a small bust was installed in the assembly hall of the same institution. Not far from the university, where the second building is, there is a memorial plaque, which indicates in what years the outstanding scientist worked here.

One street in Berlin was named in memory of Joffe. Not far from the research university there is the famous Academician Ioffe Square. It's not hard to guess who it's named after.

The school where Abram Fedorovich worked
The school where Abram Fedorovich worked

In the city of Romny there is school number 2, which was once a real school. Now it is named after the great scientist.

In addition, not only in Russia, but also in the world, there are many pictorial, graphic and sculptural portraits of the physicist, which were depicted by artists at all times.

Abram Fedorovich Ioffe
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe

And still many citizens know about this man who made physics much more interesting and brighter.


We reviewed the biography of Abram Ioffe briefly. At the same time, I would like to mention the literature that the scientist wrote. First of all, it is worth noting the great Soviet encyclopedia. It began to be issued in 1926. After deathphysics continued to be printed and the last volume was published in 1990.

Much later after the first volume, in 1957, the book "Physics of Semiconductors" appeared, which describes not only the theory, but also the introduction of semiconductors into the national economy.

Besides, Ioffe has a wonderful book "On Physics and Physicists", which describes all the scientific work of the scientist. Most of the book is intended for readers who are interested in the history of creation and research.

Book by A. F. Ioffe
Book by A. F. Ioffe

The book "Meeting with Physicists" tells how the scientist met with many Soviet and foreign physicists, they conducted research together, opened institutes and departments.

Besides, there are books dedicated to the great scientist Abram Fedorovich Ioffe. One of them is "Successes in the physical sciences." This book was dedicated to the day of the 80th anniversary. And in 1950 they released a collection, which was dedicated to the day of the 70th anniversary.

It is impossible to list all the literature, as it has accumulated too much. After all, the scientist has been working on projects and science for about 60 years.


The biography of Abram Fedorovich Ioffe is amazing. After all, not every person will be able to work on science all his life, conduct some kind of research, open schools, educate people and come up with new physical methods. It was he who showed the people how to give themselves to work, their country and science.

Unfortunately, the scientist could not celebrate his eightieth birthday, but he managed to do a lot. And today students and their teachers use the methods of the famousphysics Abram Fedorovich Ioffe.
