Today we will answer a question that is of great interest to many netizens: "Where is Cuba?" Its place on the world map is between South, Central and South America, the island of Youth, its territory is 1570 small islands that are part of the Greater Antilles.
The question of where Cuba is, already disappears by itself. Cuba is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The capital of this country is called Havana.

A bit of history
Documented in the annals of life in Cuba appeared in the fourth millennium BC. Then no one even thought about where the cities of Cuba were. And over the course of the eighth to the eleventh century AD, Indians from America secretly began to arrive on the islands of Cuba for permanent residence. By the end of the sixteenth century, the population was approximately 230 thousand people. We all know when Columbus arrived on the island of Cuba. This is 1492, he believed that he had finally reached India. He was not at all interested in where Cuba was. And the fact that everything around is a separate island, not a continent, was learned about fifteen years later.
Eighteen years later, inspired by the stories of sailors and other passengers of Columbus about the riches they saw, the Spaniards wondered where the island of Cuba was, along the planned route they again went there. But after another - for the conquest. The natives were killed and robbed, their jewelry was taken away and they tried to convert them to their religion.

Continuation of the capture of the island
The population began to be turned into slaves, they were deprived of gold, things, lands and forced to serve. The underground uprisings of the Indians constantly tried to return everything to their places, but the invader was stronger, smarter, more educated and armed with firearms, not bows and spears. The rebels were severely punished - hanged, burned alive, leaders were publicly beheaded. The population was declining very quickly, but a solution was found quickly - the Spaniards began to move en masse to Cuba. During this period, the colonialists founded seven cities. The entire territory was declared the possession of the king of Spain. People began to look for a better life and were interested in where the country of Cuba was located. Hundreds of settlers began to go to Cuba, motivated by government guarantees of gold, slaves and unlimited lands. Fifteen years later, galleons with African black slaves began to arrive in Cuba. Slave uprisings broke out with increasing frequency.
The main engine of the island's economy was the cultivation and collectionsugar cane, the export of precious metals and jewels to Europe and the slave trade. Around 1535, the capital becomes the main harbor for the transportation of gold, silver and precious stones taken from the Mexicans and Indians. Not all the invaders listened to the authorities - pirates began to appear, stealing part of the property from her. And corrupt officials even began to give them permission to rob merchant ships, except for government ships - a corsair's license. Legends about them have even reached our times, and any native Cuban can tell them.

Development of commercial routes
Until the end of the eighteenth century, the islands of Cuba were colonies of Spain and the main ports for trade routes between the mainland of the New World and Europe. The settlers made their country a monopoly in the manufacture of sugar, tobacco and various jewelry made of precious metals and stones.
At the end of the nineteenth century, the hard struggle of Cubans for liberation from the invaders began. The new US government started a war with Spain over the territories of Latin America, the United States won the war, and they began to rob the inhabitants of Cuba. Those who wanted to be free from this addiction began a movement led by Fidel Castro. The very first uprising was brutally suppressed, the participants ended up in prison. Approximately two years later, they were released due to social pressure on members of the government.

Successful uprising
Three more years - and the army of rebels is advancing on power from all sides. AT1959 government members and high officials flee the country. The rebels enter Havana. The system of government changed to socialism. The public and their leaders nationalize plants and factories on their territory.

Loss of aid from the USSR
After the collapse of the USSR, the country loses control over the economy, such an ally helped a lot and improved the life of the Cubans. But after four years of active work by the new government, things have stabilized and even got a little better.
For tourism - both cultural and recreational - the islands of Cuba are ideal. Many people say that time seems to stop here. Perhaps the reason is that there are still buildings, buildings, cars and even factories from the times of the USSR. And a large number of beaches with white marble sand and blue water will not leave indifferent even an experienced traveler.
Culture and tourism
Special attitude here to dancing, because it is a manifestation of freedom, love, lightness and optimism, no matter what. The most interesting and famous dance here is salsa. It is taught even by children from a young age. It is believed that you can really dance only in Cuba. The dance masters on the islands are considered the best in the world.

Many people come here for years with their families to enjoy the greatness of a country that took so long to get out of slavery and beat out freedom, no matter what. Cuba is a perfect example of freedom and equality. Where is located, in what country - you now already know.
Butno matter how majestic and beautiful the country is, the population here is very poor. Old dilapidated houses were built at least thirty years ago, old cars from the times of the USSR drive along the roads. The average salary of a Cuban is thirty dollars.
But they are very kind, cheerful and always welcome guests.