Lanita, Persian, vyya, forehead - a number of these words can be continued with the words shuytsa and right hand. They sound very solemn, one might even say mystical. But all these are just outdated names of parts of the human body. Translated into modern language, this means: cheeks, chest, neck, forehead. The word shuytsa is the left hand, the word right hand is the right hand. But you must admit, to tell a friend: “Your cheek is dirty”, or to correct a small child: “Take a spoon with your right hand”, none of us will.
So, "right hand" - what is it in the modern sense?
Origin of the word
The Explanatory Dictionary defines the word "right hand" as archaic, a stylistically marked word (that is, its use is permissible only with a certain style). The word comes from the Old Slavonic "desno", which means "right".

In ancient texts and annals we meet the words "oshayu" (on the left) and "right hand" (on the right). Prince Vladimir is credited with the words that he said when he looked at the pictures of the Last Judgment, where sinners were sent to the left to hell, and to the right to heaven.
Good for those who willright hand: woe to those who are on my left side.
We meet this description in the old Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years".
Church Slavonic meaning
The word "right hand" is used in church texts, found in the Bible and prayers. The dictionary of the Church Slavonic language defines the right hand not only as the right hand. The right hand is a synonym for such concepts as patronage, strength, power. A false oath is called "the right hand of unrighteousness." To accept the conditions of peace, to make peace means the expression "give and take the right hand." To swear by the right hand means to raise your hand to heaven, calling on the Lord to witness.
Sitting someone on the right hand was considered great respect.
What is the "right hand" - in the religious sense?
From now on, the Son of Man will sit at the right hand of the power of God
says in the Gospel of Luke.

The question naturally arises: "How can a force have a right side?". Was there a light (right) side and a dark (left) side of the force before Star Wars?
Since the word "right hand" also means power, "punishing right hand" means the power and right of power to punish sins. There is a stable expression "punishing right hand of justice". This means inevitability, the inevitability of punishment for criminals and lawbreakers.
Image in art
We meet this word in the works of Russian writers and poets. We seeit from Pushkin in the poem "Prophet", from Leskov, from Bryusov, from Konstantin Simonov.
On the frescoes, icons and paintings depicting the Baptism of the Lord, John the Baptist certainly blesses Jesus with his right hand, right hand. In ancient Russian images, the right hand is in the images of the Annunciation, the Adoration of the Magi, Cain and Abel. She is present as if in heaven. The hand is a symbol of divine, creative power, which a mortal can only see in the form of a hand.
Auguste Rodin for the composition "The Gates of Hell" created the sculpture "Hand of the Creator" in 1898

In the series "Game of Thrones", based on the book by George Martin "A Song of Ice and Fire", in the world of the seven kingdoms there is a position - the Hand. Of course, in the original, the word "hand" is simply used, but the translation is very successful. Hand - what is it? The right hand of the king, the main assistant and adviser. There can be no other interpretation in this case.

Holy relics
Christians are sensitive to the relics of the saints and the righteous. Millions of believers come to bow to the Hands of John the Baptist, George the Victorious, Dmitry of Thessalonica, St. Panteleimon and many others. They are prescribed magical properties, it is believed that they protect and protect. The acquisition of each shrine has its own dramatic story. The right hand of John the Baptist is kept in Montenegro, in the city of Cetinje, in the Bogoroditsky Monastery. During the visit of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, DesnitsaJohn the Baptist was revealed to the world in 1993

In 2006, this shrine was brought to Russia and was put up for worship in 10 cities.
The ark with the right hand of George the Victorious was brought to Russia in 2015 from the Athos Monastery. Believers prayed to the heavenly patron of warriors and a symbol of devotion to duty.
Hand - what is it? Just a right hand or a manifestation of the Divine Presence?