A person's life is 1/3 of sleep, the rest of the time the body is awake. At this time, the greatest activity occurs, as a rule, it falls on the morning hours. Toward evening, the wakefulness mode slowly fades away, the body begins to prepare for sleep.
Definition of concept
It is worth opening one of the many electronic books on psychology, and you can read the definition of the concept. Wakefulness is a mode of high activity of the brain, in which there is an interaction with the environment. This is a state of excitation of the somatic nervous system. In other words, a person performs all his actions while in the waking mode.

Meaning for life
Wakefulness is also called the daily routine, during this period a person is able to consciously control his thoughts, desires, behavior. In simpler terms, wakefulness is the ability to consciously control our own body, which we lose when we are in "sleep mode".
ImagineWhat would happen if people slept all the time? Firstly, sleep without awakening, known to us as lethargic, is a pathology that leads to irreversible consequences in the human body. And who would work, go shopping, relax and enjoy life? There would not be a full-fledged world, as we are used to seeing it. And we would be considered almost dead already in life, incapable of any action.
How much sleep and wake time do you need?
There are certain norms of sleep and wakefulness. We noted above that a person is in a state of night rest for about 1/3 of his life. If you transfer to the daily mode, you get the following:
- A day consists of 24 hours, 8-10 of which people sleep. This is ideal, because the current inhabitants of the earth sleep less than the stated dates.
- If you subtract the maximum sleep (10 hours) from 24 hours, then the resulting balance will be the time allotted for activity.
Scientists have long deduced the necessary norms of wakefulness, according to their statements, a person should be in the activity phase from 14 to 16 hours.

How is your sleep?
Following the recommendations of scientists is very good, first of all for the human body. If you sleep for 8-10 hours a day, then the state and well-being change, mood improves, productivity increases. There's more good news for women: a good night's sleep affects skin color, making it a soft pink, like a baby's.
But how often do modern people get enough sleep? Hardly,after all, wakefulness is their main state, and only a few hours are allotted for sleep. Well, if we are talking about 7 hours, but they are much less, as a rule.

Such neglect of sleep is connected with the frantic rhythm of the current life, a day is not enough to redo everything. So you have to tear off precious hours from sleep. And others are simply obsessed with work, trying to get as much profit as possible. Such "workaholics" sit at computers for almost a day, draw up business plans, calculate possible profits. We exaggerate this, but, as you know, there is some truth in every joke.
And by the way, sleep and wakefulness are two processes vital for the normal functioning of the body. Deprive a person of activity - and physiological processes will gradually begin to f alter, destroying the body. And if the body is constantly awake, then such a person risks being in a psychiatric hospital. It is no coincidence that the most terrible torture at all times was considered sleep deprivation. After 10 days of his absence, either death occurred, or the guilty person turned into a weak-willed zombie.

What is sleep for?
The main meaning of sleep for the human body looks like this:
- Simply necessary for brain cells, helps to restore their performance, energy accumulation, absorption of nutrients.
- Helps protect the body from overwork.
- Gives rest to the body, upon awakening a person feelsfeeling cheerful, full of energy.
What causes lack of sleep?
Wakefulness is good, but not when a person is deprived of a full opportunity to rest. Above, we talked about what happens to the body if a person is forced to sacrifice sleep, but briefly and a little confusingly. Now let's break down the consequences of sleepless nights:
- If a person loses sleep for a day, then the next day he is irritable, inattentive, hardly controls himself.
After having to stay awake for two or three nights in a row, incoherent speech is ensured, for a person is not able to accurately formulate his thoughts. Sometimes such a long insomnia is accompanied by the appearance of a nervous tic, a complete lack of concentration and blackouts in the eyes.
- When the absence of sleep is longer - 4-5 days - the appearance of hallucinations is not excluded.
- With a week of wakefulness, there is a sharp decrease in the work of the immune system, a person is able to catch the most insignificant disease. Hand tremor begins, the ability to think is completely lost, which makes one compare the state of a person with a paranoid patient.
The lack of rest for more than a week leads to a complete shutdown of thought processes, a decrease in will and a reduction in the desire for life. A person is already in a state of indifference to everything, he does not need anything, just to be given sleep.
visual hallucinations
Compliance with the daily routine
Wakefulness is a daily routine thatrecommended to observe from childhood. But at a tender age, parents are responsible for us, they control our day. And when we grow up, the daily routine becomes so dense that there really is no time for rest. And others, on the contrary, constantly rest, being in a state of bliss and half sleep.
Both options are bad, you need to schedule your day so that there is enough time for everything, whether it be sleep or wakefulness. By the way, successful people always plan the day and manage to do everything they have planned. At the same time, they try to get enough sleep, because they understand the importance of sleep.
The best time to go to bed is from 21:00 to 23:00. If a person is forced to go to bed later, he takes several hours from himself, because one hour of rest in the stated period is equated to two. Worst of all is owls, who go to bed at two or three in the morning, and wake up closer to noon at best. And the most productive are larks, jumping up with the first rays of the sun. It has been proven that the morning hours are the best for solving complex problems. The person has rested, now he is able to proceed with the planned implementation.

Wakefulness in psychology is a period necessary for our full life, as well as sleep. That is why both phases should not be neglected, as mentioned above, such connivance can lead to serious he alth problems.
A small recommendation to readers: start a diary, plan your day. The most difficultSolve questions in the morning, leave easy tasks for the afternoon. You will see how comfortable it is to live by following the regime.