The origin of power: the theory of origin, structure, methods of functioning

The origin of power: the theory of origin, structure, methods of functioning
The origin of power: the theory of origin, structure, methods of functioning

Questions about the origin of power have been worrying historians, political scientists and philosophers for many hundreds of years. When and under what conditions did the hierarchy arise? What is the reason for the need to subjugate people to each other?

Genetic features

The desire to dominate can be clearly seen in primates. It is biology that can give the simplest explanation for the dominance of one individual over the rest. This is established by scientific experiments and numerous observations of animals living in groups.

Primate Society
Primate Society

The hierarchy is built on the desire to have the best - a female or food. The suppression of the weak in animals is based on the manifestation of strength. Is it so different from the attitudes of a civilized society?

Origin in the primitive order

The need for a "leader" was due to the herd way of life. Fear, the instinctive need for food, protection and the creation of conditions for survival singled out the most powerful representatives of the tribe. The authority and ability to tough coercion endowed the primitive leader with elementary managerial functions. This made it possiblecontrol the continuation of their kind and get the best food.

In ancient Greece, even in mythology, power was based on strength and suppression of the weak. For example, the god Uranus constantly returned his children to the earth, fearing to die at their hands - as he was predicted. His place was taken by Kronos, who ate his children so that they would not take away his power.

Divine Power
Divine Power

The term "power" is applicable to a society in which consciousness existed. The tribal community is the original cell of society, whose members had the same right to joint property. Clans united in tribes and unions. So there was a need for public administration in the absence of the state.

Deciphering the term

There are about 300 definitions of power, but there is no generally accepted interpretation in modern science. First of all, it is the volitional influence of one person on another. In addition, it is the ability of a subject or group to influence the behavior of people, regardless of their desire.

It has been established that the nature of power is social, since it originates and develops only in society. Its absence means chaos, anarchy and decline for humanity.

Uniting for a Purpose
Uniting for a Purpose

Any kind of submission implies inequality in various ways. Superiority makes it possible to use one's position to harm, to abuse it.

Power Concepts

The most common theories of the origin of power include:

  1. Institutional - arose as a result of stateformations and the need to form governing bodies.
  2. Theological - given by God. The divine origin of power is based on the theory of St. Augustine, who explains its origin as a gift, because people are weak and sinful, they are not able to maintain social order.
  3. Systemic - considers hierarchical relations as a tool that streamlines the interaction of society.
  4. Role-playing - determined by self-realization to establish control over subjects.
  5. Market - competition for material and spiritual goods.
  6. Exchange - Possession of a rare item gives you the ability to control.
  7. Psychological and power. These theories explain despotism as a means to survive by forcing the weak into submission. The origins of the theory were put by Freud, it received the greatest distribution in the middle of the last century.
Church influence
Church influence

The legal concept of power stands out separately. Its founders were the great thinkers Rousseau, Kant, Spinoza. Their theory is based on the fact that the primary institution is law, and power and politics are derived from it. In its pure form, theories of origin do not occur, they complement each other.

Components of dominance

The origin of power in society is a natural outcome of evolution. There are three main components of power:

  • The subject is the bearer of power behavior, it can be either an individual or a group of people.
  • An object is one who obeys, builds his behavior, depending oncontent and direction of power influence.
  • Source - strength, prestige, law, material and social guarantees.
The power of knowledge
The power of knowledge

Power based on fear leads to rebellion and insubordination. Its result is civil wars and uprisings. Due to this, it gradually weakens. The most stable system is based on mutual interest. This is facilitated by the power of persuasion and authority.

Main Resources

Resources occupy a special place in the formation of power. These are the sources used to provide influence. Resources are distributed unevenly, so the possession of them gives advantages to some individuals. They can be used for encouragement, punishment, persuasion. Depending on the areas of activity, they are classified into:

  • Economic - material goods necessary to ensure a certain standard of living (money, food, minerals).
  • Social - aimed at raising the status and are a consequence of economic (the level of medical care, education, position).
  • Information-developing - knowledge and intelligence, their availability to the general public (Internet, electronic technologies, libraries, institutions).
  • Demographic - a he althy population, intellectually developed, natural increase and no large age difference.
  • Political - a well-coordinated mechanism of government. It is based on a developed political culture, parties and apparatus.
  • Power - work strictly in the legal field (police,judiciary, army).
Power of persuasion
Power of persuasion

The result is only the complex use of resources, but the most universal unit, without which the origin of power and the state is impossible, is a person.

Typology of power

There are different kinds of power. It can be divided according to the sphere of influence into collective and individual. Political scientists in a global sense distinguish between non-political and political. The origin of power, depending on the form of society, can be democratic, legitimate and opposite in meaning and content, that is, illegal.

Among the first type, family power stands out, which includes relations between spouses, children and parents. This type of submission is the most ancient.

Depending on the historical development of society, slaveholding, feudal, bourgeois, socialist power can be distinguished.

Method of public administration

Political power, translated from Greek, is the art of governance, the ability to implement certain views and, with the help of influence, achieve established goals. Tasks can be state and national.

Political power has its own special features. It applies to all residents of the entire state. The group of leaders acts exclusively in the legal field and represents the people. Another feature is the ability to delegate authority up and down the job ladder.

General Choice
General Choice

Political scientists share herto the legislative, executive and judicial. This severely limits its impact. According to the sphere of influence, central, regional and local authorities are distinguished. Also, one of the criteria is the number of subjects exercising leadership - monarchical or republican power.

The main functions and tasks of political administration are: organizing the life of society within the framework of the law, the interaction of the population with the authorities, control and maintenance of order.

State power stems from the political, which is broader in meaning and covers more areas of human relations. She is public and sovereign.

However, some political scientists distinguish political power from the state. They believe that state power can only be realized if the party wins the elections. However, in developed countries, management can be concentrated in the hands of several structures.
