Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a famous Russian poet. Thanks to him, the world knows such classic works as "A Hero of Our Time" and many poems. In a short twenty-seven-year life, many different changes took place in the fate of the poet. This can be explained both by a combination of circumstances and by the romantic adventurous nature of this person. In the life of Lermontov was the Caucasus, which influenced him and his work most significantly.

The writer found himself in the Caucasian regions thanks to links. There were only two of them, but the reasons were different. Let us consider below in the article why Mikhail Yuryevich was exiled and when, what are the most important events that influenced his work.
The first link to the Caucasus
Lermontov in 1837 expected a reversal of fate. After the death of A. S. Pushkin, he wrote the poem "The Death of a Poet", in which he furiously accused the authorities of what had happened. This poem brought fame to the young poet, they began to know about him in many circles of society. But the then ruling Emperor Nicholas I decided to send the writer to the Caucasus, where hostilities took place in those years.

As you know, Lermontov was in exile for only a few months. This can be explained by the efforts of the poet's grandmother, who rescued him. But during this time he still managed to gain impressions, bring something new to his old literary ideas. It is also known that in 1837 Mikhail studied the Azerbaijani language.
In those very few months of exile in 1837, Lermontov became as much imbued with the life of the peoples of the Caucasus as possible. He dressed in the Circassian style, carried weapons like them, slept on almost bare ground with his brothers in battle.

Influence on creativity
Despite the short time, Lermontov's first link to the Caucasus turned out to be very impressive for him. He also admired nature, mountains, rivers. Lermontov during this period wrote many of his poems dedicated to the beauty of these places.
After the first link, the writer finally finished the world-famous works "Demon" and "Mtsyri". In addition, we can say that the first link left a lot of good memories. It did not last long, but during this time the author of the famous lines managed to visit many places in the Caucasus.

Reason for the second link
At one of the balls held in the house of a noble woman, on February 16, 1840, the Frenchman Barant challenged Lermontov to a duel. The reason for the quarrel between these two people is unknown, but there is some speculation. Baranta, perhaps someone showedan insulting verse that was written by Lermontov a long time ago and about another person. But the Frenchman took it personally. It is also likely that they were simply accidental victims of the love affairs of the ladies present at this ball. Barant probably heard unflattering things about himself from the writer in women's society.
Duels in those days, as you know, were prohibited. At the battle itself (February 18, two days after the quarrel), both opponents fought first with swords. Barant managed to scratch Lermontov, whose blade later broke. So we switched to pistols. The ambassador's son missed, and the opponent decided to shoot to the side. So they ended the duel and just parted ways.
After some time, higher people found out about the duel. In April 1840, the court decided to send the writer into exile in the Caucasus. It is known that this was influenced by the decision of Emperor Nicholas I. He also decided to attach Lermontov to the Tengin Infantry Regiment and he himself ordered to always use him in battles.
Barant himself was not prosecuted for participating in the duel. This is explained by the fact that he was the son of the French ambassador, so he easily bypassed the fate of Lermontov himself, against whom he gave false information that he was aiming not at the air, but at him. The writer himself denied this and spoke only the truth, but still it did not help him.
The true version of the duel put Barant in a bad light, so he, thanks to his connections and kinship, did his best to prove his truth. And unfortunately, Nicholas I even after writing the poem “Deathpoet”Michael, because of whom he was sent to the first exile, treated the poet hostilely. That is why everything turned against the writer, who had to go to the places of military operations again.
Battle on the Valerik River
Mikhail Yurievich became famous not only as a writer and artist, but also as a valiant fighter. 40 kilometers from the Grozny fortress (now it is the city of Grozny - the capital of the Chechen Republic) on July 11, 1840, during Lermontov's second exile to the Caucasus, the well-known battle took place on the Valerik River. In the official papers of those years, he is described as a courageous soldier, firmly and boldly fulfilling his duties.
The writer in those days wrote the poem "Valerik", in which he does not say a word about his merits. He also painted a picture.

Courage at the time of Lermontov's second exile to the Caucasus
Towards the end of the summer of 1840, the poet joined the cavalry of Galafeev's detachment. This can be considered another significant event during Lermontov's exile to the Caucasus in 1840.
Since August, there have been many battles with the Highlanders. And during one of these battles on October 10, 1840, R. I. Dorokhov was wounded, who led a team of Cossacks, demoted officers and other volunteers. Without thinking twice, he handed over control to Lermontov as a worthy, cold-blooded and brave person.
Thanks to Mikhail Yuryevich's courage and honor on the battlefields, they wanted to transfer him to the guard more than once and present awards, but it was all to no avail. He did not receive any awardreceived because he was in bad standing with Nicholas I. The memory of his exploits has come down to us through numerous letters.

Death Duel
In January 1841, the writer was going to get a vacation ticket for two months to go to St. Petersburg and deal only with literature. But the grandmother, who always greatly influenced Mikhail's life, was against such hobbies of her grandson. She saw him as a soldier. Therefore, Lermontov went back to the Caucasus. He traveled, stopping in some cities, until he got to Pyatigorsk, where he rented a modest apartment. And it was the subsequent turn of events that turned out to be decisive for the young talented person.
In Pyatigorsk, Lermontov and Nikolai Martynov had a big quarrel. They already knew each other: they studied together at the school of guards ensigns. And then several times intersected in life. Nikolai Martynov, as many people said about him, was handsome. Now he was a retired major. Lermontov, on the other hand, allowed himself taunts and rude mocking jokes addressed to him. And then the retired major lost his nerve, and he challenged the writer to a duel, which took place on July 15, 1841.
Martynov himself confessed in his testimony that he could not stand Lermontov's chicanery to his every word and his ridicule. And indeed: the writer treated only some with respect, but with others - arrogantly, as A. I. Vasilchikov, who was a second in the fatal duel.
According to the main version, Lermontov fired into the air on the battlefield. And Martynov aimed directly at the enemy, and killedhis. The writer at that time was only 26 years old. He was buried on July 17 at the Pyatigorsk cemetery, where many of Mikhail's acquaintances and friends came.
The influence of the second link on creativity
In 1840, the novel A Hero of Our Time was published. The writer already had certain sketches, prototypes and ideas in his head even before the references. Then he wrote separate chapters, and after all the book became one holistic work. Since Lermontov was an officer in the Russian army and fought in the Caucasus, the writer transferred a lot of life and personal experience to his creation.

For example, the author described very clearly the features of the life of Caucasians, their culture and traditions, as well as nature. In the chapter "Bela" he fully describes the life of the Chechens. It is thanks to this detailed narrative that the novel is for the most part realist.
Few people know, but the writer is known not only for his literary works, he was also engaged in artistic creativity. He painted in pencil, oil, watercolor. The Caucasus played a big role in Lermontov's life. Among his works there are a lot of those that were written during the time of exile or in memory of them (for example, "Remembrance of the Caucasus"). The Caucasian regions are clearly visible in the landscapes: mountains, forests, fields. Lermontov also painted people.

The Caucasus had a great influence on the fate and work of Lermontov. Both links to those parts were very fateful, but they are verydiffered greatly from each other. The first was very favorable for the writer in terms of his work, but the second turned out to be, one might say, decisive for life.
The reasons for Lermontov's links to the Caucasus were also different. In 1837, Mikhail was exiled after he wrote the poem "On the Death of a Poet", where he blamed the authorities. And in 1840 he was sent back into exile because of a duel with Barant, after which everything turned against the writer.
But one thing can be said for sure: if it weren’t for the Caucasus, we wouldn’t have the pleasure of reading such great works as “A Hero of Our Time” and many poems, in their final form - with vivid colorful descriptions of the life of the Caucasian peoples and nature those edges. As well as many colorful living landscapes. The Caucasus in Lermontov's life is one of the few places that really inspired the great writer, was his "muse" and outlet.