Education abroad has always been of particular interest to Russian students. This article discusses the issue of higher education institutions in Spain, the education system of this country, and also provides some historical facts that a person who decides to visit this state needs to know.

The emergence of the first universities
The Spanish national education system began to take shape immediately after this state gained independence. That is, already in the Middle Ages, the first universities appeared here. Basically, they were not much different from educational institutions of a similar type in other European countries.
The diploma, which was issued at the end of the course, testified to the person's philosophical education. But this did not necessarily mean that the student specialized in this particular discipline. In those days, the word "philosophy" was used in a generalized sense. Almost all areas of knowledge were called that way. Usually students of higher educational institutions in Spain received the speci alty of a navigator, merchant ormilitary.
Primary and secondary education in Spain
Today, in the homeland of bullfighting, there are both public and private educational institutions. There is also a third type, where co-financing is carried out. This type is, as a rule, only secondary schools. Co-funding means that part of the funds for the education of children comes from the state budget, and the rest of the money is allocated by the Catholic Church. But one should not be afraid of the fact that religion interferes in the affairs of education. Education in these schools is purely secular.
Features of learning
The education system in Spain strongly resembles the Russian scheme. As in our country, primary and secondary link is mandatory for a person.

In the same way, the stages of training are divided according to age categories. The child goes to school, as a rule, at the age of 7, and upon reaching twelve, he moves to the secondary level. The two senior classes are not obligatory for the student. During the last years of education, the child is preparing for admission to the university.
Opportunities for foreigners
Education in Spain for Russian schoolchildren is hampered by the fact that registration in any city of the country is required for admission to this educational institution. Also, those wishing to undertake a trip for educational purposes need to join the appropriate program. In addition, a child entering school is required to pass 3 exams: for knowledge of the Spanish language, general subject testing, andalso answer a few interview questions.
Language barrier
As for the need for a preliminary study of Spanish, it is necessary only in order to pass the above-mentioned test. You can visit an institution where all subjects, with the exception of a few, are conducted in English. Thus, higher, secondary and primary education can be carried out in the state language or one of the many dialects. It is also possible to take the course in English. Typically, schools in the latter category are funded by the UK government.
No registration required for students
For international students of higher education, the following rules apply. They do not have to be registered in any Spanish city, as schoolchildren are supposed to. But young people have such a right, provided they live in a host family.
Preschool education in Spain
In the country where the flamenco dance originated, there has been a system of educational institutions for many decades that educates children from six months to six years of age. Usually, a certain scheme is used to divide the guys into groups. Boys and girls up to 3 years old are included in the younger kindergarten age, and pupils from 3 to 6 in the older group. Along with state institutions, there are a huge number of private institutions. Teaching and education in kindergartens can be carried out in Spanish, French, Italian or English.
Visiting such establishments is notcompulsory. Therefore, the upbringing of a child up to 6 years old can be left to the parents themselves. There are many supporters and opponents of a preschooler going to kindergarten. The former usually defend themselves by arguing that it is easier for children to master Spanish and other languages, as well as other subjects, if the training is conducted by specialists.
For those wishing to enter a university
The Spanish education system provides for special schools where in-depth study of the state language for foreign students. Such establishments are usually commercial. In addition to linguistic courses, the program may contain in-depth classes in physical education, the humanities, and so on.
There are also many courses conducted by various educational centers, during which Spanish is taught to Russian schoolchildren during the holidays. As a rule, such trips also include excursions and lectures on the culture and history of the country.
Budget option
For those who do not have the opportunity to spend large amounts on education in Spain, there is an opportunity to learn the language of this country almost for free. To do this, you need to become a member of one of the programs for the recruitment of volunteers. People who agree to work for free can live in so-called host families. This provides a great opportunity to practice speaking Spanish as well as being fully immersed in a foreign conversational environment.
As a rule, except for family members,in whose house a volunteer lives, several people are attached to him, who conduct excursions to various museums, exhibitions, theaters, and so on, show numerous sights. Such people are called buddies.
About higher education
In the country of this article, there are two types of educational institutions that can be entered after graduation. Graduates have the right to choose either an institute or a university as a continuation of their studies. It should be noted that higher education in Spain is carried out only by institutions of the latter type. Institutions are usually called institutions, like our colleges or technical schools. That is, a diploma obtained at the end of a training course in such institutions indicates that a person has not higher, but secondary vocational education.
Respect for learning
Most Spaniards have secondary vocational education. Such a diploma allows them to fully carry out successful work. Studying at universities is considered something extremely difficult. Therefore, most Spaniards are extremely respectful of university students. Needless to say, a person who has a certificate of graduation from such an institution can easily find a decent job in any city in this country.
Almost like in Russia
The education system in Spain is not much different from the Russian one. This is due to the fact that the educational institutions of this country are guided by common European rules and agreements.

The period of study at the university usually consists of three parts. The first one is preliminary. During the course of the program, preparation for the main course of the educational institution is carried out. This stage lasts about 2 years. After it, the student proceeds to the development of the undergraduate course. This program also has a duration of 2-3 academic years. A bachelor's degree allows a person to make the transition to the next link in the program - a master's degree. However, this level of education is not mandatory. Master students also take exams and defend their diploma after 2 years of study.
Postgraduate and business courses
A person who has received a master's degree has the opportunity to pass the entrance exams to graduate school. While studying at this stage of education in Spain, preparations are being made for the defense of a dissertation. After completing the course, a person defends a paper for the scientific degree of a doctor. Also, after graduating from a master's program, some universities carry out specialized programs that prepare them for doing business at various levels. However, such courses do not exist in every university, but only in educational institutions of large cities and in the capital of the state.
Financial matter
It is also worth mentioning that in Spanish universities there is only a paid form of education. However, this state of affairs is an indisputable advantage for foreign students. Thanks to this, in this country there is no harassment of students fromother states.
The teaching profession has always enjoyed great popularity and respect among the Spanish population. Over the past 100 years, the incomes of teachers in schools and higher education institutions have been maintained at a fairly high level. The salaries of teachers in this country were practically equal to those of the same specialists from England and the United States of America.
However, in recent years, due to the outbreak of the global financial crisis, the Spanish government had to decide to reduce education benefits. This led to a number of protests, as well as to the fact that teachers were forced to earn extra money by tutoring and writing graduation, coursework and control tasks. Which, no doubt, did not have the best effect on the quality of education in the country.
History of Spanish statehood
The story about the educational institutions of the country will not be complete if you do not provide a number of information about significant periods in the development of this European power.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that education in Spain became possible to carry out in full, that is, in the national language and according to the traditions of the people, only in the late Middle Ages. This is explained by the fact that this territory was under the yoke of Arab invaders for many centuries. Therefore, one can speak about the history of the formation of Spain only by considering the period when this land was liberated from foreign invasions.
Historical periods
Education of Spain as a statepreceded by numerous periods of history. So, the first settlements in this territory arose several thousand years before the birth of Christ. Then on the Iberian Peninsula lived a people who had the name Iberians. These ancient Spaniards learned how to mine and process iron quite early.
From the sale of products from this metal, the state treasury was mainly replenished. On the eve of the New Era, the territory was captured by the Byzantines, to whom the ancient Iberians began to pay tribute. After that, the Spaniards underwent another conquest campaign. This time their country became part of the Great Roman Empire. Madrid and the future Andalusia became the second most important centers of a great power after Italy itself.
Invasion of the Moors
In the 7th-8th centuries, the territory, as a result of several wars of conquest, came under the rule of the Visigoths. However, these tribes were not destined to rule in Spain for long. Soon, the Byzantines again began to claim these fertile lands, rich in extensive vegetation. To fight them, the Visigoths called their allies from the Arab Caliphate.

The Moors who came to the Iberian Peninsula, almost completely captured it and made it part of a huge empire.
In 6th grade "Education of Spain" is one of the topics studied in history lessons. The content of this question will be briefly disclosed below.
The Moors who came to the Iberian Peninsula made a significant contribution to the formation of a kind of original cultureSpanish people. In particular, the musical genre and type of dance art of flamenco arose on the basis of Arabic melody. Philologists speak of a significant proportion of borrowed Oriental words and expressions used in modern Spanish. Immediately after the conquest, the Reconquista movement began. The formation of Spain and Portugal took place after 7 centuries in the course of numerous successful military campaigns carried out in the process of reconquering the territories.
In the end, the peninsula was completely liberated from the rule of the Arabs. 1479 is considered the year of the formation of Spain. This event is associated with the name of the great navigator Christopher Columbus. Spain's founding date is 12 October. This day coincides with the discovery of America. It was chosen as a national holiday for the Spaniards for the reason that during the successful journey of the great navigator, a vast territory was annexed to the Spanish Empire.

The state in that era experienced an unprecedented economic boom.
Spain is a great world power, formed under the influence of numerous historical processes. Works created by local artists, musicians, poets, have aroused and continue to arouse the interest of lovers of beauty from all over the globe.

The language of the country can also be seen as an amazing phenomenon. Since he was influenced not only by the local culture, but was also influenced by the numerous peoples who inhabited thisterritory at different times.
Higher education in Spain, as well as studies at other levels, is very popular due to the quality of teaching and the rich culture in which the student is immersed. Therefore, those wishing to receive a diploma from a foreign university should consider Spanish institutions among other options.