Is swearing a way of self-expression or a defense mechanism?

Is swearing a way of self-expression or a defense mechanism?
Is swearing a way of self-expression or a defense mechanism?

Sometimes, getting into a stressful situation, a person, losing an intelligent upbringing, becomes more psychologically vulnerable, and he is not at all averse to using a strong word. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider what foul language is.

foul language
foul language

History of occurrence

Of course, "bad" words do not appear from scratch. Linguists have found almost twenty useful features of obscene language. So, thanks to scolding, people can cheer each other up. For example, a simple situation… And a hammer falls on the leg… If a person starts describing his feelings, then this incident will spoil his mood for the whole day, and if you swear well, then relief will come in a few minutes. For the use of profanity at different times, people were punished, shamed, and now they can even be fined. Mat was part of pagan culture. For example, Serbian peasants threw an ax into the air and uttered swear words to make it rain. When Christianity came to Russia, the church began an active struggle against abuse. Scolding is once harmless and decent words. For example, the word "dick"meant a letter in the pre-revolutionary alphabet, and the word "fuck" meant "cross out".

Foul language

Swearing is a kind of polygon, each of the sides represents different aspects of society. Depending on the situation and the cultural and social level of a person, swearing or swearing can be used to demonstrate aggression, relieve stress, or assert a dominant position. It can also be used to enhance the significance of their speech.

scold it
scold it

What could be the reasons

Swearing is always a direct indicator of a person's psychological discomfort. After all, speech is a reflection of thinking. Firstly, the use of obscene words is a poor vocabulary and an indicator of a person's intellectual wretchedness. Secondly, swearing is often used by teenagers. But it is at this age that due to puberty and hormonal changes in the body, self-doubt is observed, and a feeling of anxiety arises. And paradoxically, the use of swear words calms them down.

But there are also positive effects of swearing on people's well-being. Studies were carried out in the men's trauma department, in the wards, where mats sounded from morning to night, the bones grew together faster. This is due to the fact that the process of abuse is the production of endorphins, which have an analgesic effect, and male sex hormones, androgens, due to which the recovery process proceeded faster. I would like to note that swear words have a negative effect on the female body. If a woman is inin an environment where swearing is constantly heard, this leads to the fact that hair begins to grow on her body in unwanted places and her voice “breaks”. Similar processes occur with a woman when she herself is a source of obscene language.
