Can life be carefree or is it possible only in the song of the cartoon "The Lion King"? What is a carefree life like? Why is the motive of the song "Hakuna matata" so close to children? How to get into Hakuna Matata? Read the article to the end, and perhaps you will be able to touch this euphoria, and you will understand that it is always there.
"Hakuna matata": what does it mean in translation
The literal translation will sound like a carefree life, the same one that was shown in the cartoon "The Lion King" using the characters of Timon and Pumbaa as an example. Probably, a fragment of the soundtrack of this cartoon flashed through everyone’s head right now - sing the song to yourself or out loud, if you are not shy, just to smile!
But this melody conveys a feeling of some kind of primitive freedom, which we no longer feel due to our dependence on the regime, work, duties, money and many other things that fetter it.
Kings of carefree life

Children are another matter, what are their worries?Getting to know the world, to be naughty and have time to cover up the traces until the parents notice. Come up with friends, enemies, a bunch of obstacles, overcome and rejoice about your heroism, proudly tell your parents about it and reap the laurels of victory! And what does it mean - hakuna matata! Here they are, the real owners of a carefree life.
Adult child

With the advent of children, childishness wakes up in adults. We often see a picture when an adult, accomplished person is lying on the grass, riding with his child, running after the ball and just fooling around. This means that the Hakuna Matata is always around! It's just that we don't realize that by accepting our child's play, we are joining a carefree life, if only for a short time, but it means that it exists in adulthood.
Hakuna matata - what is it in everyday life? This is the ability to enjoy trifles, to laugh at least once every 2 hours. Watch the movement of the stars in the sky, notice the buds on the trees or the autumn foliage under your feet. It turns out that hakuna matata is just a piece of our life, which you need to be able to see in everyday bustle and feel it, as children do!
How to train yourself to see the positive side, even despite the busy schedule, lack of sleep, crisis, both financial and age-related? There are several ways. What does that mean, hakuna matata? First, smile at yourself, love yourself, feel free to look stupid when you just want to smile at something. As practice shows, amongliberated people are more often optimists and just happy people who do not hammer themselves into certain limits.
Sing more, dance more, breathe fresh air, change scenery at least once a week, walking an extra block on the way home. Start and end the day with positive thoughts and emotions, remembering a funny situation from your childhood or a story that made you laugh to tears. Take a cue from children, who also know how to be serious, to speak with meaning about things that, in fact, have not been seen or understood yet, and at the same time remain mischievous and funny.

If you can do at least half of it, it means that the hakuna matata is a success!