There are two similar terms in common use. The first of them is “public relations”, and the second is “publicity”. What is their difference? You can learn about this from the proposed article.
We will consider the question of what is "publicity".
Meaning of terms
From the dictionaries about what "public relations" means and what it is - "publicity", you can find out the following.
The first term refers to public relations. Under them is understood the organization of public opinion, the purpose of which is the successful operation of the enterprise and the improvement of its reputation. It is carried out through the media.
This means skillfully building relationships between state and public structures on the one hand and citizens on the other, which is necessary for the interests of the whole society.
The meaning of the word "publicity" is also considered in two aspects:
- Stimulation of demand for goods, services that are impersonal. It is done through publications in the media or on stage and is not paid for by a specific sponsor.
- Publicity, popularity, fame,publicity.
Next, let's talk about the second term in detail.
In simple terms

For a company, publicity is the mention of a brand, for example, on television, on radio, on the Internet. The more such references, the more people learn about the enterprise, remember its name better and, as a result, purchase its products, whether goods or services. In simple terms, this is a large audience coverage with information about the company and its wide recognition.
Increase brand awareness with the help of special technologies that form a loyal audience - this increases the confidence of customers. As a result, what customers think and say about a particular brand becomes more important than the information that the brand itself communicates, and the described tool is more effective than advertising.
To understand what this is - "publicity", consider its impact on the opinion of the population.
Citizens' trust

On the one hand, selling without advertising is rather difficult. On the other hand, today its quantity exceeds all conceivable boundaries, people get tired of it and stop reacting, passing it past their ears. In addition, the methods of its submission often raise doubts about the objectivity of the information.
Articles on the work of the company, stories on the TV screen related to a particular brand come to the rescue. Here it is mentioned without advertising a specific product. Gradually the user startslisten to information that is less intrusive than advertising, learn more about the brand and its products, and often find a way to solve their problems.
Research conducted by US-headquartered global metering company Nielsen Holdings, providing data and marketing information, suggests the following:
- 70% of World Wide Web users trust information found on brand websites;
- 66% rely on other users' reviews;
- 63% trust television company information;
- 40% tend to rely on contextual advertising.
Thus a recognizable brand becomes more popular than just advertising products.
Influence on sales

According to marketers, a product promotion strategy should take into account certain methods and be subject to systematization. According to their methodology, it is necessary to take into account the psychology of the consumer.
Before a person is “ripe” to purchase a product, the following processes take place in his mind, which can be represented as four stages.
- Awareness of the need for a particular product.
- Search for possible solutions to the problem.
- Assessing the choices offered.
- Awareness of the need to purchase a particular product.
The process ends with the purchase.
At each of these stages, the client should be given hints, respond to emerginghe has questions. This is where the appeal to the studied remedy helps.
In conclusion of considering the question of what it is - "publicity", let's say about one of the ways to achieve recognition.
Media publications

This is one of the best ways to build brand awareness. It is very important to be the first. This means being the first creator of new technologies, fundamentally new products or unusual services. The media is always in need of hot news stories, and if a brand is able to create news, then it has a high chance of achieving a high level of publicity.
Today the leaders of the IT market are companies such as:
- "Microsoft";
- "Intel";
- "Dell";
- "Oracle";
- "Cisco";
- "SAP".
They always appear on the pages of well-known media with news and PR materials. Among them:
- "The Wall Street Journal";
- "Business Week";
- "Forbes";
- "Fortune".
These companies continue to do so to this day, producing hundreds of news every day, so even those who are not into computers must have heard it from the media.
Thus, publicity today is an effective tool for promoting goods and services on the market.